Reviews for Polarity
zeptolab123 chapter 5 . 3/12/2016
Amazing story! I really hope that there will come a day when I'll see the notification for the update in my mail box, because this story is just marvelous and I really really want to see the end of it. I wish that you'll continue it, cuz, oh boy, it's damn worth it. I had so much fun and joy reading it, trully fascinating. I'll be waiting for the next update, and keep hoping to read more of you in the future :3
SanicBlest chapter 5 . 9/7/2014
Heh. I laughed so hard :3 I watched The Human Cenipede a few years ago... It was a pretty messed up idea for a movie... Cool chapter! :( I had to review sooner though. Until next chapter :D
SilanceReader chapter 5 . 8/23/2014
I love this story... so much. The interaction among them... I also spent too much on each chapter. Really love it.
Zod'a Quatique chapter 5 . 8/20/2014
Shihihihi... It feels like it's the beginning of the end for LawRo ! I missed LawNa interactions in this chapter but it was cool to see Zoro and it's a good idea to add Frobin moments. Even if I had never thought about this pairing before it makes the plot really interesting. 'Looking forward to reading the next ! (and sorry for my english u_u)
Ebimaki chapter 5 . 8/17/2014
jajaja I laughed so much! I really liked the conversation Law and nami had when he woke up C:, and I also started liking Frobin now, I hadn't thought of it seriously before. I love your fic, keep updating pleaaase .
TrafLaw chapter 5 . 8/17/2014
I love this story. ;) I like to read a fic in which things are going really slow and over a very long time. In addition, the side stories are also so entertaining that you almost forget that it should be at its core a LawxNami story.
However, I can hardly wait until the story finally picks up more "romantic speed". Incidentally, I can imagine that it would be very entertaining for Law to look a few of his favorite movies with Nami together on the couch, only the two of them. :)
Greetings from Germany, TrafLaw
Eileithyia-ya chapter 5 . 8/17/2014
That was brilliant. I loved Nami calling him a bad psychopath!
Go LawNa & Frobin ...
starryisnomore chapter 5 . 8/17/2014
Well, I'll be damned. It seems the story wrote itself. I saw a lots of things in this chapter, really. Mainly, I saw the beginning of the end for certain things and the end of the beginning in others. There were hints, not so subtle hints and a variety of things I dare not mention. All in all, I can't wait to read the next chapter. btw, the part that cracked me up was Law's list of banned movies. That was the highlight of this chapter and it made my day. Have a nice day and take care, you hear? Hope you're doing okay. :)
Eileithyia-ya chapter 4 . 8/17/2014
Finally got round to reading this is! It was awesome. I miss the LawNa though :( *Goes off to kill Sanji, Zoro will probably get away with a beating*
TSValing chapter 5 . 8/17/2014
FROBIN! I was fangirling over that as much as I was the Zoro and Law broship bonding and bit of LawNa moments... maybe even more. *Squeals* I really do love that you started with LawRo now because it really gives such an amazing contrast to the Frobin and LawNa interactions, and as you said in the beginning, it makes sense and it's helping lend to the reasoning behind the other pairings and I really love this, omg. I especially love it because the set up feels so much more realistic and I'm just fangirling over this chapter right now, seriously, I need to get back to writing but all I can do is squeal, lol. I look forward to the next chapter. Keep up the great work! XD
hanasho chapter 5 . 8/17/2014
Your fic always puts me in a good mood and so let me direction so the day 8D.
Robin is so special surprises me that block in a job, even that has already triggered the FroBin 8(*-*)8. Watch funny youtube videos always work, I do it very often lol. I like this a lot.
Law and Zoro can not believe how funny he can get has to do together xD I agree poor Chopper he is not prepared for such a class, it seems that Law even had fun watching him suffer lol.
Sanity Nami's face xD, jejejeje I broke your cup do not know why I liked that part.
Great chapter, thanks for update :D.
Zod'a Quatique chapter 4 . 8/15/2014
Ahahah I love this fic you made my day :)
Can't wait for the next chap !
Ebimaki chapter 4 . 8/11/2014
I laughed a lot, and I read the whole chapter thinking in "D is for Dangerous" by the artic monkeys, jaja, i hope next chapter has more law in it but still i really enjoy reading this fic, :D
geckogal077 chapter 4 . 8/11/2014
This chapter was hilarious! I think you captured the group's antics perfectly. Poor Law, Luffy keeps dragging him into weird situations. I noticed that Law doesn't stop pestering Nami about study sessions :) I can't wait for the next chapter! Thank you for writing!
Julijulgran chapter 4 . 8/11/2014
This one was hilarious! I swear I was laughing every second while reading this! ;D
Please update soon! :))
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