Reviews for Mama Bear
Guest chapter 7 . 7/29
This was beautiful and it made me cry several times so good job. I’m in my emotions because this was so perfect and beautiful. I think I started sobbing when John, the bastard, took Sam and Dean from her. Then again when Dean said she was his mom too. That honestly broke the dam for me because then it all kind of just fell out. In conclusion you’re an amazing writer with an amazing story.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/29
I'm ugly crying. I love this
Fangirl-Queen1 chapter 7 . 6/5
This story is absolutely glorious. If I had known I would have read it sooner than I did.
Stille und regen chapter 7 . 5/31
oh, it was a perfect story

thanks for writing and sharing
it was very good, i love it
Stille und regen chapter 6 . 5/31
oh, hypothetically crying here
Stille und regen chapter 5 . 5/31
my heart is happy for Sam to come back and to be able to connect with hermione's family
the marauders were fun, I laughed with Samantha
Stille und regen chapter 4 . 5/31
i really hate john, his kids were alive, Mary no, he is absolute shit

dean is terribly loyal to a man who has never been loyal to him

i hope john reaps shit for everything he did to mione

good that they remembered the story of harry and hogwarts
Stille und regen chapter 3 . 5/31
it's good that hermione can tell someone. I'm scared that john will try to kill her
Stille und regen chapter 2 . 5/31
hey, that was very special, sweet and sad

it was amazing to read hermione's journey in the maternity hospital

I laughed with her depositing holy water on molly
and molly taking care of her was very special

all the changes, the judgments, the tiredness, I'm sad for hermione
but dean and sam are adorable, they are good boys

every interaction with them tightens my heart and also makes me smile

i don't like john. I understand if he wants to make the world safer.
but, he is irresponsible, he had children before he was a hunter. it doesn't help at all and many lines are a disservice, like idiotic lines to dean.

the way she tells about "good" witches makes me smile
Stille und regen chapter 1 . 5/31
hey, that was interesting. you write well. I like it
ARSimmons chapter 1 . 4/30
I would kill for a sequel to this.
Meimeireads chapter 3 . 4/25
I never thought it was possible to want Hermione and Bobby Singer together, but you made it make sense.
kikagirao chapter 7 . 3/31
I know it has been a long time since this story was finished but have you ever considered writing a sequel? This is what happens before the show starts and I would love to read how Hermione changed the show's events.
httpsgica chapter 7 . 3/6
pleeeeeeeeeeese, i need more of that fic! It's just perfect
seldombites chapter 7 . 2/17
I truly enjoyed this story. It was nice to read a HP/Supernatural crossover that didn't involve Harry being a secret Winchester. Also, Mama Bear Hermione is awesome.
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