Reviews for Algo como el amor (Something like love)
Juliette45 chapter 1 . 2/1
Flit chapter 2 . 8/3/2019
I know this is 5 years old, but I still feel like I need to tell you that this is the most perfect story of these two out there! I love it so much, thank you for writing them 3
Camrenbeatzforyou chapter 1 . 5/5/2019
Oh yea I think forgot to mention everyone else you've fucking nail it to a fucking T mama Diaz omg I can imagine her saying all that on the show its crazy how you got all of their personality so jam packed lol I will be reading this again for sure
Camrenbeatzforyou chapter 2 . 5/5/2019
You had their character's and along with vause and chap jam packed omg well fucking done this fic was truly amazing it was funny and sweet at the same time I love this fic
clj7 chapter 2 . 8/1/2018
I love it! Por favor, publica otro como este, es súper lindo :)
Guest chapter 1 . 6/30/2017
This is the BEST Flaritza fanfic I have read! I wish you'd write more because this one was great!
whenaspritemeetsaunicorn chapter 2 . 2/22/2017
That was so funny when they imitated Gloria! Also, I bet their family has an inkling of what's going on between them and I wish more stuff like this happened on the show besides that one kiss that looked so real ;) please write more!
whenaspritemeetsaunicorn chapter 1 . 2/22/2017
Awww this was so cute! I love Flaritza and also their friendships with the rest of their Latina write them so well!
Kigo Queen chapter 2 . 6/17/2016
So there isn't a next chapter, because that was awesome! I love both couples.
yoli1994 chapter 2 . 6/19/2015
i like your history :) i love maritza and flaca together!
EverydayGeek chapter 2 . 6/15/2015
This was great! You captured their personalities perfectly and everyone else's as well. I loved this and, after watching seasons 2 and 3, I needed this. This was funny, witty, sexy, and extremely cute. Especially the ending. I thoroughly enjoyed this little two-shot and am very grateful that you wrote this. The world needs more Flaritza interactions on oitnb and fanfictions written about them lol. Their chemistry is undeniable and I believe you captured that extremely well.

Great job!
Bear.23.OITNB chapter 2 . 6/14/2015
Absolutely amazing...IDK WHY I suddenly cried so much when Flaca said "You can have all of me. Every single piece. Just promise me you won't hurt me."...but I love them together. I also agree that the kiss on Valentine's Day was to passionate and steamy for it to have meant nothing. Also, when Maritza told Flaca to kiss her again, the look in her eyes is very loving, and when Flaca pulled away the second time, she looked kinda scared/surprised. PLEASE MAKE MORE AND CONTINUE THE STORY. Perhaps something like people finding out about them...IDK. 3
Bear.23.OITNB chapter 1 . 6/14/2015
AMAZING...I LOVE FLARITZA FANFICS. Probably the best I've seen, please make more.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/8/2014
Lovely! There needs to be more fics about these two
raindropslet chapter 2 . 9/28/2014
Thank you for writing this! I really love this two. Plus you add VauseMan in here. Oh I wish you also put Morello and Nichols haha. But really, this is cute :). You got their personality. I really hope you write more :).
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