Reviews for First Date
Guest chapter 1 . 3/3/2018
Your story is well written and beautifully conveys the cycles of apprehension and hope as we move through life. Well done. Please continue to write more Ranma fiction.
Angela Jewell chapter 1 . 7/14/2015
Haha, I was so annoyed when Akane interrupted Ranma at the end. I was like, "NO! I want to hear this!" As another reviewer said, I'd love to see this from Ranma's perspective, since it's clear he never stopped loving her. I'm so curious to see what was going through his head when she broke things off the first time, and why he started dating all those other girls to begin with. To make Akane jealous? To try to forget her? For "practice"? As revenge for breaking off their engagement?

It was a lovely story, though even before reading the author's notes, I could tell this was a personal experience for you - something about it felt off, like you had substituted Ranma and Akane's names, and were speaking from experience. I still loved it though. I like the idea that they didn't rush things and went at their own pace, until they were both ready. It reminds me of the Taiwanese drama, In Time With You, so the feelings (and nostalgia) totally reached me. _

Thanks for the great read (I know this is listed as complete, but I'm following on the off-chance you ever decide to do Ranma's POV). I look forward to seeing more of The Chance of Change when you do continue it!
Marie Allen chapter 1 . 3/25/2015
Awww! I just loved this! BFF!RA are my favorite (turned lovers, of course). Especially when they're older and have matured. I totally agree that Ranma would have to go out and do things/travel/etc to release everything that's inside. Really, he didn't "grow up" and had a lot of catching up to do. In ways, same with Akane. I loved your portrayal and the ending was just oh so sweet. :)
WinterAngel4632 chapter 1 . 9/6/2014
Oh my god. That was the most beautifully written fanfic I have ever read. I'm in love ;)
UrmixMoonstone chapter 1 . 8/25/2014
This was AMAZING! It felt so real and insightful... Great job!
caia-chan chapter 1 . 8/20/2014
It's so sweet at the same time realistic! We know what happened through Akane's eyes, it makes me wonder, what would be Ranma's point of view. I like Akane but because her insecurities she may have misunderstood his actions. I mean, if he remained her friend after "That night", in order not to lose her , he was already in love with her. It will be interesting to read what led Ranma to become a playboy (if he really was it) in this story.
Lady Ski chapter 1 . 6/9/2014
I just loved the story! So intense and they were absolutely on character... So good that they finally got together, I mean they are for each other but they need to grow up and face their feelings. Great job! :)
BobV chapter 1 . 6/8/2014
This could have happened in the canon. The tension always existed in their relationship and since they are stuborn it's not so surprising that took them 13 years to overcome all that. 13 years and finally they are out of the friendzone.

This fic was very good and the end was really cute :D
Shiho Carnadine chapter 1 . 6/7/2014
Muy (gratamente) sorprendida por el fic! Es un comeback? Si está basado en una situación real, pues que suerte! Gracias por describir ese sentimiento hermoso sin nombrarlo nunca, vengo saliendo de una muy mala experiencia, y esto me recuerda que es posible sentirse asi de bien. Saludos!
lizzy chapter 1 . 6/7/2014 God... Beautiful... ;_; 10/10 would read again!
kana chapter 1 . 6/7/2014
If this story was about you, Pia-san, I envy you. I guess I wouldn't need to wish you luck on your love life 'cause with a story like that, I doubt you'd part ways even if you wanted to. But you're right in saying that the story is vague. I didn't feel that you were telling me a story about Ranma and Akane, but of someone else. But I still enjoyed the story nonetheless. Thank you for writing it.
kana chapter 1 . 6/7/2014
I had just come back from a loonnng trip! I'm so tired and haven't read this yet but I know it'll be good. I'll review again. I'm sure I'll say the same thing. I'm so excited to read this but I have to do my report first!