Reviews for The Kinky Challenge
Guest chapter 1 . 8/11
Only pathetic losers moan.
angela.rita chapter 1 . 7/31/2019
I advise you to inform yourself about the sins, because It is wrong to sin.
Moreover inform yourself about sins against the Holy Spirit, because they are not forgivable!
I'm sending you this message, because I think it's important to inform.
It's better write what it's true.
I will make a list to go straight to the point .

)Better don't put adjectives or words that don't represent you as nicknames.
)Don't write offensive words next to the word "God" and "Holy" because are blasphemous and offensive!
)Believing in the children of men is wrong.
)Do not joke about the devil, demons or esorcism.
)Don't write or say "what the hell","Who the heck", " go to hell", "freaking out", "crazy", "damn", "stupid", or words or phrases with similar meaning.
)Do not attribute to the devil actions that do not concern him!
)Attention on what or who you say you love.
)Attention to idolatry and perversion because are wrong !
)Do not wish "happy hallowen" to anyone and do not celebrate this "party".
Halloween its a satanic feast.
)Don't swear !
)Don't curse !
)Don't say in vain God The Father !
)Don't offend the Holy Trinity!
)Do not insult/spread hate or blame those who don't.
)Don't attribute yourself or to others sons of men adjectives or words that don't belong to you or to others sons of men (for example "Master of the masters", "Saint", " Holy" ,"God", "demons", "devil").
)Do not attribute to God Father actions that do not concern him!
)Attention to idolatry and perversion !
)Its wrong to kneel to the sons of men.
)Pay attention to how you use the word "man" and do not insult Man, because the First Man is God the Omnipotent Father!
)Don't spread false information.
)Its wrong the idolatry, so don't kneel on people or kiss the hand of a person.
)Don't give to people adjectives or words that don't represent them.
)Luck and misfortune do not exist.
)Don't bless in your name !
)Don't joke about the Bible !
)Attention on what you write or say.
)Attention for what you say thank and to who you say thank
)Don't pray the sons of men !
)Attention on what you wear !
)Tattoos hurt !
)Pagan holidays are wrong parties to celebrate.

I adivise you to search by Internet Boanerges blog, because a lot of informations in those blogs they helped me in a period down a little for me and because there is a lot of information that is not found in all blogs.
By committing sins you can do yourself much harm, and it is wrong !
Some of the information I wrote in this message I know, because I read it from some texts of the Boanerges's blogs.
NPGamer11 chapter 1 . 2/2/2018
Well, that was the best fanfiction I've ever read.
FenreldStormblade chapter 1 . 4/17/2017
Wow that was intense. Well done...
bestwritereverlolz chapter 1 . 6/9/2016
Needs a second part that would be awesom
SilentSniper05 chapter 1 . 5/2/2016
Dragon Eraborne chapter 1 . 4/18/2016
you need to make a next part with the pregency challenge one that would be nice along wiht more of your kinky shite
guest chapter 1 . 3/25/2016
its awesome but could you animate this
Mahesvara chapter 1 . 2/21/2016
Loved everyone second!
Poke'fan dan chapter 1 . 1/26/2016
OK by far easily one of the best fanfics i have ever read and i have read aloooooooooooot of fanfics but I would really like to see another chapter were Lucy joins in and it becomes a 4 way and then Ezra mirajane and Lucy all get pregnant then they have to tell everyone in fairytail about the news i think that would make a great fanfic and while your at it how about we have natzu fuck lisanna too hope to see some more of your work till then this has been Poke'fan dan
K chapter 1 . 12/19/2015
Nice one.. can try some more wild with this threesome combo
Sarcataclysmal chapter 1 . 11/4/2015
*Sigh* That last challenge... just wow.
Rukiamaster chapter 1 . 11/2/2015
If you got lemons make lemonade
317 chapter 1 . 7/31/2015
No comment...
Reaper495 chapter 1 . 5/12/2015
Haha amazing story. But they real winner here was Natsu Lolz. Would love to see that Who gets Pregnant first challenge happen though.
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