Reviews for A kick in the teeth is good for some,
Bill Cipher chapter 1 . 6/4/2018
Poor fucking Vivian. Having just finished the game, it's pretty clear that this separation wasn't entirely by choice. Maybe one there'll be a sequel where Bloody Mary finds out the truth and rescues her with the help of Bigby.
Matt chapter 1 . 5/14/2018
I like this ship too. Please make another story like this.
el mano chapter 1 . 11/15/2014
I love this down and gritty chapter, please write more
Guest chapter 1 . 10/8/2014
Nice I ship Bigby and Mary too :D
sj622 chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
Nice. Kinda sad this is only a one shot and there arent many with the pairing their. But this story was nice.
Deadly Papegoja chapter 1 . 6/18/2014
Although i don't ship Bloody Mary with Bigby (they're way too incompatible in my mind) this is pretty good :)
My headcanon is also that she's a lesbian, so that's for making her bi for this fic ;)
Have you considered making a BMxOC fic? I'd read that in a second :D
Ghost132 chapter 1 . 6/18/2014
Lol the ending reminds me of a movie Milla Kunis was in happened almost like this one. Totally agree with your last comment I don't like pairings that are cannon and I love BigbyXBloody Mary keep making more of theses and MaryXFemales!
mrgamerguy47 chapter 1 . 6/18/2014
Sweet! You actually did my challenge! I wasn't sure where with this in the beginning and I get that you had to make these two a little non-cannon (which I have to say was a little weird). However the pot scene was admittedly pretty funny and the ending was dead on. Awesome little one-shot all around. I wonder why no one else thought of these two?
PaganPastel chapter 1 . 6/14/2014
Omg, this is the best one shot ever! I never even THOUGHT of a Bigby x bloody Mary ship before, but this was awesome.
The weed smoking part made giggle and the ending I almost died laughing. It was great.
Also, I feel like you read my Tumblr or something, those are almost the exact words I said about the BigbyxSnow ship. Great minds think alike lol jk jk.
I just don't understand the concept of it .-. But I respect the shippers of it.
Anyways loved it, this was great and I would love to read more from this