Reviews for Sins of the Father
EmonyDeborah chapter 5 . 3/30
I never expect to like Frex when you redeem him but somehow I always do. At least, I’m happy when he and Elphaba start to make up.
I think the Elphaba spirit was my favorite bc Frex was so scared of her and what she showed him. I’m mean.
EmonyDeborah chapter 4 . 3/30
he died alone and it knocked some sense into him at least
Also I loved that Nessa chose Elphaba
EmonyDeborah chapter 2 . 3/30
She’s a genius baby Frex
I despise him I hope the next spirit smacks him
EmonyDeborah chapter 1 . 3/30
Yes Melena drag him
“It’s more than you deserve.” Oof imagine your dead wife telling you you don’t deserve a second chance
Guest chapter 5 . 3/14
Amazing amazing amazing!
When Frex kept saying “that boy” I had major KOTLC memories, with Grady saying ‘that boy’ instead of Keefe
Loved it and it was beautiful (like Elphaba)
Fiction is the Truth chapter 1 . 7/27/2017
Oooh. This, I think, won't end well for Frex.
Fangirl17 chapter 5 . 6/26/2017
That was so nice! Yes! Yaass! I liked it...just so nice. Good job!
Exploding Pumpkinhead chapter 5 . 1/30/2016
I just want to say how much I loved this fic! At first I was like, "Oh, just great! It's another cheap ripoff of A Christmas Story!" But then I started reading, and I was like, "THIS IS AMAZIFYING!" I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! My favorite characters would would have been Melena, and of course, protective Fiyero! Keep up the good work! A Long Time Coming made me cry (more than once). FIYERABA FOREVER!
Brynn chapter 5 . 5/3/2015
Wow! This was great! Very well written and I was interested all of the way!
feathersnow chapter 5 . 4/2/2015
Never have I been so choked up in a father daughter relationship. I loved the funny dialogue- melena was hilarious despite beig dead. The past was so sad.. You had pulled my poor Elphaba :( I had totally felt for her...and Fiyero was so romantic as usual! Best Fiyereba short ever. The ending was great!

Though my perfect ending (which pulls my heartstrings when thinking about it) would be Frex giving Elphaba a gift- her first gift- her white bear from Melena, which Frex had flung aside when she was younger... That would be ..perfect and touching :'-) I made myself cry...

That was really nice you dedicated the last chapter to te Malaysian airlines. I'm from Malaysia, and it means a lot to me.

Ps. Isn't The ghost of present, Fiyero, suppose to snap his fingers, not click? :P

Thank you so much for writin this piece. I loved it!
BillyJay936 chapter 1 . 3/15/2015
Let all the fandom be one LIKES YOU FREX! He is LITERALLY the one character everybody has the hardest time reading OR writing...mostly cuz he's such an a-hole. So, I'm super surprised you managed to pull off a tale about Frex' s redemption. This fic was sooo great! I especially loved Spirit!Yero. Galinda as a third wheel, ha! Great use of Melena too!Great job!
Blu98 chapter 4 . 8/3/2014
So another great chapter. It's too late at night/early in the morning to pick through and point out specifics. One thing though, when you described only seeing England's lips under her hat, were you going for the musical poster, because that's what I saw. :D
Guest chapter 3 . 8/3/2014
So much I loved about this chapter, which was amazing as usual. I don't think I've ever read a bad chapter that you've written... Anyways, my favorite line was,"It happens in a moment, and I know because I am that moment." I really loved yero as a spirit! I know i dont review a lot, but I always run out of ways to say that this chapter was AMAZING! So even without a review, please know that I ALWAYS enjoy your stories! :)
And with your closing author's note, I am a HUGE Will and Grace fan! And I'm hoping the character is like Karen or jack, they're my favorites. :D
Guest chapter 5 . 7/20/2014
Well done. Your writing has really grown in the past few years I've been reading your work. :)
Ultimate Queen of Cliffies chapter 5 . 7/20/2014
It was such a horrible thing, the airplane crash... 193 of the passengers were Dutch and most of them are from the area I live in. I didn't know any of them personally, but it's such a horrible thing to happen... so many lives lost. It's sweet of you to dedicate this chapter to them.

As for the chapter, I really loved this. Maybe Elphaba's reaction, more than anything, made Frex see what he's been doing to her - like when she couldn't believe that he had actually travelled all the way to Shiz and left Munchkinland in the middle of the night for her.
I also love all the small protective gestures of Fiyero towards Elphaba. They are so adorable .

And as for Fangirl - funny thing you bring that up, because I bought the book a few months ago and saved it especially for my vacation to Portugal. I'll be leaving on Wednesday and I'm taking the book with me. Can't wait to read it! :)
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