Reviews for Fragrant Offering
Misyel chapter 4 . 4/6/2015
so blurry yet so interesting to follow...
love it overall...
StormLover chapter 4 . 9/13/2013
Intriguing. I love your version of Logan. There is much lurking under the surface of our feral mutant. Thanks for sharing.
Sundes2013 chapter 4 . 9/10/2013
I forgot to say this, I thought you would continue writing this story. As much as I really love it, I wish you could continue it.
Well, even if you don't ,I love it any way. :)
sundes2013 chapter 4 . 9/10/2013
Again, I love it. Your writing skills seems to be nearly impeccable.
sundes2013 chapter 3 . 9/10/2013
Beautiful. .
sundes2013 chapter 2 . 9/10/2013
Beautiful chapter. :)
sundes2013 chapter 1 . 9/10/2013
Lovely writing, flows so well.
This is my favorite part:
"He watched, seeing her inhale the scent, her eyelids lowering as she breathed it in. In that moment, he truly understood how she could have been taken for a goddess. Her hair flowed over her shoulders like a cloud, and her eyes matched the sky. She moved as softly as the deer, and as gracefully. It was as if the earth had brought forth a daughter, a new Persephone, daughter of the fertile earth, friend of growing things. In this moment, it was hard to remember that her powers were tied to the sky instead of the ground."
hervissa chapter 4 . 9/9/2012
Looovely story! I love the way Logan shows his skills, languages etc... :) if you have somewhere any continue, update it, pleeease...its too good to be closed...
silverwolfwarrior13 chapter 4 . 3/9/2012
Your story is very well written. I love how the Ororo/Logan romance is progressing.I love when the characters explore their pasts, especially update soon.
henrylover94 chapter 4 . 8/27/2011
Neko-Ochz chapter 4 . 7/8/2010
awwwwww that was so sweet!
Bonnflickan chapter 4 . 7/1/2010
I love this story. Its beautiful, touchng and amazing. Please keep writing on it, you have done a great job this far.
Dalli1526 chapter 2 . 6/28/2010
Dalli1526 chapter 1 . 6/28/2010
Beautiful introduction
coolkitty154 chapter 4 . 3/19/2009
no! update soon please! :D
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