Reviews for Days and Nights
Guest chapter 10 . 10/13/2018
The best fanfiction I ever read
BrettVT chapter 10 . 5/4/2016
Very Well written like all of your stories. Easily some of the best Boba Fett Fanfictions around period.
Wanda chapter 10 . 1/3/2016
Love it
everlastingtrueromance chapter 10 . 10/26/2015
you should write more! I love your pairing of these two! Read your other stort 5 times now! :)
Freak87 chapter 10 . 6/7/2015
I was suprised Dyrk was behind the ship crashing! But I really like how it came to light, definitely made the chapter with him "knowing" the planet they landed on make more sense. It didn't cross my mind that he was the cause since he really cared about Leia. I love that Boba left him with Luke, and they went boar riding. Although it's for the best they don't get together, loved the resolution. Plus I'm not sure Luke would have been able to get over the idea that Dyrk was behind the ship crashing even if he knew it was meant to be a safe/fake sort of crash.
Loved the whole setup, I know it's based on the book, but you did an excellent job adapting it to your own universe. And the whole part with the Queen being like "yeah whatever keep your side piece and just marry my son anyway" was pretty hilarious to me. Then add in Isolder still wanting her, and trying to pay off Fett? Lol, But I loved that Dyrk told Isolder to marry his captain. I love that you didn't pair them off in the end, and left it open to whether they do or not. Isolder has bigger issues with his mother to deal with. It would definitely have felt out of place to have some assertion that yeah they totally hooked up later, I like where you left them, him needing to face his mother but Astarta still there to help him.
And I love Boba and Leia's relationship through this whole story, and where they leave off at the end here. It slots right back into your main series. I was curious to how the ending would work back into the main series considering this had to take place before they broke up in that one. I wasn't sure that the ending to this would make sense and then for them to break up later. But this worked really well. Leia decides not to marry Isolder because ultimately that's not the life she wants, and she wants to help Mandalore. She cares about Fett, he's important to her, but he's not the sole driving force behind her decision. If he was, I imagine her reaction to their breakup would have been a lot different with a lot of "I could have married a prince" in the back of her mind. BUT, the way you left it here? Absolutely perfect, their relationship hasn't changed much if at all, though he does realize he's important to her even if he doesn't get quite what that means yet.
Absolutely fantastic story, I loved it. You did an awesome job!
(oh and if this is the end, and you're not uploading any more chapters, you'll want to mark it as complete, just a friendly reminder :) Or will there be more? :D lol, I'm not opposed to more ;)
Madyellowduck chapter 10 . 6/3/2015
I'm still hopeful for an epilogue. There simply wasn't enough of Leia and Fett without a million people around them. A missing moment perhaps of what happens on Dyrk's ship?

Enjoyed the ride all the way. Love the scene at the end with Fenn.
Pegleo chapter 10 . 6/2/2015
Loved this entire story. Thank you!
I would love to read more of Leia & Fett and th exploits of Mandalore. I like her in this role. The friendship developing between Dryk and Luke was great. Luke needs good friends more than he needs a lover. Thanks, again. I truly enjoyed myself.
Ahsoka Hamato chapter 9 . 5/27/2015
They're not really going to kidnap her are they?
Freak87 chapter 9 . 5/2/2015
Awesome two chapters! That last line is perfect XD
I am definitely glad Leia made a final decision, and told Fett. So when shit hits the fan, Fett won't have any misconceptions about what's going on.
I am loving Dryk and Luke, just look at them bonding! Luke could use more friends. I definitely loved Fett calling him on his "curiosity" and Dry throwing it right back on Fett, loved Fett's reaction. I wonder if Luke would even consider any romantic exploits, and would he even consider Dryk... hmm... I definitely like them as friends, and am not opposed to seeing where it goes.
And nice to see Fett and Leia rekindling whatever it was they call their relationship and Leia making a decision. I loved Astarta initially thinking they were behaving like siblings, and then realized how wrong that statement was XD Just think she was so close to not catching them. That assassin has really bad timing! Way to ruin the mood! But happy to see despite distraction Fett is still very away of his surroundings. Hopefully Isolder will accept that Leia doesn't love him back easily...but I dunno. I am not sure what to make of his reaction, or rather lack of one. I suppose he's trying to maintain decorum and not say anything, but it makes me wonder what's going through his head.
You continue to be awesome! I loved the updates! I can't wait for more :D
Madyellowduck chapter 9 . 5/2/2015
Two updates at once? Stellar. Ta'Chume showing up now and the story ending soon? Say it ain't so. And finally - some Leia-Fett action! Love it love it love it.
ladysithari4370 chapter 9 . 5/1/2015
The answer to Leia's question is... Yes. He could kidnapp her until she agrees to marry. I liked this chapter. Very very good.
ExtensaSelecta chapter 9 . 5/1/2015
LOL, this last line could embed the truth for all we know :-) I'd like to see how Luke is going to react to the reckless behaviour of Leia, time to have some talk, don't you think? Story is flowing easily, good job again! I want to read the next chapter as soon as possible p.s: every time I see the name of planet 'Hapes', my brain read that into 'herpes' ha ha ha I don't know why!
Nyakai chapter 9 . 4/30/2015
That's not how I expected this chapter to end! At least Fett's never really distracted, it seems lol. Definitely interested in seeing how the queen mother takes all of this, since she's so enjoyable to be around already. These two chapters were a fun read!
gnurd chapter 9 . 4/30/2015
Don't say things like that Leia. It's just a bad idea.
Bountyhunter1977 chapter 1 . 4/2/2015
I am glad to see Leia is paired with some one other then Han, not that have anything against him but i like see some changing up in the relationships and the same with Luke and Mara, Boba was not some i had in mind for her but its unique to me.

as this story is taking place during The Courtship of Princess Leia, my thought on a alternative girl for Luke was Teneniel Djo , when she She captured both Luke Skywalker and Prince Isolder Luke steps up and becomes her husband maybe he is more attracted to her then in the book or he dose it because of the Force is involved.
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