Reviews for Darkness Falls
xNiight of hate chapter 8 . 3/16/2016
I love this! Such a great (and cute) Cryde story :) Thanks for a great read.
Guest chapter 8 . 11/28/2015
N3k0-Chn The 2nd chapter 8 . 10/11/2015
D'awwwwwww! 3
nana chapter 4 . 9/26/2014
I really liked this chapter. I can imagine the game with Craig and Token actually having these powers..Alas if they were only playable in the Stick of Truth!
Del'Mareve chapter 8 . 8/18/2014
Uggghhhhhhh I was banished to the Phantom Zone but I'M BACK. And may I just say, I really loved this epilogue? Gosh it was just so sweet and so perfect and the tone fit with the overall Stick of Truth goodness of the story and just? I'm sitting like like BAWWWWWW, no more? I need some more Cryde in my life now! Like, Cryde was totally not even a thing in my world, but then this story happened and now I can't unsee it, like a hairy man wearing a G-string on a hot summer's day. This story was awesome. It deserves awards for being awesome and you are totally, TOTALLY ONE HUNDRED PERCENT AWESOME FOR WRITING IT LIKE DAMN. The "tried and true Donovan Charm" thing was such a great line too by the way.

*clutches this story to my cold, dead heart*
xLawlietx chapter 8 . 8/15/2014
Aw, such a sweet yet awesome ending.
Thank you so much for writing this, it has to be one of my favourite stories I've read on fanfiction, especially on the Cryde front.
I'm happy I got to read this from the beginning, it'll feel weird removing it from my alerts list but its worth it to know that Craig and Clyde can finally be happy together. I can't wait to read more of your stories in the future. :3
xLawlietx chapter 7 . 8/15/2014
I love this story, I love you for writing it, I love Craig and Clyde, and I love that ending most of all. It hit me right in the feels :3 Omg omg I'm still recovering from my happiness-overload as I write this. They finally kissed! and it was so god damn cute! Now I must read the epilogue...
Technical Technicalities chapter 8 . 8/15/2014
This was so cute omf tge ending was perfect

Hope you write more Cryde stories soon, I would read them all C:
Riilustra -Your Sweetest SIN chapter 8 . 8/15/2014
*knock knock* Guess who? Its me your stal- uh I mean fellow reader heheh yup that's me... a fellow reader :)

I've been wanting to review for a long time but been busy lately so I finally free and I get to review :D hooray! *sparkle party*

I absolutely love this! I've never been able to play the game but seen people play I've been told its really fun though :3

I love this pairing and you made me love it even more! Thank you :') I hope that you plan on writing more of these two cause I for one would love to review for you! You hardly find any good stories of thaws two :( which is sad in my view point though...!

I love this story and hope to read more from you some time soon :D
Del'Mareve chapter 7 . 8/12/2014
Gosh that was perfect. That so sweet and so perfect and just. I'm sitting here grinning like an idiot over how much I loved this story. I've been gushing gushing gushing so much that I honestly don't even know what to say right now, except, thank you so much for writing this. Just. Thank you. It was great from start to finish, and I absolutely can't wait to see what you do next. No matter what your next project is, I'll be there. ;)
JinxedtheCat98 chapter 7 . 8/12/2014
Ohmigod yesssssssssss!
I'm so happy! Like, totally cute, dude! I even logged in to review! Hahaha...
This is the most perfect, cutest Cryde fanfict I have read, ever. For real.
I really hope you write more Cryde in the future, because I love your writing style and the way you portray the characters is brilliant. Really in character! I haven't thought 'OOC much?' through the entire thing!

So that's it from me until the epilogue! Bye bye
Technical Technicalities chapter 7 . 8/11/2014

seriously though you deserve more reviews and stuff this was such a good cryde story ;-;
Del'Mareve chapter 6 . 8/4/2014
oH MY GOD. Oh my Jesus H. Rutherford Christ, it's happening. It's happening! I mean, I knew it would happen eventually, BUT OH GOSH WE'RE SO CLOSE and I'm soooo conflicted because on the one hand I've been looking forward to this kiss since like Chapter One and on the other I'll be super duper sad to see this fic come to an end. Seriously, this has been one of the funniest, sweetest, most well-written stories I have ever read. I started off not being a fan of Cryde at all, but you made me freaking love these stupid dorks, and love the idea of them being together. Being dorks. 'Cause that's apparently what they do best. ;) Gosh, I just want to read everything you write from now on, I am seriously a huge fan. I really hope I can have that art I promised for this fic done by the epilogue at least, 'cause that's the least I can do for this wonderful story. You're awesome, OKAY?!
xLawlietx chapter 6 . 8/2/2014
Craig finally realised! And then their prefect moment was ruined! ;_;
This whole chapter was awesome. I have to admit the title made my smile and all the refrences to previous quotes in the show. The shadow clones talking to each other was great, but my favourite part was them making the prisoner the shop manager xD they truly are evil.
I can't wait for the next chapter, even if it means that this story will end I must see Craig and Clyde finally get their kiss :3
Technical Technicalities chapter 6 . 8/1/2014
Gah I love this story more than life
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