Reviews for Look at me! I'm a clever title!
Lover of Emotions chapter 8 . 4/3/2019
that is interesting. update soon please.
LovelySinner7 chapter 8 . 7/14/2015

*slides down a wall * awwweeeeewwwwwwwee!
Les Folles Rieuses chapter 7 . 5/28/2015
Oh my god ! This was cute !
Hahaha I want to know what happened in that first date ! This promise to be gold !
Very funny D I can't wait for the next part. Good luck with your finals.
LovelySinner7 chapter 7 . 5/26/2015
Actually I agree. Yusuke looked much better with out the gel.
LovelySinner7 chapter 6 . 5/26/2015
LovelySinner7 chapter 5 . 5/26/2015
Ahhhhhhh! So that's how kuwabara and kurama got together...
LovelySinner7 chapter 4 . 5/26/2015
Ha! Potato.
LovelySinner7 chapter 3 . 5/26/2015
Sick hiei or Yusuke. Thats, all.
LovelySinner7 chapter 2 . 5/26/2015
I want a cupcake! :0 this was super duper cute!
LovelySinner7 chapter 1 . 5/26/2015
Pinkyswore chapter 5 . 3/24/2015
i love it, i'm so happy for this cute couple! this should be canon in the series, dammit! haha
Guest chapter 3 . 3/9/2015
Sooo happy to see some yusuke and hiei stuff, they're my favorite pairing. If you're taking requests, I'd like to see something where Yusuke gets a little jealous, someone flirting with his fire demon perhaps. I don't know lol, I will excited for the next chapter regardless :)
Les Folles Rieuses chapter 4 . 1/3/2015
HAHAHAHA ! I just laughed so hard ! POTATOES ! From nom on, I'm going to say it in bed 8D ! It was really a nice work.

I hope you will make a next chapter soon !
Love your works 3
See you soon.

Ps : I read again the last chapter of the spirit detective and the forbidden child and in the commentary in the beginning you said "!Hola¡ (that's right! I speak French!)" It's stupid but I wanted to say that Hola was in Spanish. "Bonjour !" is French. Well... Just to speak x)
Les Folles Rieuses chapter 3 . 1/3/2015
Oh ! If you do prompt, I would love to see Hiei getting affectionate with a puppy (or Puu ! scratching his ears or smiling at him !) thinking than nobody is there and Yusuke, lurking in the dark, watching him, surprised.

Or a drabble where Hiei is complaining to Yusuke because Kuwabara is getting too close of his sister...

Or Yusuke's mother walking in to see his son making out with Hiei.

One of them would make me very happy 3

Thank you and see you soon !

PS : Again, I'm sorry for the mistakes. I understand English but it's hard for me to speak.
Les Folles Rieuses chapter 2 . 1/3/2015
Ooh ! I love it ! It would have be nice that everyone made something for Yusuke's birthday and not only Hiei x_x' poor boy ! It's like no one paid attention to him ! (And his mother is not so mean ._. ...)

I like one less than the first for this reasons :O ! Yusuke deserve better than that... Plus, I don't think that Hiei does birthday... Isn't it too human for him ?

Thank you for your works,
See you soon,
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