Reviews for Key to Your Heart
retirWdesufnoC chapter 14 . 1/17/2011
Ok, I'm going to be an odd ball here and comment on your story. I really loved it! I just finished Kingdom Hearts 2 for the 3rd time yesterday and desided to read some fanfiction. It just so happens I stubled apon your story and fell in love with it. Just one question though, when's that sequal coming out? ;) Anyway, great job!
BlissfulGP chapter 14 . 4/17/2010
Wow, I think this was amazingly good. I can't wait to read the sequel. 3
SailorSolarsystem chapter 9 . 4/12/2008
Wow, so, Sephiroth *isn't* evil. Yeesh, now that's a 360 degree turn from teh Sephiroth in Final Fantasy VII. That Sephiroth wss evil beyond evilest beleif.

With teh whole, 'I shall summon the ultimate power to destroy the world' thing going on.

Ah well. Seph's kool. In the whole, 'I may be a bad guy, but I kick ass and I'm hawt' kinda way.
SailorSolarsystem chapter 5 . 4/12/2008
...Aerith isn't stupid. In Final Fantasy VII she's very smart. She could quite possibly be the most intellectual character in the game.

And in Kingdom Hearts, Aerith isn't a hyper-active brunette. She's calm, and serene, and kind.

*Yuffie* is the one that is hyper-active...of course, she isn't stupid either...but...

I suggest you do a little more research on the characters, or play Kingdom Hearts over again.
SailorSolarsystem chapter 3 . 4/12/2008
Yah, Aireth's name is spelled Aeris. I mean Aerith!

Agh, wh y did Square have to change the ;ast letter of her name! Nice ficcy so far.

Kairi can go rot in hell .
Mystearical chapter 10 . 10/28/2007
Whoah! I liked this story, really I did, but that is just too odd. Riku BOTTOMED? Riku doesn't bottom! He's like the super ultra-agressive seme of Sora's DREAMS. Other than that, I love the story.
Black Thorned Rose chapter 2 . 5/3/2006
I really like this story. Although somewhat out of character, the storyline is very original and I like the Sora/Riku pairing. -Eager for me to read more later-
Sapphire-Eyed Valekdros chapter 14 . 4/20/2006
I really like your story, but not your profile. You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with male/male pairings.

*gives you a strange look*
Yui Yamana chapter 1 . 4/9/2006
Dammit! My story sounds like this! I knew I should have posted it with my old computer! Damn! You beat me to it!You know what I'm still gonna post it! And if it sounds a little like yours it wasn't on purpose. So don't report me or anything I'll change it as much as I can... -_-
xManiac chapter 14 . 8/19/2005
okay, so what if my review is 2 years late. hope you recieve this anyways-

wonderful pairing. but WHY DOES RIKU HAVE TO BE SUBMISSIVE? that totally ruins the perfect riku image. x_x i'm half sobbing right now cuz its its.. WRONG! and the storyline would be perfect if the dom. sub. thing changed around. anyways, i loved the kairi bashing. i hate her so much. _ well, i hate her when she interfers with riku and sora. yep yep! oki doki, good job neways. though if your still writing fics, try spacing the sentences out a bit.
lanablaze92 chapter 7 . 5/23/2005
u know uve played too much kingdom hearts when u

1)restart files over and over again to see the begining and here the song

2)spend 4 hours looking for the themesong.

(which ive done both) )
ice cream suga puffs chapter 4 . 4/6/2005
great story and all but Riku got over Sora leaving him way too quickly. even if Kairi suggested leaving and all, she didnt force Sora and even if shirtly after he realized his mistake Riku shoulda been hurt and upset longer. he seemed to get over his pain too quickly. not good
RikuHikaru06 chapter 14 . 10/16/2004
Wow. Awesome story. I loved every word of it! I always thought to myself why Riku looked so much like Sephy. This story totally put that all together.

And geez, me being exaclty like Riku and Sephy (my friends always call me by my penname as a nickname...), this completely fits my personallity. This is how my friends and I came up with the idea that I should probably change my name to Riku as soon as I got out of HS.(in only about a year! Yay!)I'm also changing my hair color to white(wierd I know...but hey!) and I'm convencing my mom to get aquamarine contacts...I may sound nuts, but my other friend is slowly changing herself into Kairi...hee hee hee...

But anyway, that's beside the point. I really enjoyed your story and I hope you do more yaoi fics with this same couple. I'm writing 2 at the moment. I hope to get them done sometime soon.

Please write more!
Gaa-kishi chapter 5 . 7/3/2004
Oh. My. God.

You thought that ToF and KH were compatiable too? SHIZ. That mad me laugh so hard...I started a fic with Threads of Fate used in there. God. I laughed so hard my mom woke up...and I got in trouble.

I...can't beliebe that. JUST for that, your fic r0xx0rz.

I just...can't -believe- that! Uncanny! Beautiful! Such exquisit dolls deserve to be seen and used more often!
alikanime chapter 15 . 6/11/2004
That was so good. It makes me want more. Please write a sequel. I'm glad I have found some with a good story. So Please keep writing.
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