Reviews for Moment of Chance
Straight Gate chapter 22 . 4/19
Absolutely love this. I am still hoping for some kind of redemption arc for Morgana, that she ends up with Merlin.
Straight Gate chapter 21 . 4/19
Love this story. Love the premise of Balinor being handed kingship from the fisher king and Merlin growing up with two parents. Ah Morgana. The circumstances of her birth again a tragedy in the maing unless a path of redemption and happiness can be forged for her with Merlin. They are each others equal/
Straight Gate chapter 1 . 4/18
Excellent beginning
addyb0123 chapter 1 . 12/5/2017
I love how organized and planned out this is. Finally someone registers what Uther said in the FIRST episode. Something about “when I came to this land”. Gtg read the next chapter!
Guest chapter 13 . 6/3/2017
Morgana is older than Arthur though.
Romantic Journalist chapter 4 . 11/17/2015
If K isn't in Cam, how will he be able to aid M in his quest to unite Albion?
TheNiemand chapter 22 . 8/1/2015
This story is marvelious. Finished it in two days. Kuddos to you my internet friend, kuddos. To the Fav's!
missmerlyn1994 chapter 22 . 7/3/2015
cette histoire est magnifique.
alive by grace chapter 8 . 2/23/2015
Ugh, I hate Uther! You do an excellent job portraying the different characters, and I like how you give individual knights a character and a spotlight, instead of treating them as some vague entity in the background like the show and other fanfics do. There a number of grammatical mistakes (when you call Ealdor an "outline" village, do you mean outlying?), but otherwise your writing if excellent. Thanks for the great story; I'll get back to reading!
Jordan AKA Band Geek chapter 1 . 1/16/2015
Wonderful story development
nice start
Patiku chapter 21 . 12/21/2014
It's great! I can't wait for the epilogue. But even more I want to read about Merlin's and Arthur's bromance.
weepingelm chapter 1 . 12/11/2014
loved it read it in one and I have added it to' the best of Merlin' community
weepingelm chapter 3 . 12/11/2014
just found this loving it
Mike3207 chapter 22 . 12/2/2014
On Mordred being the son of Morgause and Arthur-Mordred has dark hair(I think) and both Morgause and Arthur have blond hair. I think it'd be better for Morgause to head to Frith for instruction.

I look forward to the sequel when it comes out.
Mysterious Prophetess chapter 22 . 11/30/2014
Nicely written,
One thing: "embezzled" isn't the word you want to use there "emblazoned" is the correct one.
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