Reviews for Bioshock Infinite: Union
Jim from PA chapter 74 . 6/17
I’m so glad you wrote this , most fan stories like this never get finished , I Thank you for the time and thought put into this story it’s amazing. I finished the game about a month ago and ever since infinite has been on my mind. It’s affected me like few games have done . What you did with this is basically a small novel has given me the same feeling. I’ll remember both for a long time. This ending seems to fit with bioshock and the whole mind bending multi-verse theory . I caught onto your foreshadowing and the characters felt and sounded like Booker and Elizabeth , we never met Anna in the game (kinda )but it felt true to the story. You’re original characters were good too, they gave more life to Rapture ( normal people are banding together to try and make a civilized life in chaos . I’ve thought about writing stories myself and I think I’ll give it a shot thanks to you. I’ll be happy to read this again ( I’ll make this my headcanon) thank you once again for this wonderful end to one of the most touching games. I hope you enjoyed making this - Jim from PA
Martin Blue chapter 74 . 8/17/2019
Thank you for writing such a deep and thought out story :) i really enjoyed the plot and the premise for it. I loved the insight it gave into rapture, and how the family dynamic was developed and tested throughout.
BlazeStryker chapter 33 . 7/16/2019
Booker would not be surprised by the audio diary discussing cigarette brands.
(Nico Time, recall, was made largely from seashells and fish eggs)
BlazeStryker chapter 25 . 7/16/2019
The Tear Machine disaster had a bit of a bonus in starting up Tears, perhaps.

If Elizabeth is in union with Anna DeWitt, an Anna that is supersaturated with ADAM due to hosting a Slug, well, it probably is activating any latent Tear imprinting.
BlazeStryker chapter 21 . 7/16/2019
Booker once said of Comstock, "Give a man a little power and he falls in all kinds of love with himself."

Seeing both sides of the coin as he does now, I can see why his opinion has changed to Zachary desperately trying to shift the blame, quell the shame.

And I cannot help recalling the Voxophone message from Comstock regarding baptisms, the second Comstock message you find: "One man goes into the waters of baptism; a different man comes out, born again! But what of the man who is submerged in the sweet waters? Perhaps he is both sinner and saint until he is revealed unto the world."
Guest chapter 74 . 3/12/2019
Guest chapter 74 . 3/7/2019
Agcu27 chapter 74 . 2/27/2019
Finally a good, properly thought out, happy ending for Booket and Anna. And it also fits the Bioshock style of storytelling.

I love how you implemented the game mechanics of the games and even expanded upon them in the story. Even though sometimes (especially around chapters 40-60) the story did feel a bit slow, and you do have some spelling and grammar mistakes scattered in the text, this is, overall, a great story.

I love it!
Fuel Injectors chapter 74 . 8/2/2018
Well, aside from the fact that it’s gonna be a bitch to beta-read and correct the typos in this vast novel... I actually enjoyed the read! It finally lived up to ‘Earn Your Happy Ending’!

Now, the only question that has yet to satisfy me... is will the events of Bioshock 2 continue as per normal?
ChaoticEngie chapter 11 . 5/19/2017
Man I wish the Splicers in bioshock were as nice as they are in this wonderful story! this was very good. keep it up dude!
CAVALRYMAN1863 chapter 9 . 12/5/2016
very great story, I really like it.
MorganSkylar chapter 11 . 12/2/2016
Frosty Wolf chapter 74 . 11/21/2016
And, as is so often the way, we eventually reach the conclusion. Overall, I found this story very entertaining. I also think you did well keeping to the spirit of the Bioshock series. And while I'm not an expert on history, the little facts that were sprinkled throughout the story were interesting. The fleshing out of Rapture itself was amusing too.

There were a few issues. Spelling, punctuation, things like that, but not frequent or serious enough to take away from the story. And while there were more things that could have been added, ultimately, the focus of the story was Booker reuniting with and saving his daughter. In that regard, I think it was very satisfying.

It's been a long time, but I will ask. Do you have any plans to write more Bioshock in the future? Either way, thank you for the tale.
Frosty Wolf chapter 54 . 11/5/2016
Things seem to be getting worst for Booker now, mentally at least. And still no sign of Anna. I have a feeling that the cracks in his mind are going to get worst before too much longer.

I do like the original Splicer types that you came up with, I kind of wish we'd have had more variety in the games. The other cities were interesting as well. Did you use other series when came up with them?
Frosty Wolf chapter 36 . 10/27/2016
Things are getting interesting. Booker still hasn't found Anna, but we get to see firsthand how Rapture slowly rotted away as the civil war went on within it, we're even meeting some of the people involved. I know Booker meeting Steinman didn't cause his issues, but it was interesting to see them while he was still partially stable. We also get to see how poor decisions by its leaders led to Raptures downfall.

Seriously, the Bot Shutdown Panels were an interesting game device, but would have made very little sense otherwise. I look forward to reading more.
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