Reviews for Where All His Precious Things Go
Princesakarlita411 chapter 3 . 9/1/2014
Aww I like so sweet
KittyK chapter 3 . 6/30/2014
Blood - Not the same style of writing you usually write your other stables, but it's still so cute. I find it adorable how Heero gets worked up over a little blood.

Pieces - This was adorable. short, but sweet and really shows how Serena helps Heeto become a better person.

Lucky - I LOVE the description here. and I love how you made it a bit one sided DuoxSerena. Like Duo is that kind of friends who is jealous that his bestfriend has the most perfect girlfriend ever. Bittersweet. Love the last line. Going into my list of favs.

Figure of Speech - is this irony? I feel like Heero refuses to love Serena unless she falls for him first, but it sort of implies that he knows he'll fall for her anyway. Very interesting that you compared love to battle. How the enemy must strike first. It's the same for most people really. For me, I would want the guy I like to make the first move and vice versa. Also one of my favs!

Haunted - the last line was chilling. It sent goosebumps up my arms (the good kind) I can imagine Serena doing that to protect the ones she loves. Describe it very beautifully!

Well done again! Cannot wait for the next update, so post soon! Great job and keep writing!
KittyK chapter 2 . 6/30/2014
Just read your other batch. Love it!

Alone - This is cute in a sad way. Poor Heero has to eat the food he brings for Serena, all by himself!

Spread your wings - again, you used this phrase not in a literal sense but figuratively. loved the waltzing in this one. it's definitely Serena who's leading Heero though. I can imagine Serena taking the initiative to do that. this is one of my favorites!

Paint - Another figurative Drabble. I would've expected actual painting, but this is a nice twist. Heero is just oogling like perv at Serena putting on some Chapstick. Haha, that's so cute of him.

Almost - this one is longer than the rest but it's hauntingly beautiful and tragically romantic. You used the word "near" instead of "almost" and I found that very clever.

Shine - Awww this was too cute. You write Heero as an extremely romantic guy on the inside but doesn't show it on the outside. This is going into my favorite list!

This batch was awesome. Two of them are already a couple of my favorites!
KittyK chapter 1 . 6/30/2014
I just recently started rewatching Sailor Moon with my little sister and I was soo obsessed again! I came across your fix and holy crap, it's the cutest darn set of short stories I've ever read. I'm gonna review everysingle Drabble ok? coz your that awesome and deserve more reviews.

Beginning - Good way to start a series of short ficlets. I like it.

Dream - Honestly, my favorite of the bunch. It's a little sad, but heartwarming. And I liked how you used another a synonym of dream rather than the word dream itself. If you think about it, dreaming and believing is kinda similar but not exactly the same. Very creative of you.

Wave - uhh, yeah. This is too adorable. I can totally imagine Serena doing that. Bumping into a cute guy on purpose and then waving at him? That's totally flirting. and the fact that you wrote how Heero would be in a better mood after? Soooo cute.

Pure - I really love how you describe her eyes. Nice insight to Heeros interpretation of her.

Reflection - I love that you used reflection figuratively. Not a literal reflection in a mirror, but in his eyes. I think Heero and Serena both have nice eyes, but they're gorgeous in their own ways. Great detail!
NoLongerWriting-AbandonedAccou chapter 1 . 6/27/2014
love your work. always have. keep writing. too many people give up cause this section is so small now