Reviews for Purgatory
Guest chapter 16 . 8/29
Please post part 2!
mlj chapter 16 . 8/5
Jokerlover13 chapter 16 . 8/4
I love Klaus and Caroline being cute so Caroline.
Best-of-Nerds-and-Spies chapter 16 . 8/2
Update! And back to back, you made me so happy :) I had actually planned to start reading the fic again this week, before you updated it- because I missed it so much! I am crossing my fingers for a Kol/Caroline centric chapter in the future. I am klaroline, but I really REALLY love how you have created Kol and Caroline's relationship, the bond they had to create to survive through purgatory. I really hope we get to see more of it in the future, or Kol's pov of what is happening to Caroline (I will take whatever crumbs I get!). Thank you so much for updating :) take care.
HanselGretel chapter 8 . 8/2
I'm curious to find out how long were they in Purgatory. Maybe a century or at least several decades ?
Linh L chapter 16 . 8/1
Your story, it's just the one of the best fanfic Klaroline i had seen. I love Caroline in here, love the reaction between Caroline and Klaus, Caroline and Kol. Hope i will see the season 2 of your story soon.
Ps: i really really love your fanfic
HanselGretel chapter 15 . 7/30
This chapter left me breathless ! I can't think straight right now and i'm still wondering how can i write this review just after reading this. Anyway let's get into it : klaus and caroline are playing a dangerous game or should i say war. Klaus is not loyal to caroline since she is not his first priority but he wants her, he wants everything from her (her body, her heart and her soul) it' s his child unfortunately. Sorry but no sorry can't stand this shit with hayley. And just for klaus's manipulation, i would so loved to see caroline win the war and break him because honestly he doesn't deserve her. And i can't even imagine what would happen once she finds out about the spawn ! What will she do ? Will she leave him as she should be and start anew why not with kol by her side ? Klaus and caroline have feelings for each other but it's not enough. She is not enough as it turns out. Klaus may be the love of her life, kol is her soulmate ! And she definitely will put him first !
HanselGretel chapter 16 . 7/30
The plot around caroline's character is thickening ! The way you wrote her is absolutely amazing, the layers you managed to build are astounding. Also i guess caroline is not really thinking that far ahead, at least not yet since purgatory. She's trying to live day by day and it's like Death and her are connected somehow. Like finn said she is a prodigy and i wonder what's the hidden meaning behind this word. As for kol i found their bond fascinating, they are family since they build up their relationship through blood, pain, loss and survival. Klaus is scared of that part because he can't understand it since he didn't live through this experience. As for the baby plot, i'm not buying it...sorry for that but i definitely can't stand hayley. Her whole character sends me off.
unsaaminah chapter 16 . 7/28
Guest chapter 16 . 7/28
This is complicated, given the clue we had I thing there is something else behind Caroline's lost of control. It's probably connected with her family. Maybe she was cursed ?
WonderlandDancer chapter 16 . 7/28
Omg this chapter was amazing! Can't wait to see what happens next
Impressed reader chapter 16 . 7/28
What I feel that is remarkable about this story is the obvious research you've made for your plots. And let me tell you that Caroline's seems to be incredible. While you have kept the basics of the show for the main characters like Klaus and Elijah since they are tied to the baby plot unfortunately for those you introduced in the story like Caroline that is giving you the chance to develop your own story you have done wonders. I am thankful you didn't choose the route the writers chose for Caroline in The Originals that felt anticlimactic to me despite how much I enjoy Klaroline.

Back to your research.
I feel that your chapter titles and the quotes you use at the beginning of each chapter are totally major clues for the story.
For this chapter you used one of my favorite quotes : Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
And I feel it is so suitable!
Klaus is definitely a manipulative devil in the story. He is brilliant and an amoral character. If Hope wasn't at play he'd be far different towards Caroline but as things are I can see how his priorities are creating this dynamic in his actions.
He wants Caroline though and he is selfish. His trust and control issues get in the way.
I don't feel he was actually that different from the last chapter despite the progress they made here.
He is very possessive with Caroline and very much against her bond with Kol. He is ready to do anything to break that connection while he still wants Caroline. He doesn't want her broken. He wants her for himself alone. And for Hope and in order to keep Caroline he is ready for the best and the worst.
Klaus is not a good person in your story in the same way he was introduced in TVD. For his goals like his curse, his hybrids and so on he is capable for the most despicable actions. Love won't change that and I am glad you are making it clear.
Of course he is a toxic person so of course his relationships will be toxic too, including his relationship with Caroline but THANKFULLY you are writing Caroline as a character that doesn't take Klaus' bullshit at all. Bless!

Kol and Elijah are definitely characters that match the profile of the devil too.
In certain ways so can Hayley be with her hellish actions.
Finn and Esther for sure.
Rene Mardoin gives that vibe too.
Marcel of course.

Another obvious devil for this chapter was the man that killed Caroline (THIS PLOT DUDE!)

And then...Caroline! Literally and figuratively.
Her actions are not pure or good all the time. Neither is the way she thinks. It is not just the darkness from a spell she battles but her own personal darkness.

And then I returned to the first chapter and I realized something that blew my mind.
You have given so much foreshadowing here! You intended this for the first chapter!
The quote you had used in the first chapter of the story was from Faust: “Who holds the devil, let him hold him well, He hardly will be caught a second time.”

Obviously Caroline and Kol escaped Purgatory. Which is meant to hold the devils/monsters and now Caroline and Kol - THE DEVILS- will hadly be caught a second time and we can see that in their actions and how Purgatory has defined them. They know what follows after death now that the other side fell. They are not willing to go through that again and they will do anything in their power to live forever.
Caroline showed more fears in this chapter. She admitted in her thoughts she was not indestructible. She is not an Original. She is afraid of the dark.
If you go more into these thoughts you can see why she is as she is. Why she is always trying to escape. Mystic Falls, New Orleans, her past, Purgatory.
She feels she is on borrowed time. She is not immortal like the Originals and all the danger she found herself in can lead her back to Purgatory. It must be terrifying.

And on the other hand "“ Who holds the DEVIL, let him hold him well, He hardly will be caught a second time...Hell is empty and all the DEVILS are here."

And you gave Caroline a plot that is related with the DEVIL'S MARK.
I don't know what you plan for this but it can't be this obvious as demons and devils I think. It must be more complicated given the clues you gave us.

And you mentioned Finn calling her an abomination worse than Klaus that goes against nature.
And a harbringer of death.
Is it because she escaped Purgatory? If so Kol should be the same but in previous chapters you made it clear he was not. So it is just Caroline.
Why her? Something is going on and I can't wait to find out.

And then the title of this chapter.
Memento Mori.
I googled it and my appreciation for this story multiplied expodentially!

So according to what I searched which I am sure you did your research too Memento Mori means "Remember you must die"
Memento Mori is also "an artistic or symbolic reminder of the inevitability of death. The expression 'memento mori' emphasizes Heaven, Hell, and salvation of the soul in the afterlife."

I feel this is so tied to Caroline's plot! Heaven, Hell, soul in the afterlife aka Purgatory, Salvation, the inevitability of death.
Remember you must die.
The devil's mark.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
Who holds the devil, let him hold him well, He hardly will be caught a second time.

And for Caroline's plot which is my jam!

There are so many spiritual aspects in your plot!
You should definitely be a tv writer. If this was a tv plot it would so awesome! Like GoT levels of awesome!

There are so many clues in that chapter title though. I read about Memento Mori and the art symbol and how it originated and how it belongs to so many religions. It means so many things. And most of them have definitely influenced your writing for Caroline. I can see that and it is increadible how much passion and love you have for this story.

I never expected to read something like this in a fanfiction.
You are definitely an underrated writer! And this story deserves more recognition.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/28
OMG this chapter was just EPIC! I don’t even know where to begin. Everything’s making so much sense now. Last chapter I was convinced that the Klaroline relationship was broken but OMG you just blew me away with all the revelations this chapter!

I was really keen to know last chapter if Finn/Esther used magic on Caroline during the ceremony. I totally loved that part! I’m so excited cause it looks like the main action’s going to begin now. Like wow that plot/arc sounds awesome and I cannot wait *squeals in excitement*

And Klaus WTF?! You wrote the whole Klaroline sequence so sooo well this chapter. Klaus was baiting Caroline in the previous chapter to react and I totally fell for the charade and thought he betrayed Caroline. I mean I’m still sceptical of Klaus. He still hasn’t proved himself when it comes to Caroline. I mean now he has Hope & Hayley as priority and so I don’t know where Caroline stands when compared to them. Not disregarding his feelings for her but inspite of them blood sharing and Klaus realising just how important Caroline is to him, I’m vary of him. I’m team Caroline and so I’m just looking out for my girl LOL. So yeah Klaus’ actions and intentions when the moment comes will show how much he really cares and values Caroline.

Can we just talk about how HOT Klaroline blood sharing was?! The scene was intimate, and sexy, and so raw, and OMG it took my breath away. LOVED it! Their talk was much needed and I really liked how you showed both of their vulnerabilities and emotions. You went all out and the scene just worked and took the story in a direction that I hadn’t even anticipated! There were elements of the old Caroline in there and so I know that she hasn’t lost her essence completely. Klaus is confusing. I mean his behaviour towards Caroline here was so different from the previous chapter. A part of me doesn’t want Caroline to completely believe him, not yet at least.

I was hoping for more Koroline interaction. I’m in love with how you wrote their relationship! I really hope we get to read more of their bond. Would also like to read more of Kol’s PoV with regards to Caroline. Just love these two!

And wow if this is just part 1 then I’m freaking super excited for part 2. Sounds like it’s going to be action packed and I for one can’t wait to see the show down! and what happens to everybody in the course of this war! Really really hope Kol nor Caroline get sent back to Purgatory. Worried for them actually. I think it’s going to be important that Koroline work together as a team. Klaus will just have to get over his suspicions and jealousy of Kol and work with him to save Caroline.

I’m so happy you didn’t write much about Hope in the story. I was never a fan of the baby plot and so I really appreciate you not torturing us with it LOL. Your writing is genius and I’m looking forward to the next part ! :D

SUperb writer & superb story!
Guest chapter 16 . 7/28
But I still think Demons are involve, I mean with Hell mark stuff.
Do what you want with Klaroline/koroline but I want to see more about Caroline's plot. if a demon mark her, then why ? When she was born ? What about her family's history ? And that guy who kill her is a hunter ?
Abyss Trinity chapter 16 . 7/28
Wow magnificent, truly this in my opinion is the number one VD Fanfiction ever. Thanks for updating and awesome chapter :)
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