Reviews for Harry Janus Potter - Dances with his Destiny
FraulCruz chapter 4 . 8/1
I'm disappointed that there would be no stargate program and we won't know about the other characters. Sigh...
Looki124 chapter 37 . 7/6
Because the power of an ascended is proportional to the number of people who pray or know it exist I want to see the reaction from the other ascended when harry and Hermione ascends and says sup to the people that created all the problem
WhiteEagle1985 chapter 37 . 7/4
A wonderful story here!
sayantan2201 chapter 1 . 6/1
Can you please update the pairing please. It was very difficult to find the story by searching it after I forgot the name after having not read it for a year.
KnowInsight chapter 37 . 5/26
Wow, that was an epic crossover! Thanks! I really enjoyed that.
Berto hanekom chapter 37 . 5/25
Write the part 2 of the story as you said you will a good way to go will be th AE first meet the citadel races of the mass effect universe and assimilate them because of the batarian hegemony and their cultural belief to take slaves and belief they are the superior race and destroying the reapers then a crossover with halo and after that a crossover with star trek and after that a crossover with X-com and for each of whose meetings Harry and hermione came to help them with each of those galaxy's assimilation into the AE those are just ideas that I personally think can make the fanfictions part 2 a legend and very good so I hope to what you will do with the few ideas I gave you and I hope to see a future part 2 to read with those ideas.
Amargi'sNodachi chapter 37 . 5/20
Lol, Luke and Leia got together
AvidReader2425 chapter 2 . 5/11
Thanks for an entertaining second chapter
AvidReader2425 chapter 1 . 5/11
Definitely a very enjoyable first chapter, and the dialogue was well done in the story
Spacemonkey777 chapter 37 . 5/11
Amazing story. Thank you for your hard work. I am going to go read more of your work.
SlyMonster chapter 7 . 5/8
They can't hide inflation, they are accountable, and they don't have that kind of power. This actually more than a hundred times SGC canon budget. Why the heck would you need that much money for xeno-archeology?
Clearly you don"t know a thing about the economy...

What ion propulsion non-sense or space shipyard? We are in the bloody 90s! From where does that technology come from?

That's enough for me.
SlyMonster chapter 6 . 5/8
One trillion ... That's more than 150% US total military budget...
SlyMonster chapter 4 . 5/8
Despite having several characters actually talking, reading your dialogues feel like reading a monologue
SlyMonster chapter 2 . 5/8
He should be only 10 years old by this point.
He should not age under stasis
kanukaianderson123 chapter 3 . 4/7
The conversations are weird. It's like the author doesn't know how to write conversations.
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