Reviews for The School Is Alive With The Sound Of Magic
PurpleArrowhead chapter 1 . 1/6
la da see, la da da. a poet in me , a poet for thee
sexystarwarslover chapter 12 . 1/14/2013
THAT WAS SUCH AN AWESOME AMAZING STORY! I fluked this while searching through Harry Potter fanfictions a few nights back and this one stuck out cause it had not only Harry Potter but Moulin Rouge which is one of my favourite movies! ANd I like the idea of the Harry and Hermione romance because i always thought theyt could get together and seeing in play out while they were doing Moulin Rouge as a play was AMAZING! Beautifully written, hilarious and divine, well done girls!
dramaqueenNo1 chapter 5 . 1/8/2010




I've actually already read this story so I know what happens, but... NO! THEY CAN'T BREAK UP!

BTW, This is a really well written story!
Kaorin Tamaki chapter 7 . 8/1/2006
I had stumbled on this Fanfic about 1 year ago, and loved it so much. But 2 days later, I lost the whereabouts of it. When I found it again today, I was very excited. I am really glad to have found it again. Ever since last December, I have been itching to read on.

This chapter was great. I really liked the song Amelie sang at the end. I want you to know that you are a great writer, and I hope to read more chapters, and more Fanfics you may write. Please continue on!

~* Jenica
dotylink64 chapter 12 . 6/2/2006
i must say this story was most enteraining to me half th ereason was because of the Thing one and Thing Two thing but over all i loved the story!
pinkpanther0987 chapter 3 . 1/3/2006
Aww..cute. DONT MAKE IT DHR!
pinkpanther0987 chapter 2 . 1/3/2006
Haha! Good story together. And yeah..H/H-the PERFECT choice.
hprokz chapter 12 . 8/19/2005's just-..WOW..!

*stands up and claps*

Bravo! Amazing! d Best yet!
Xtreme Nuisance chapter 12 . 8/13/2005
:) Holy snap. I forgot all of that was in the movie. And I watched it - what? - 2 days ago. XD Right then. I love it. That would be an awesome play to be in. *sigh* too bad high schools don't actually GIVE such cool plays... XD Right then. Peace. KEEP WRITING! I'm lovin it. ;)
Xtreme Nuisance chapter 4 . 8/11/2005
:P I like it. bbl~!
bookworm-jill chapter 12 . 7/18/2005
I liked it. Welcome to my favorie stories list.
EMma chapter 12 . 6/2/2005
AnDr3ta chapter 1 . 1/20/2005
hi thing 1 and 2

i have to told u that I really enjoy your fic.

(the school is alive whit...

I know thatI'm a litle out of time to review but anyway i wanna do it.

well i read it wen it was already done

so ican't stop read!

well that was

see ya
vixen chapter 3 . 11/14/2004
You guys rock mwha
purple-shoe chapter 12 . 10/28/2004
ly loved this story! moulin rouge is one of my fav movies and i always thot about wot it would b like hp style! u did it really well! Well done! this is definately one of my favourites!

Stephy xx
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