Reviews for A Trap of Parental Proportions
MegK1978 chapter 13 . 6/18
This was so much fun! Having the divorce and separation of the girls be a mutual agreement was perfectly in keeping with Sherlock and Molly's personalities. Gigi and Lydia were both perfect blends of both parents, and totally adorable to boot!
Having Tom be the "villain" was also expected, but in keeping with some internet theories I've seen floating out there.
CumberBiscuit02 chapter 9 . 1/26
I'm only in the first part as of this writing...
but wtf, Sherlock!
CumberBiscuit02 chapter 8 . 1/26
I love this chapter the most because...
Sherlock proposal!
And reunion!
And... and...
verytypicalshipper chapter 8 . 8/4/2019

I really enjoyed this chapter quite a bit, and the story is so beautifully written, I just adore. Idk why I thought Molly would have been more sentimental of finding out she was with Gigi and not Lydia but still nonetheless I love your portrayal of all the characters. I am in love with this story. Thank you for writing it️
Aslan's Princess chapter 13 . 5/14/2019
You did an awesome job creating a Sherlolly Parent Trap story. I'll admit I'm more familiar with the Hailey Mills Parent Trap as opposed to the movie starring Linsey Lohan. But I thoroughly enjoyed what you did here, and I love how you eventually got rid of Tom. Gigi and Lydia were lovely little rascals, and I liked how Mycroft and Anthea were working behind the scenes.

If you ever decide to revisit this family, I will certainly look forward to visiting them again.
miischall chapter 13 . 10/26/2018
Hoping for the next story, the twins setting up Mythea finally. hehehe :D
GoodShipSherlollipop chapter 13 . 10/4/2018
*sniffle* The last chapter. It's always hard to see the end of something that has been so wonderful, even though it is good to see the happy resolution. This is definitely a story I would gladly read more about, and please, please, at some point, do write a sequel!

Now, onto the review itself.

I really enjoyed reading about how the whole camp thing came about, the travels of the brochure as it made its way to 221B and how it was ignored for awhile. Must have been Providence that got it into the right hands at last! I love that it was Anthea who was instrumental in this. I definitely think if you write a sequel, that this needs to come out that she manipulated things this way, so she can get some credit!

Present day - so funny about the shoes and how Lydia knew exactly where they were. Organized chaos indeed!

The little flashback conversation between Sherlock and Molly where they discuss her moving to Baker Street was so sweet. I'm glad they were only waiting a month to get things organized before she would return full-time to London. They have been apart long enough!

Falling asleep on the couch together like that was lovely and oh, it brings tears to my eyes that he wants to wear his wedding ring. That's just such a beautiful, poignant touch you added to the story!

Molly is certainly dedicated to make those long weekend trips before her full-time move. Glad she could be there to see GiGi perform with the LSO.

And of course Mary had to move to London as well! What? No PDA at the LSO? Ha ha. Glad Sherlock is not reticent about it at other places! I love the idea of Sherlock not being afraid to kiss Molly in public. Apparently, that is still not something the English do very much, we are definitely more prone to PDA's in America. I definitely see Sherlock as nontraditional that way. He would definitely want to make up for lost time whenever possible, and kissing is so much fun!

I had to laugh at Lydia telling him off and saying he needed to say sorry when he was a bit snarky over a comment that Molly made.

I also think that it is really sweet that even though they are sharing a bed, you do not imply that they are "sleeping together". It is like a new beginning for them, and how lovely that they want to wait till they are officially married again. I think it sets a very good example for their daughters as well.

While it seems a shame that they want a small wedding, of course it is understandable having already been married before. At least the girls are with them this time to witness it, even though you don't actually invite the readers to it this time. Understandable, we already saw the first one.
I like how Sherlock said the girls wouldn't be too disappointed, because they would have another wedding to look forward to. And then Molly saying that Sherlock would be asked to be best man, and him taking a brief trip into his mind palace. Ah, canon!

So cute, the way that the girls were trying to play matchmaker for John and Mary, even though it wasn't really needed.

And the whole thing about Sherlock telling Molly every single detail about his boring cases was such a laugh. "Didn't leave the flat." LOL It was even more so when she realized he did it on purpose to give her a little nudge about giving him permission to not tell her every single thing. It definitely shows their growth as a couple to and her trust in him. Absolutely beautiful!

I'm glad you talked about the adjustment, but that they supported each other, and everything was surrounded by love. Real life is not a bed of roses, and there are always adjustments to make, and by writing that, you just made it more believable. "Practiced forgiveness" is definitely an important aspect in working through issues!

I love how Sherlock and the girls were spying on John and Mary and the proposal!

And then at the wedding, the idea of Sherlock taking Molly out on the dance floor makes me so happy, especially because he didn't do it in the original version when John and Mary got married. This was definitely more satisfying! I love the way he and Molly enjoyed themselves on the dance floor, and I liked that you put in a brief mention of him solving that almost murder to bring back another aspect of the canon in passing. It's these little things that make it a Sherlock story.

I also liked the little conversation where Sherlock told Molly that John and Mary were expecting. Sherlock was so cute in his little innuendo about them being "busy". That is very sexy when he acts like that LOL.

And oh my goodness, the way he changes the words of "Come on Eileen" just for Molly, loved it! Loved even more the hot kiss that ensued! You go, Sherlock! So what if it is John and Mary's wedding? Sherlock and Molly are still newlyweds again themselves and I love reading about a kiss between them. One can never see too many kisses when it comes to Sherlock and Molly!

And I really like the way you ended it with the scene of GiGi and Lydia getting an idea for more matchmaking. Definitely opens things up for possible sequel!

Thank you for this wonderful journey that has given me such joy while reading. You have captured the essence of the characters so well, and as I've said before, I feel as if I could see it on the big screen, but at least I can picture everything clearly in my mind and it brings me such happiness. Nothing better than a happy ending for our favourite couple! I know some people lose interest after the happy ending, but I'm one of those people who prefers to see stories continue, to see snapshot into their life afterwards. I'm sure you already know that, seeing as I've done that with my own version of Sherlock and Molly! What can I say? I like the fluff!

I look forward to reading more of your wonderful stories!
GoodShipSherlollipop chapter 12 . 10/1/2018
Right into the meat of the story from the beginning of the chapter with more flashbacks!

Oh my goodness, so sad but it makes sense that Sherlock would know the exact amount of time that has passed when he realize how much he misses Molly. And the way it is his daughter who brings him to that realization. I find that a very interesting juxtaposition when you pair it with the way Molly came to the realization after six years by something Lydia said. You synchronize everything so well, it's simply amazing the way you fit everything all together perfectly as if it is a jigsaw puzzle. Slowly you're adding the pieces to the puzzle for the readers until in the end we will have that beautiful finished puzzle. Ah, now I am waxing poetic!

I love the idea of sweet little Genevieve being so like Molly. By the way, I adore her name, and the way Sherlock never shortens it, it just seems right for him to do that. I'd love to know how you came up with that as a name for her. I can't remember if you put it in an earlier chapter or not.

Actually, I love the way you had the girls grow up with the parent who was less like them, because it gave Molly and Sherlock the chance to see the traits of each other in their daughters. So clever!

And oh my goodness, the way you have him make arrangements to have Molly's research projects funded anonymously is wonderful!

It is really interesting to read present day Molly's thoughts. She is definitely one to overthink, isn't she? I love the way you had her realize properly that Sherlock did choose her, in his own way. I find it very interesting too that she was able to see her own part in what happened and be willing to apologize. I am very much like that myself. Even when I don't necessarily feel I am in the wrong, I would rather be the first to apologize and forgive, then to allow those wounds to fester. I definitely think that if Molly had not been so heartbroken and hurt, that she would have thought things out better. I also think the pregnancy attributed to that as well, making her a little more jumpy. Of course, she definitely had a right to be upset about the whole Janine thing and yes, Sherlock should apologize for his part in that. But of course, Molly's very nature is to just forgive without even being asked. It's one of the things I absolutely love about your characterization of her. She has such strong Christian qualities and I know that is because you possess the same, after all, we write what we know.

Really loved the explanations also about things you think you know, that turned out to not be true. Is this a precursor to the title for your "All the things we thought we knew" story?

Absolutely adored the way Molly felt the guilt and reasoned her way through it and decided she needed to apologize. She is such an incredible woman. Such an example of selflessness. And yet you see the same from Sherlock in the way he has been acting to her with his nobility. They both want what is best for the other and that is what a true, loving, committed relationship is all about. One of the things I try to reinforce to my daughters is that the best relationships are where both partners are givers, because both in turn receive. If you are in a relationship with someone who is constantly taking what you give and not giving back, it is an unhealthy one. It is so clear that Sherlock and Molly are both givers, despite their miss-steps and misunderstandings.

I have to say, I was very angry with Sherlock when he went into his mind palace while Molly was apologizing to him. I could not understand why he would do that and just ignore her. But then you brought us into his mind and everything he went through and all the hurt he felt, and the fact that she hurt him and he hadn't even realized it. You brought us into that whole world of emotion and feeling that he had suppressed. This is unbelievable writing, my friend. Even the imagery of the coals in his hands and then the way he finally let them go. The way he forgave her subconsciously and then consciously, and how he realized she too had chosen him, even when she left him. This is such powerful stuff. This is the stuff that great authors and made of, where you see what true forgiveness is about and true love.

This is the crux of it, they chose each other even when it didn't seem that way, and the misunderstandings separated them. The whole mind palace was so eloquently done. Ha ha, I said elegantly but my microphone put eloquently and actually that is fitting.

And I loved the way he was confident when he said in his mind he forgave her and he forgave himself. And his thoughts about how he had learned his lesson and would not repeat those mistakes, and that he knew they were better together than apart. You are absolutely melting my heart with this!

Even loved that last line about telling t Mrs. Hudson to clean Molly's room because she would need it again soon! You are so thoughtful in everything you write.

And oh my goodness, he was in his mind palace for so long ugh! I love the way he without hesitation gets dressed, and in his purple shirt of course(!), and is immediately set to head off to California and go after Molly.

So anyway, the rest of my notes come after finishing the chapter, which I read on another school bus trip to a marching band festival this time. I have discovered that it is really difficult to read such an emotional story and a little embarrassing to have to blink back tears as you read, while surreptitiously pulling out a tissue and dabbing at your eyes!

It was good that Lydia texted and GiGi called their uncle for help, clever girls!

Anthea bringing that envelope to Molly, I was sure I knew what it would be in it and now that I have actually read to the end of the chapter, I see I was right.

I also liked the conversation between Sherlock and GiGi on the private jet, where she asked if he had apologized. It was a good thing for him to think about. And the way she asked if he loved Molly and if Molly loved Kim, glad he said yes to both questions.

Even your little tiny scenes are sweet and I loved the conversation about the Hooper Scooper, and then Molly getting ready to read the contents of that envelope...

How clever of you to use Prince Hans from Frozen to highlight Tom's motives and get Sherlock into full detective mode about him.

And even though I am reading through this next bit again so that I can make notes, it has me in tears once more and this time I'm at home so nobody can see me and I can indulge myself. I can just imagine how Molly must've felt reading about Sherlock providing the money for the research that way. It's such an obvious show of his love for her, particularly in light of the fact that he did it anonymously.

And finally, some poetic justice with Sherlock to the rescue and punching Tom. Yay! I was so happy to see him feel a little pain. Yeah, I know Tom wasn't all bad, and that in the beginning his intentions were honourable, but still, there is no justification for what he did in the end to try and get back at Molly.

And of course, when Mary decided to check out the house, I knew Sherlock had to already be there. I love the way Molly found him staring out the window with Toby curling around his legs. When you use imagery like that, we can actually think about exactly what it looks like because of canon scenes from the show. I adore the way they did that scene in TEH when he slid his eyes to the left after she entered the room, before turning around, with that little smile.

And oh, first accepting her apology and forgiving her – just as well he followed it up quickly with his own apology. This whole scene was tremendously written. I love the way he apologized about every single thing he had done to hurt her, naming each one instead of just giving her a blanket apology. He followed his daughter's advice and it was very wise advice. He took ownership of what he had done wrong, and it was a big step, just as Molly had done with her own apology. I love that.

It was cute that you put in that little bit about him not intentionally seducing anyone, just add a little bit of humour.

Oh dear, here I go crying again when I re-read the part of him showing her their wedding rings. My heart feels so full of joy for them, and it makes sense that of course he is going to jump to the end and propose again. Really, as far as I'm concerned, they are already married, despite the divorce, because they have always loved each other. Remarrying I think is more like a vow renewal than a restoration of the legal stuff. It isn't as if either of them has been with anyone else in the intervening years either. (Well, Sherlock certainly hasn't and I don't think Molly went too far with Tom either.)

"I've always chosen you, Molly Hooper," (cue sobs from me), and "Come home. Please." (More tears) Oh, at this moment, I am Molly, because you wrote that she too was crying LOL. I guess I am pretty good at putting myself in the role of Molly LOL.

But I am also glad that Sherlock told her he understands they will need to discuss things, the logistics etc. And then Molly telling him that she has always chosen him as well and that she loves him.*happy sigh*

Him picking her up and spinning her around, and the "a long bleeding wound had finally stopped" ans then the "He'd waited so long to touch her" (here I go with tears again - well, not that they had stopped entirely anyway, but now a fresh row of them is running down my cheeks).

Sadly, that kiss just was not long enough before it was interrupted LOL. I'm glad though that Sherlock wasn't shy about giving her another passionate one in front of everybody (Lydia's "that's enough now" was too funny - just like the way my kids react when I am kissing their father! Well actually, my middle daughter is more likely to say "get a room"and the others just groan and say "ew".) Advice for Lydia and any other kids out there who get grossed out by seeing their parents kissing - leave us be, and be grateful that you have parents who love each other!

And the precious little details you put in there, Mary slipping her hand into John's, the girls' "we did it" exultation, Lydia being Lydia and wriggling out of her family hug, then telling her parents they have 10 years of kissing to make up for, but not to do it in front of her. It was all so real and so sweet.

And the idea of Tom being locked up in the garage is so funny! Then finishing the chapter with Mycroft and Anthea and her obvious excitement was so sweet too. And a little hug, so cute. Well, I have to wonder where they get security footage of them to be able to see everything live. Mycroft really is the British Government isn't he? The live feed just like in the show Big Brother I guess - ha ha literally!

And I say bring on the cheese for the final chapter. After everything you have put us through with this heartbreak and angst, I want lots and lots of happiness and fluff and cheese. I can never get enough of Sherlock and Molly happiness, they deserve it!

Thank you for yet another amazing chapter, and I am rather sad that this is almost finished. Perhaps you will have to do a follow up sequel with these characters? *raises hands pleadingly*

You are brilliant! Goodness is this what they consider a TDA (text dependent analysis)? I feel like I have been breaking down every part of your story and expanding on certain parts LOL.

Officially my longest review, I hope it fits because it is over 2100 words!
GoodShipSherlollipop chapter 11 . 9/27/2018
Oh my heart!

I have to say, I really think it is actually amazing the way you space out the backstory throughout this whole story, giving us glimpses of the past as well as the present. It is an incredibly wonderful juxtaposition.

Oh my goodness, though, it was hard to read when I finally saw what happened after the birth of the babies. It broke my heart and I had tears in my eyes when you wrote about Sherlock holding the babies in the hospital. I love that Anthea decided he would have to take one of them, or every night would be a danger night for him. I could totally have seen him go off the rails if he didn't have anything to live for once Molly was gone. Having a child must have made all the difference in the world and kept him sane.

And I'm glad that Molly agreed, but, I can imagine how difficult it must've been for her to go to another country and to leave a child behind. My heart breaks for both of them.

And then the scene where she really started missing Sherlock, after that Lydia comment of "Don't make jokes, Mum", where she saw how much Lydia was like her father. You really know how to get me emotional.

Even the thought of them being separated for over 10 years makes me just want to cry and go read one of my happy stories to cheer myself up LOL.

And then you show Molly in bed that night crying. So much sadness I can hardly stand it. I just want to give Molly a big hug.

Phew, back to present day. I like the way Molly reprimanded Tom on the way he said "those girls".

I also like how the girls were talking about Sherlock faking his death in front of Tom. Take that, Tom! Sherlock's a hero (even if he doesn't see himself that way).

Loved the little history lesson about the hospital. It really is amazing how long it has been there. Did you know there is no maternity section there? I've seen quite a few stories where Molly gives birth at Saint Barts, but I had her give birth at a hospital that really does have a maternity section LOL.

I loved seeing Mycroft turn up and how he told the girls he had been monitoring the situation all along, and helping as well. Can't wait to see what the deal is with those eyeballs.

Oh my gosh, I had to laugh at Anderson and his complete lack of tact in talking about the Sherlock impersonator!

It was fun to see the girls trying to gross Tom out with heir body parts conversation.

I like the way John and Mary noticed the looks Molly and Sherlock were exchanging. And I also like the way the girls totally know that John and Mary like each other. It's only a matter of time, I'm sure, before we see those two get together properly.

Ha ha, sneaky Lydia getting Tom to look in the wrong room!

Oh that "crappy" joke LOL.

Loved the whole eyeball scene. You have to tell me how on earth you were able to find out about doing experiments like that on eyeballs! And the idea of Tom getting that eyeball stuff all over him was hilarious, including the part where he lost his lunch!

And Tom's ultimatum...and now I am crying with happiness at her choice! Yes!

And yay, ring returned, engagement officially over. I am so happy!

The scene of Molly sitting in Sherlock's chair and admitting to herself that it had been a mistake for her to even agree to marry Tom, that he had only cared for part of her, rather than everything about her what so well written. And then when she admitted to herself that she still loved Sherlock made me cry. And it made me cry even more when she thought about how he had chosen the cases over her.

And then Sherlock gets home and is all sweet and kind and it makes me cry even more.

And then of course you had to change the POV and talk about how Sherlock wanted to touch her and again, it made me sob. You write inner monologues so incredibly well. I felt like I was in the room listening to his thoughts and my heart was breaking for him. There is such growth and maturity in his thoughts, as he does not want to "take advantage " of her vulnerability. Here is me saying, "just kiss her already! Worry about the rest later!" He is so noble, isn't he?

And now I am reading about how he is actually wishing he could buy the girls ice cream and I have more tears at his renewed hope, because Molly chose them.

Oh, you are such a tease! Breaking up that almost conversation thanks to the girls, then having the mood lightened and now they're going to experiment on a kidney together. I guess that conversation will wait a little, gosh darn it.

Loving this combination of songs that is going on as they work together, so clever! Songs with stalker lyrics LOL. I liked the Bangles and I loved the song "Eternal Flame".

Oh my goodness, finally, the conversation! The explanations to each other. They really did miss each other by inches, didn't they? Years of estrangement due to both of them feeling too hurt and not knowing what the other one wanted. As Sherlock said, he is not a mind reader. I'm so glad I am home alone, because I have been crying my eyes out and blowing my nose as if I have just lost my best friend.

Your writing is so exquisite. And the way you talk about the swing and the feelings of being at the top of it, and the exhilaration and the falling. That whole paragraph was amazing.

And then of course, you queen of the slowburn, you! John and Mary and impeccable timing – not!

I most certainly do not blame Sherlock for slamming the door to his bedroom and not speaking to John.

I cannot wait to finally see this wonderful couple come together once again, and now they are so close to it at last. They are so real to me, the way you write them.

It will be bittersweet when his story ends, and I know that now I cannot choose between this one and your most recent story as to which is my all-time favourite story for Sherlock and Molly.

*sigh* I still wish this version could be made into a movie!
GoodShipSherlollipop chapter 10 . 9/23/2018
Oh my goodness! You wove that story about Janine brilliantly. Of course there was no Mary to shoot Magnussen, so this was a fabulous way to change the story just enough, but still make it recognizable as partly canon.

Oh, of course Molly had all those mixed feelings but kept forgiving. What a shock though to see those horrible tabloids. That was a very creative way to cause conflict between them! Your continuing themes of forgiveness in regard to Molly are evident. Makes me think of the "Seventy times seven" Bible verse when Jesus is asked how many times a person should forgive someone. I once heard a sermon about that, where the preacher said that if you counted up to that point in forgiving someone, by that time you would be so used to it that you would keep doing it past that point. I really liked that idea, because it basically means forgiveness is unlimited. It certainly is when it comes to repentance and forgiveness from our sins.

Although Sherlock did not feel he was cheating on Molly, I do think even one kiss was a betrayal, and I don't blame Molly at all for being upset.

I think she had every right to ask him to not take any more cases at least for those three weeks until the babies came.

How heartbreaking it was then when Mycroft came to see Sherlock, and Sherlock decided to take that case. Yes, his intentions for taking it were good, but he was wrong, plain and simple. My heart broke for the two of them, especially when Sherlock told her to leave after Molly's ultimatum which she was justified in giving him.

The way she suddenly had to think of the sitting room as Sherlock's and not theirs was terribly sad.

I am very cross with Mycroft for interfering. His meddling really was the straw that broke the camel's back. If he had an ounce of sense, he would not have put Sherlock in that position to begin with.

It is interesting that in the end it was not the betrayal in regard to Janine that made Molly leave Sherlock, but Mycroft convincing Sherlock to take that case.

Onto the "present" stuff...

I loved Mrs. Hudson and the way she manipulated things just a little in Sherlock and Molly's favour. In fact I really loved the way the whole "family" (including Greg) were doing their part to push them together subtly. The reminiscing was good, and I really like the way everyone else was talking about what Sherlock had done and the way you had Tom trying to counteract that by trying to remind Molly of what HE had done with her. Simply lovely. The reminiscing was good, and I really like the way everyone else was talking about what Sherlock had done and the way you had Tom trying to counteract that by trying to remind Molly of what he had done with her. Simply lovely.

Clever use of a classic story as well from ACD to highlight the differences between Tom And Sherlock. Sherlock is so brilliant! I was half waiting for a "meat dagger" thing, but I just realized you already mentioned that in an earlier chapter as pertaining to a previous boyfriend of Molly's, I believe.

Also absolutely loved Sherlock's chiding way of saying "stepfather" rather than father. The girls already have a father who is irreplaceable. It would be one thing if they were infants and had lost their dad and Tom could be a replacement father, but it was ridiculous of him to even try and say he would be their father.

And those devious twins! The whole Tom and kidney thing was so funny. I too am a bit squeamish and I don't think it would be fun to find a kidney in the fridge! I like the way the twins are planning to find ways of making him feel even worse. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Finally, cute end scene with Mycroft chuckling about his nieces and Anthea hearing it.

I know this review is a bit shorter than usual, but I was reading on the school bus as we were heading to/from a marching band competition so I could not use my microphone to speak into my Notes app as I read along. I just had to do it after the fact instead so I may have missed some things.

But brilliant chapter as always and I am really excited to soon see Sherlock and Molly get closer.
GoodShipSherlollipop chapter 9 . 9/16/2018
Oh, The way you talk about Sherlock jumping in feet first when he is ready to except that he will be a father, is exactly the way my Sherlock behaves as well. You'll see that eventually when I publish my pregnancy story! I too think he would be all about the research and making sure he is fully prepared for everything to do with pregnancy.

I love your rating system they have for the cases. Very clever.

My heart breaks for the problems Sherlock and Molly are having during her pregnancy. I really like the way how you brought the Lady Smallwood case into it and the creative way you changed it. The whole slaps thing and reason for the lack of a ring was inspired. But oh how cruel are his words!

I really like her words to him afterwards though, reassuring him that she loves him. That sometimes she might not like what he's doing, but she loves him. That's so important in a marriage and our relationship. There are going to be good and bad times and there will be things you don't like that your partner does, but when you love someone, you are willing to work through them.

I also love the way you show how Molly forgives him so quickly and how he feels guilty about it.

But oh dear, even though I love the way you wicked Janine into the story through Greg Lestrade, I know that decision get to Magnussen through her is a VERY bad idea.

The whole scene with a Sherlock and John is wonderfully written. It is so interesting to see Sherlocks thought process as he talks about how Molly looked wounded, and how her natural forgiving nature came through. Honestly, hey sweet nature is as much a candidate for Christian kindness as Sherlock's, because of what he has been through and his constant brushes with death.

I love how you have John ask if Sherlock has forgiven her, and he thinks about everything that has happened and says he has nothing to forgive her for. And then I like the way John asks if Sherlock has forgiven himself. That is and extremely important thing to do. It is very hard to move on with your life after you do something wrong, if you cannot forgive yourself.

It's so obvious that they still care for one another and that without Tom in the picture, things would be resolved much faster, but of course, this is all about a slow burn!

My heart breaks for Sherlock as he thinks he is not good enough for Molly. Self-sacrifice is a pain in the butt. She deserves to make her own decision!

Gotta love the girls' conversation with Mary and trying to convince her about the brunch in their suite.

The brunch was wonderful. How perfect of the girls to skip out quickly. Clever of them. I really loved the conversation between Sherlock and Molly, and the way you brought pieces of Canon from TEH into it.

Well those unsatisfying solutions for custodial issues. I think Sherlock was being practical by suggesting Molly move to London anyway, she is from there originally, as it is. He tried so hard as well, I was proud of him and his kindness, even regarding Tom.

Liked the line, "she was in danger of falling for the man all over again." It isn't true though, because she never stopped loving him, and I'm sure she will realize that. Uh, hello - wake up call? Maybe Tom is not the right man?

I really enjoyed the way the girls made the adults bow to their wishes. I was also impressed with the way Sherlock told them off for speaking to their mother that way. That was just beautiful. My hubby sometimes does that for me, and it feels good to know your spouse is on your side!

Can't wait to see what happens in London with them all together, although it is a bummer that Tom is going along as well. Very nice of Sherlock to invite him, though, very mature.

By the way, I think it is cute the way you are developing John and Mary's connection as well.

Glad Anthea told Mycroft to not butt in as well. They need to sort it out for themselves, and hopefully the girls will give their parents push they need.

Another sensational chapter, as always! I am running out of adjectives to describe how fantastic this story is, but yay, I don't think I have used sensational yet ha ha.
GoodShipSherlollipop chapter 8 . 9/12/2018
How sweet of Sherlock to have stuff dry-cleaned for Molly!

Love the notes and "perfect proportions" bit.

The coffee counts, my heart!

The case files with Sherlock writing about them, love it! Haha iron stomach Molly, he's so observant of all things Molly! Of,COURSE he deletes nothing with her in it!

"I missed you." *sigh*

There I go again, tearing up at the incredibly romantic gesture with the "star" website. So creative!

I love the "ridiculous man" not to his best man speech - I've used that one too LOL. And the next word ha, he said those himself in that speech too! It pays to be an obsessive Sherlolly fan when you recognize direct quotes ;) I'm a big fan of using canon in my stories too, at other than the "canon" scenes, so love this whole section!

*Melts in a puddle on the floor when he proposes and says he loves her*

Love the way he had the ring.

And yes, marriage definitely makes the mudane things easier, because those things are done with and for the person you love.

Wonderful, long flashback - thanks so much for showing us the exquisite second proposal!

Had to love Sherlock coming out with his purple shirt as well as red one. That purple shirt is definitely a favorite in the whole fandom, isn't it? It's definitely Molly's favorite ha ha. He is just trying so hard to deny his feelings of nervousness and anticipation.

Absolutely love that sneaky plan and how it is being implemented, wow is Molly going to get a surprise! Also thought it was funny how Gigimtold Lydia she was bossy, The whole kidney thing make me laugh as well.

I also like seeing Mary's musings about how Sherlock is obviously a good father. I keep forgetting that in this story she has never met him.

I like how Gigi also tried to get to Tom, but he is certainly keeping his cards close to his vest. I know there has to be an agenda somewhere for him.

Also nice little scene with Molly thinking something was missing, foreshadowing?

Airport scene was funny, and the way Sherlock was loopy from the pill. I really enjoy when you have him making deductions and explain how he reaches his conclusions. That must take some research. Oh, and I also applaud all the work you put into talking about what Molly's lecture was going to be about. That's such attention to detail. Oh, and the alternate bee presentation, funny too!

Talk about rubbing salt into the wound by having Tom wear a purple shirt!

Revolving doors and loopy Sherlock, too funny! And GIgi coming up to him to greet the three of them just made me cry again! I was so happy to see them reunited. Yikes, if I cry over Gigi, it's going to be buckets of crying when Sherlock and Molly are together again!

I like what you said about Sherlock being good at sneaking into a room, and the way he can't help making a deduction about the man with the red face. That mind is always working, even when a little befuddled by a sleeping pill! Glad he decided to check it out.

All of Sherlocks thoughts and reflections about Molly are so beautiful but now I am crying again as he realize that she is not his anymore and never will be. This is so heartbreaking. And then his realization that he was still attracted to her. Of course he is! As he thinks to himself, she still matters. Sherlock could never be with anyone else. Ugh, you have me crying again as Sherlock ponders the future and apologizing to Molly (I'm very interested to see why he pushed her away), ah your writing is just so amazing!

*squeals silently as Sherlock makes his way towards Molly*

Oh my goodness - The way you show Molly's thoughts on seeing Sherlock and the evolution of those feelings is amazing and has me crying again. Excitement, exhilaration, attraction, oh my! And the her reflections on Tom – normal, boring.

"Because she was still very much into him". That's it, Molly. Be sensible. You can't marry one man when you're in love with someone else.

Oh my gosh, Sherlock realizing Molly hadn't known, and then he saw her ring. Absolutely fantastic parallel to the show, brilliant (even if heartbreaking). And noticing the similarities between Tom and himself. I like the "imposter" thought!

Oh, truth time for the twins. So sad to see how hurt Sherlock was when he pointed out that Genevieve Iied and said that Molly was looking forward to seeing him.

Here comes Mary! Looking forward to seeing her interaction with John.

Thanks for giving me a bit of a laugh amidst all this angst with Sherlock telling Randy off, and acting childishly with the buttons on the elevator, too funny!

It's nice to see how quickly Sherlock shows his daughters that he forgave them, and I like the way you showed how different they are in personality with Lydia's one apology, and Gigi continuing to apologize.

Ah, Prince Hans, I was wondering what that meant. Nice analogy from Frozen.

*sigh* Sherlock and all his thoughts of "politeness".

Oh yes, Tom falls in the pool, love it and the fact that Randy missed took him for a Sherlock. And poor Molly realizing it as well. (Brings to mind a story I published a couple weeks ago where Sherlock ended up in a fountain LOL).

Ha ha, Tom falling back in as Molly releases his hand when she sees John, loving it! (I hope people don't read my reviews because I put in far too many spoilers LOL)a.

Ah, fluttering stomachs on both Sherlock and Molly's parts, cute. More like their souls speaking to one another, if you ask me.

Fresh round of tears from me as Molly sees the twins together and find out what has been happening. My goodness, if I were Molly, I would be sobbing at the sight of seeing both my daughters together. She holds herself together very well! Your story is 10 times better than the original or remake of "The Parent Trap".

I love how Molly talked to Sherlock - "We'd better watch out for these two," and the way the girls have different reactions to her hugging them.

Tom's discombobulation about the two girls and realizing Sherlock is the father is funny. Sherlock beaming at Tom, I can see it exactly – it's the one he gives that friend of Mary's when he says he has his number (the usher).

I like how you closed out the chapter with Molly and her thoughts on how the evening had gone, and how Sherlock was a good father and had changed for the better and being a little more restrained.

Also really like the way you did a nod to canon with Mary saying "I like him" as she said to John in TEH.

So yeah, I decided I needed to finish this chapter and have been reading it for the quite some time. Wonderful, as always. I wish there was a way to contact Loo Brealey and tell her about this story. I'll bet she would love it! Who would ever have thought you could insert Sherlock and Wally into a story like this so believably and well? I don't think anyone else could've done it justice in the way you have done, and I still have a few chapters to go, yay! Although all this crying will probably give me a headache *pokes out tongue playfully*
GoodShipSherlollipop chapter 7 . 9/8/2018
More backstory! I love how Sherlock pinpoints they mounted the time it takes for him to realize he loves Molly, and I love all the thoughts that surround that revelation. I'm glad he recognizes that Molly is clever in so many things beyond her work. Initially, my Molly had a modest singing voice, but I ended up changing it to an extremely good singing invoice ha ha.

Love the line is when she is gone and he is more when she is here. What a perfect way to describe a couple who belong together.

Terrible proposal, but at least he wants to marry her and not just have her move in! His logical thinking is so hilarious. I love to that he just "assumes" Molly would know he loves her even without him saying the words. Such a dork! And Molly's answer haha. Glad she set him straight on doing things properly. Hope we get to see the "real" proposal later!

The conversation between Lydia and Mrs. H., oh it was hard to read about Sherlock's broken heart. Like that Lydia said he broke Molly's too. This story just brings up all those feelings of "why?"

Sherlock even knowing the population of Napa Valley, oh, my heart, he still loves Molly of course.

Sherlock and his memories *sigh* like how you worked in the Magnussen case slaps! Oh and the gunshot - so THAT is what caused the split. I can't really plane her, when he put work ahead of family.

My goodness, he's repressing (or trying to) memories, just as he did with Eurus - startling, considering you wrote this before season 4!

Tearing up reading about Sherlock thinking about Lydia and the instinctual immediate love he feels for this child who is so similar to him. Things will never be the same, he's gonna need to get to know her, yes!

Loved the Mycroft/Anthea talk - wow, he knows EVERYTHING!

More tears with Genevieve/Mary. Love how Gigi is so like Molly, but has her dad's violin skill! Enjoying them being co-conspirators regarding Tom -what is his secret hmmm?

Sherlock buying more appropriate gifts for Lydia, love it, and his desire to know her better. Wonderful talk with John. So funny, Sherlock did what I expected with giving both gifts rather than allowing one to be from John. After all, Sherlock was the one who thought of it!

Sweet apology to Lydia and his comments about being honored she was so determined to meet him, and the gentle way he took her injured hand.

Ohhh Lydia's plan is brilliant. I'm on the edge of my seat with anticipation!

And Mycroft's reach is almost god-like -it extends BEYOND the British Government!

Wonderful chapter, once again - perfect characterizations. Man, this story needs to be made into a movie! Can't wait for the reunion!
GoodShipSherlollipop chapter 6 . 9/7/2018
Before I talk about this chapter, I forgot to mention in my last review how sweet it was of Molly to go to the cemetery and clean up graves. Certainly seems like the kind of thing she would do.

*Happy sigh* More Sherlock and Molly backstory, can't get enough of it! I love the imagery of Sherlock being obsessed with kissing her in multiple locations. Kissing is such a wonderful thing and I can totally see Sherlock enjoying it thoroughly, as of course would Molly.

The "unable to form a coherent thought" conversation was so funny.

Poor Gigi, finding out about the engagement and I can imagine her devastation.

And the Sherlock scene - putting it all together - of COURSE it would not take long. Lived his working on the case and the Gigi conundrum, and his conclusion.

When he asked, "Lydia?" and she responded, you got me crying again!

I like how Gigi just had to play the violin to calm herself down. I knew she was going to be found out ha ha. Liked her last line to Marry, Who I am sure was pretty suspicious of her identity anyway.

Blinked back tears when Lydia said "hi Dad". So totally in character for Sherlock to have to leave the lab, but so sweet to see John's reaction. I love the way he was trying to reassure her about her dad.

And every time a chapter ends, I am in tears. Loved Mrs. Hudson's reaction. Can't wait for Sherlock to get over the shock too.

This is all so beautifully written and it grabs at my heart strings so much! Excellent chapter as always, my friend.
GoodShipSherlollipop chapter 5 . 9/2/2018
Ahhhh more Sherlock/Molly backstory yay!

Love the idea of Sherlock with his addictive personality becoming addicted to the idea of kissing Molly again!

My Sherlock has asked himself the same question - what is it about her he can't resist? (Duh, you are soulmates, pretty simple,to me).

I like how Sherlock decides he wants Molly to remember, and has to assure her it has nothing to do with Moran or Moriarty when she gets a bit scared.

Him wanting to recreate the scene in her room, love it. Reminds me of my take-two stories where Sherlock has perfect recall of the dialogue in the makes sense. He does not delete what is important to him. I feel he has an eidetic memory for that which he wants to remember, and all Molly-related stuff is retained automatically.

Squeals with delight as he scoops Molly up into his arms...and Molly asking who he is playing, John or Greg LOL

Ahhhhhh, LOVE it, the kiss, so perfect... do you remember? Do you remember now? Perfect score on that, my friend, outstanding writing!

The new client,- Ahhh, I KNEW it was the beryl coronet story as soon as I read that the man had a son who was under house arrest.

Hungry Lydia and Mrs. Hudson, lovely scene with her making up the story about the boy, and Mrs. Hudson imparting a bunch if canon information! I too think Christmas was the first time his subconscious mind became aware of his attraction to Molly. He did not like the thought she might be dressing up for another man.

Thanks for the explanation if the ruined front door, you never forget anything!

You drifted from the canon nicely because of no John/Mary. I like how they were all together when Sherlock revealed himself. I like how Mrs. H. Said Sherlock insulted everyone's intelligence at one time or another -except Molly's. I've seen that tpp. It's another reason that shows she is 'different' in his eyes - she is his equal. Loved the comment about Sherlock's smile. So true they were sarcastic and that type. His smile didn't reach his eyes. Like how you had Molly, rather than Mary say she'd talk John around. Clever use of canon with a different character!

Ah, finally we get The Moran story fleshed out more yay! So adorable - Sherlock and all that kissing and still the last to know he loved her.

Thanks for the backstory talk from Mrs. H. Wow this is a LONG chapter!

Oh here it comes. Funny you made the "meat dagger" man an earlier boyfriend.

Tom *sigh* Poor Gigi, hearing about it.

Laughed over the Sherlock/John bickering. I read the beryl coronet story but can't remember it well. Incest accusation? So funny!

Love Sherlock explaining the case, and that he calls her Genevieve, rather than Gigi. My hubby uses our daughter's full name usually too instead of her nickname. Can't wait to see Lydia spending time with Sherlock at the lab.

Oh my, Gigi meeting Tom. It sure sounds like he is trying a bit too hard. I like that you are also showing his resemblance in a little way to Sherlock, just as the Tom from the Canon version. It will be interesting to see where this leads.

Oh - Sherlock is putting it together, as of course makes sense!

Darn it, you have me crying again with the talk of the ring and the beautiful words Molly says on their wedding night.

Oh, HOW could they allow themselves to be separated? The whole ending just kind of broke my heart, as that ring is still around in his room. When will he look for it? And ignoring the obvious because it involves sentiment. How fitting, but incredibly sad.

"the ring waited for him" poignant line, (hope we get to see what happened before the wedding).

Love the canon woven in and the alterations to for the story, seamlessly done. Perfection, as always!

*Gets ready to c/p review from notes app next morning.*

"He'd flung the ring off her nightstand" (and the rest of that paragraph) haunted me and made me cry in bed, and now too, when I think of his heartache. I had to quickly think of my happy Sherlolly stories to calm myself down. I can picture it TOO clearly, that is what makes your writing so incredibly awesome!
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