Reviews for Someone on Mark's Side
Craig Payne chapter 8 . 4/1/2017
Insane? I call it pretty clever that in Mark's dream of winning an Oscar, his name is announced by the very actor portraying Mark in the show. I thought it was pretty clever thinking. Kind of thinking out of the box.
Craig Payne chapter 1 . 4/1/2017
I, for one, would've loved to see this episode come to life.

Did I think it was ok for Mark to attack his brothers like that? No. Violence isn't the answer, and Karate (though I never studied the art) is to be used in self defense.
But, On Mark's side, throughout the series up to this point (I would say around season 5 or 6), the amount of picking and tormenting Mark without much of a retaliation from Mark without the aid of his parents was very minimal. It kept building up and building up, the temper just rose in him and he really had no way to release it. The only way he felt about all the anguish, embarrassment and humiliation of all the years of hurt and tormenting from when he was very little (I would say even before the age of 7) had to come to a boiling point sometime. They didn't do much physically to Mark, but verbal and emotional abuse, and neglect can be just as hurtful and damaging as a good smack on the back or head.

I also understand where Tim and Jill are coming from. They are trying to teach Mark a way to let out his anger in a healthy way, not in an aggressive way. The fact that he did physically strike Randy bad enough to possibly break a rib or two, or more. Though it didn't seem like there was much interest in Mark's injuries to his jaw. It hurt when he spoke, and though he threw the first of 5 punches, two hitting Brad and didn't even shake him, Brad uppercut him. Brad is strong, tall and older than his youngest brother. So he should've known a blow like that could cause serious damage.

Mark's injuries are as serious as Randy's, and the fact their parents are looking towards Randy and not Mark, other than pulling him out of that class, isn't fair. And spinning the uppercut to Mark's jaw from Brad back around on Mark wasn't smart. It was stupid. All Brad had to do is maybe disarm Mark but grabbing hold of him and forcing him to the floor and make sure he can't move until Tim and Jill was able to diffuse things. Instead, one good blow to the jaw can damage Mark's mouth, teeth, speech etc. So, that wasn't cool.
homeimprovementaddict56 chapter 8 . 11/24/2014
I'm with mark 100 % but he shouldn't of put randy in the hospital he's still gonna get a punishment by his parents no matter what the situation and he could've killed randy if he went to far with this whole punching him in the chest thing? great story over all.
Darkpurplelighter chapter 8 . 4/8/2012
This is the first Home Improvement fanfic I've ever read and I'm sorry that you didn't finish the story. It really makes me wonder how it would have played out.

As far as the story goes I thought it was written rather well and could actually picture it all happening cause I imagine that's how Mark really feels.

You did a great job and if you ever read this review I hope you think about finishing this up.
Pirate-chan chapter 8 . 2/19/2009
OH! love it! Dylan seems cool! cant wait for the next chapter!
Youtube Slut chapter 3 . 1/26/2009
I am on Mark's side I have a temper problem I have needed Brad Tim Jill and Bobby Lashley (A BUFF Wrestaler)to get me off of him.
Colin Creevey chapter 8 . 7/11/2008

Why did u stop? It was getting hell good. I can guess the ending pretty well, but why did u stop the story? Im sorry, but that was disappointing. It was just getting good.

Two words... please continue, whether or not years have passed. Please continue.
Colin Creevey chapter 7 . 7/11/2008
"Empires rise and fall, but evil is eternal." So true. Brad acte the way I'd expect him to now, but I would love to see how this ends.
Colin Creevey chapter 6 . 7/11/2008
I thought the two would feel guilty. This is a good story. A really good one.
Colin Creevey chapter 5 . 7/11/2008
Now that was interesting. Who is this Dylan. Something tells me he isn't what he says he is. His name isnt Dylan. He isnt thirteen. He has no parents. He has no brother. (what's the betting all r right?)
Colin Creevey chapter 4 . 7/11/2008
I am against Mark 40 percent. Seriously. But now is the time 2 use Karate. Y'know, nothing works. Mark can yell about it, he can put about it, he can bitch about it, and still nothing will change unless he makes a really big deal. Sometimes, the only way to get through it is to escalate it rapidly, and show he won't take it anymore. That works 80 percent of the time.

I am enjoying this story.
Colin Creevey chapter 3 . 7/10/2008
I'll come back tomorrow, but dude, I got a lot to say. A bit about the review, and then I gotta rant off.

Story is awesome, and I cannot believe I left it. I guess I didnt have an account back then, and didn't know how to send reviews, or didnt want to send an anonymous one, or something. All I know is, I feel bad. I think it was sometime in the summer of 2005, so I still would've been three years late.

Now, I don't blame Mark as much as I should. It's about time he stuck up for himself. I always knew he'd seek revenge one day in his teen years. But I think Randy stopped picking on him in Season 4 or 5, didn't he? It didn't seem to be as bad back then. The two even said that if anyone called him foureyes, they'd answer to Brad and Randy. Did Mark forget about that?

Still, I've been through pretty much the same thing. I know how Mark feels. But still, if I ever broke someone's ribs, I'd have felt tremendously guilty, nd would've immediately apologized. Mark is not handling this the way I would've. At least my trouble is over now.

That's why he's my second favorite character in the series, (first is surprisingly Randy. He's grown better since the early seasons.)

I am sure Randy and Mark and Brad will overcome their differences, and become brothers again. I am confident, even in the real series. It's natural. They ARE brothers.
Colin Creevey chapter 2 . 7/10/2008
Whoa, nice. Where did you take this story? I hope Mark went with Lauren to the hospital. Time to read and review the next one.
Colin Creevey chapter 1 . 7/10/2008
I'm on Mark's side, but breaking his ribs...

Boy am I late. To tell the truth, I saw this story ages ago, but I never reviews. It was when I was introducing myself to the site, and I read this chapter, just this one, to see how the stories were like.

After ages, I still remember reading this, and never reviewed it. I read some story by Baxxie, and then I looked at er favorites, and came across this, the one that I left. I decided, as part of my vow to review every story I read, to review it for real, and finish it.

Sorry. But I do make a faithful reviewer. I'll be back.
l.h.o.o.q chapter 8 . 11/20/2007
DAMN IT, it's over. :(

This was the best HI I've read so far, probably the best out there. It's developping well and down to Earth and geez. I'm almost five years too late to ask you to continue or at least make a case for it. You've probably forgotten all about this, which I understand, but damn, I wish you would. There's nothing else in the fandom here like this.

Great job, man. Thanks for an awesome story.
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