Reviews for Deja Vu
Lotte2265 chapter 2 . 10/1/2017
I thought this was really really good. PLEASE CONTINUE!
SuckerForDelena chapter 2 . 6/30/2016
Hey there!

I love this story...Do you plan on continuing it?


Artfuldemon chapter 1 . 11/29/2015
I just found this and, while it might be a little haphazard at times, it's a really good start. Hope you continue.
Iwantmore chapter 1 . 9/22/2014
These kind of stories are the best, the tale of 'what would I have done if I had known'. I hope you continue, I want to see what Elena would do with a second chance
Jeremy Shane chapter 1 . 7/29/2014
Super cool chapter & More please
Skyeward MusicLover chapter 1 . 7/27/2014
Great intro. Plse update the story
lotslater chapter 1 . 7/15/2014
This has the potential to be really good, it'll be really interesting to see what happens:)
I can't wait to
Seddielover945 chapter 1 . 7/8/2014
Oh my goodness! This is so good! You have to update soon!

I love this plot line so much, it's very original and I hope you stick to writing it. It's interesting to see how the events of season one are going to change because Elena's a vampire now. I'm glad you kept it where she still has knowledge of Damon, Stefan, and all the supernatural from the other seasons.

I can't get enough of this story, it's so amazing!
I hope you update ASAP!
Candy Momo chapter 1 . 7/4/2014
it sounds like an intresting twist looking foward to the next chapter.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/1/2014
Really nice story! Loved the idea! Please continue!
PumpsandPearls chapter 1 . 7/1/2014
Interesting start! I love alternate reality stories and I can't wait to see how your Elena reacts. Update soon! :-)