Reviews for She
Nikki1219 chapter 78 . 4/20/2018
Beautifully written!
Bevey99 chapter 78 . 9/15/2017
Pretty emotional beginning, but definitely lovely ending. Thanks or writing.
Bevey99 chapter 25 . 9/14/2017
?What dad, he left?
Xoxo chapter 78 . 7/19/2016
This was interesting. A pretty good .
Guest chapter 63 . 6/2/2016
Well, I'm glad Rose called him out on it.
Guest chapter 62 . 6/2/2016
well, yeah, edward...what did you expect?
Guest chapter 61 . 6/2/2016
still not liking either of them
Guest chapter 60 . 6/2/2016
Really? I had an inkling that maybe Marie was testing Edward on behalf of Izzy, but no. They seem to both be selfish. Izzy just went home to tend to her sick child! And Marie still wants to sight-see? And Edward is offering, after his all-or-nothing stance with Izzy?

They're both gross human beings.
Guest chapter 59 . 6/2/2016
uh, wow. They got comfy with each other REAL fast.

Wondering what kind of person Marie is. She's visiting her cousin, who found out her kid has a fever. Instead of leaving with her to be helpful and continue visiting with her, she opts to stay with a guy she just met.

And Edward? I get that Marie looks like Izzy, but he went from being uncomfortable to cozy in a snap when left alone with her.
DMBSJB18 chapter 62 . 5/31/2016
I've loved this story up until this whole crap with Marie? What was the point of it? and how he said that the proportions of the features on Marie's face were better than on izzys? What the hell? I would seriously love an answer to this... What the whole point of it was. And what the point of pointing out that edwRd thinks Marie is prettier was... Please?
LolaTheSa chapter 75 . 4/22/2016
You can't throw her story at everyone that doesn't like her. Bella treated him like shit and never really paid for it, or got a back lash worth remembering
LolaTheSa chapter 73 . 4/22/2016
Honestly.. I don't feel for this Bella at all. Don't their romance at all at this point...

It feels like something is missing.. like a argument or something... I feel Edward should yell at her... say things just to get it off his chest.. in stead it's like he has this controlled emotions and he is only letting love show..

And it doesn't feel right.
LolaTheSa chapter 72 . 4/22/2016
Um she loved him but fucked his brother and treated him like shit? The proof is not in the pudding, I don't care what you fucking say.
twigsfans chapter 72 . 1/17/2016
Ew this Bella is a whore ewww wtf
maggiegurle chapter 78 . 10/4/2015
:o)~ I liked it.
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