Reviews for Red Monarch
Epipelagic chapter 1 . 10/16/2014
Ooh this is quite interesting! Please update soon!
Kuroshiroryuu chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
He forgot to put on a pair of pants? Wow aha
Assasin8 chapter 1 . 6/13/2014
Oh, a detective AU! I love the idea, and the story so far looks great! I wonder how the whole main/support roles from the canon story will carry over? I can't wait to see! Question though: Riko said that Kagami's two month time limit was up, but then Kuroko's research says that Kagami had been going to therapy for two years... Was that a mistake, or is Kuroko just kind of bad at looking up stuff? :3 Well, doesn't take away from how much I liked the chapter. Update soon!