Reviews for Der Erlkonig
The Princess Maker chapter 1 . 10/11/2017
I remember hearing 'Der Erlkonig' in my music appreciation class and two of my classmates (both guys) had to read the lyrics (English translation) aloud. Well, one guy either didn't read ahead or didn't know ahead of time, so he does it with this flowery voice...Until the Erl King says he'll have to take the kid by force :O XD

Interesting part of Doofenmirtz's childhood, with a myth combo! :D
Inspector Spinda chapter 1 . 12/11/2014
Ok, if im understanding this correctly, this whole thing was a dream and the erl king was an evil spirit luring Doof to Heaven, but since he beat the fever he survived? the last bit sort of threw me off so im sure if this is exactly what you meant
Em chapter 1 . 9/9/2014
This is good and surprisingly intelligent. You successfully combined obscureish mythology with nearly impossible canon and gave an odd character an unexpected emotional depth. Beautiful metaphor by the way and excellent job defining beauty to the elves as not being physical. Five stars, two thumbs up or whatever symbolism you choose to embrace.
bilaterus chapter 1 . 7/7/2014
This was a great little one-shot. I only read The Erl King after finishing the fic, which meant the ending got a good gasp out of me. You adapted the poem nicely to fit the style of Heinz's past and the nature of his mother and father. Also, though Heinz could never accept the offer because of continuity, I think his reply, 'I can make them [love me]', is realistic and rings true to his eternally optimistic character. The beginning of his conversation with the Erl King similarly captured his nature (as well as adding a touch of light-heartedness). And I liked the little references throughout to things like goozims and peach cobbler recipes. It gave it that extra PnF feel.

I do hope you're inspired to write another PnF fic someday. It's not often that such well-written fics with a PnF feel pop up. Until next time, take care.
LittlePlagueSpirit chapter 1 . 7/3/2014
Wow, I just got chills all over me. I know the Erlkonig from Franz Schubert's aria and you managed to bring the spooky and terrifying feelings from that song into your story. Very good! The Erlkoning was written as an caring and compassionate man while he still kept his creepy and forebonding presence. Especially the ending with Heinz getting an fever; although the Erlkonig sounded sincere when he reached out to Heinz, he still might have ended up dead like all the other stolen children.

And little Heinz, oh my heart. His answer to the konig "I can make them" was heartbreaking since you know how his future life is going to be. But not only do you make him someone to feel sorry for, you also show how brave Heinz is. He doesn't seem scared at all by the konig. Usually people write Young!Heinz as a coward to everyone but not you. That shows how good you understand young Heinz and how he must have felt in his childhood.

All together: I really enjoyed reading about my favorite terrifying forestdemon and young tuff Heinz Doofenshmirtz. I loved the characters, the background info about Drusselstein and the ending. Keep up your great writing! :)
MadameMiz chapter 1 . 7/2/2014
i still really love this story. i love that doof questions what's happening and how he's determined to turn his life something something better-it's so optimistic and true to his character. (also, for the record, i always wind up reading the earl king's voice as a slightly higher pitched, more breathy version of the lich's voice from adventure time)
The-Snowy-Owl13 chapter 1 . 7/2/2014
Aww poor little Doofy, I just want to give him a hug and tell him it's all gonna be alright, even though it isn't. I almost started tearing up when he said "I'll make them" in regarding to his family's love for him (or lack thereof) :( This one-shot gave me a lot of feels