Reviews for Lean On Me
Hi chapter 1 . 7/17
Okay well um... I like this but... 5 year olds usually don't know swears or stuff about periods. Not to mention Lucy is playing a Stradivarius violin at 5.
04isbj13 chapter 1 . 10/23/2019
Young nalu takes the cake for snarkiest five-year-olds Ive ever seen. Their combacks is something i would only come up with after thinking about it for an hour. chapter 4 . 12/28/2018
You actually made me wonder, have you ever seen a kid before? You made them 2 year olds be like they're at least 8 years old. I wanted to give this a chance, but I can't take it seriously anymore, nothing makes any sense. I bet a toddler barely even knows what marriage actually means, how would they have any idea of the complicated feelings they cause for a child, they're way too young. I started laughing after reading you even made the poor kid 'go' to the courthouse, like, you can't be serious. Not even a 9 year-old is able to do that according to law, please do some research. FYI, if a child loses their mother at that young age, they most likely won't have memories of them, and the sorrow. Most people barely have any memories before the age of 3, and they're not very vivid as well. I'm aware this story didn't come out recently, but people need to be aware of this if they are involving children in their stories. If writing a character as young as 2 doesn't work out for you, make them older, or else it won't be realistic in any sense, and that'll make you seem very unprofessional. I'm sorry for this little outburst, but I've seen this problem soooo many times, I can't take it anymore, people, start learning how to write a child character already, 5-year-olds don't friggin flirt either, for god's sake...
Innocent.Toast chapter 6 . 11/22/2018
This chapter made me cry, really hard. Mainly because I've had this happen to me. I feel so bad for the Lucy that you've created in this story
Innocent.Toast chapter 5 . 11/22/2018
Why the flop does Natsu always think it's flopping indigestion? It's annoying that he's so dense
Innocent.Toast chapter 3 . 11/22/2018
The words "Saucey wink" made me burst out laughing and I accidentally might have yelled out in a weird voice, "SAUCEY!" Lmao, I'm a weirdo.
Innocent.Toast chapter 1 . 11/22/2018
This is adorable! My fan-girl senses are tingling!
Guest chapter 4 . 7/12/2018
In the first chapters, their little kids right, then whats with the phones, cursing and make-up, their kids!
X3IEX chapter 26 . 4/8/2018
The review on the previous one was supposed to be for this one, sorry.
X3IEX chapter 25 . 4/8/2018
Why was this so wonderful yet make me feel so trapped? And it was a mixed kind of trapped, like you're trapped in a gigantic room with a shit ton of food and stuff to entertain yourself with. You want it but don't.
X3IEX chapter 24 . 4/8/2018
Ohhh I see, I kinda understand your pain although it's most likely worse for you, and you don't HAVE to write, just do you, if you want to write as a release, do it, if you want to do it for fun, do it, do what makes you happy, also this was be-I'm extremely late, why do I still talk?
X3IEX chapter 16 . 4/7/2018
It's actually great, at first I didn't understand how it would work but this fanfic is awesome.
X3IEX chapter 12 . 4/7/2018
Please ignore all the previous reviews, I can't delete them and I hate them, it's nice being mostly anonymous though
X3IEX chapter 11 . 4/7/2018
Shit, I honestly don't know...why I'm talking first off, I said I wouldn't do it anymore but the first thing I was gonna say was actually idk what to think or feel, if I was natsu, during that incident where she ended up in the hospital I woulda just stopped tryna be friends with her, to try and mend the wounds like there were no scars but im me, will never be in a relationship and am not the author of this fanfic, also, I want nalu to happen and my way would've made things worse what with natsu falling into depression and being homeschooled regretting everything and wanting to die after losing your best friend, hell, id probably try and scar my face so that if she did end up seeing me, she wouldn't recognize me and get emotionally hurt...wait the hair, that's a dead giveaway, no wait, hats, hoodies, dye it a different color, BAM, this is why I don't write these stories, people get hurt emotionally and physically no matter what, and I'M STILL TALKING FOR SOME REASON, FUCK
X3IEX chapter 8 . 4/7/2018
I wanna kill so bad rn, I don't care if they're kids in this (technically?) flashback or that they're high school kids, I wanted to vomit too when...shit why am I talking again? I need to stop.
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