Reviews for Criminal
Flydaze chapter 7 . 5/29
I would actually like I you updated this story anytime soon
Guest chapter 7 . 3/25
Plz right the next part I’ve been reading this over for two years waiting to see what happens next
Kurokodairu - SNSF chapter 7 . 2/8

I adore this story and I thought it was dead, but if you are willing to work on it, I'M TOTALLY DOWN! :D

Anita A.M chapter 7 . 1/29
Of course!I thought you’d never ask-.- Actually I read this years ago and all of a sudden I found it again now I’ll be just begging you to start writing it again that is if you are still as passionate to continue...️
GREENPEACE1990 chapter 7 . 1/28
You should finish! It'd be great to see how it turns out and how your writing style might have changed.
Guest chapter 7 . 1/24
Go ahead & finish! So great to see you back, I would love it if you were to finish this story.
IzyEmo90 chapter 6 . 12/18/2016
Can you pleeeeeeeeeease finish this's really good! Or if you want, I can rewrite this story (fix spelling, grammar, etc.) on wattpad and give you FULL credit...write me back if you choose to, love your stories
IzyEmo90 chapter 6 . 11/17/2016
Can u finish this? Its been over 2 years!
Guest chapter 6 . 6/25/2016
Please continue
Guest chapter 6 . 2/18/2016
Please update
MissMJS chapter 5 . 9/20/2015
Totally just reread this (since it's amazing and I couldn't get it out of my head all freaking day) and this is still amazing!
*whimper* you really need to update...
I won't bug you anymore! (Don't want to seem too obsessed...)
MissMJS chapter 6 . 9/19/2015
AMAZING! I just- I don't even know what to say! You HAVE to update this! You just have to! This is so well written and so easy to get hooked on! Please! For the sake of my sanity, UPDATE SOON!
adar13 chapter 6 . 12/14/2014
Wait, can you use the song "Criminal" by Britney Spears? I don't know, but it seems like a good song for the story. And I seriously can't wait for the next chapter, and I hope you update soon. :)
MIcHELLE ARaCELY chapter 3 . 12/11/2014
Yo amo esta historia espero que actualizes pronto y felicidades por escribir una gran historia como esta es grandiosa.
Raquel the writer chapter 6 . 11/19/2014
They sure are crazy about eachother.
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