Reviews for Raising Azure Fire
Kuro.Suu chapter 8 . 12/12/2016
I've just discovered this nice fic nad i would relly want to know if it's dropped or not...please say no. :)
Black Kaitou chapter 8 . 9/2/2014
This was really cool, I like the set up. It reminds me of a mixture of the Inheritance cycle by Christopher Paolini and the Pit Dragom Chronicles by Jane Yolen. I can't wait to read more! Also there are a lot of people in this, probs to you for keeping track of all of them.
zoewinter1 chapter 8 . 7/14/2014
I feel so bad for Arthur, getting paired with a troublemaker like Alfred
kuriyalezata chapter 7 . 7/7/2014
DRAGONSDRAGONSDRAGONS! This is awesome! I love it! Can't wait for more! :D
zoewinter1 chapter 6 . 6/9/2014
a guide to surviving Arthur kirkland.
Q1. is your name Francis Bonnefoy?
if answered no, you are fine :)
if answered yes, run.
J'suis le Canda chapter 6 . 6/7/2014
Thank you Calico45, for this amazing story, now onto the review:

Aww! This is adorable but at the same time, it is actually very thrilling! I love the way that you're developing the plot in terms of the dragon children's aging; that is certainly a nice touch. The mythology that you're setting up is fantastic as well, and none of it has contradicted each other yet, which I hope it doesn't. This is certainly a top notch story that I hope will be treacherous, adventurous, and possibly, even a bit amorous (though, I do hope that it would break the mold in terms of "pairings" like it has broken the mold in terms of character dynamics and plot...sorry, just getting tired of the same-old same-old)! If it wouldn't be too much to ask for, could you please update as soon as you can? I certainly mean that we'd understand if you took your time, and posted as you pleased, but we're hooked! This is amazing!

The one thing that I wish you could elaborate further, though, is Matthew and Francis's side of the story. I mean, we get that Alfred is strong, but what exactly is Matthew's potential, and how is Francis's more liberal and prosocial parenting affecting him with regards to Arthur's more restrictive parenting? The parenting styles in general would be something I'd like to see, and how it shapes the children. I mean, if any plot twists were to occur, then perhaps there might be a link to it on how the child would react based on how the raisers had allowed them to live, and how it might shape their personalities later in the story.

I might be being a bit unfair, but I love Matthew and Francis, and I kind of want to see them some more. I'd also love to meet the other children and their guardians. I know that you'll get to them and develop them, and maybe I'm being selfish, but your story is too good! I want to keep reading and finding things out about everyone! You manage to keep the characters grounded on what the anime/manga has planned out for them, but add enough touches and growth, that I can't help but feel that this should be a part of that. Not only that, but because it's new, I can't stand waiting to know what'll happen next (I can, but I just love this so much already!).

Keep up the great work! This is a fantastic story!

J'suis le Canada
Guest chapter 6 . 6/6/2014
Oooh, I can't wait to see Ivan! Great chapter!
aphrodite931 chapter 6 . 6/5/2014
...I really, and I mean truly deeply... LOVE this story. I'm worried about Arthur and Alfred though. I have a feeling that they will have a falling out as is customary for the pair but I'm not usually given the opportunity to follow their relationship from young child to adult for so long thus making the rift easier to cope with. Regardless, I look forward to your next chapter and forgive me for asking but is this a FACE/brotherly fic or a pairing fic? At this point I don't think I'd mind either way as it is very well written and interesting but I won't lie. I am a USUK shipper. I'd like it if it were USUK but I understand why you might not want it to be and thus far it stands alone without shipping perfectly. So rock on and update soon!
fukawatouk0 chapter 3 . 6/5/2014
I love it! The story is so unique! Keep up the good work! :)
Guest chapter 4 . 6/3/2014
I love those last few paragraphs of this chapter! They portrayed Alfred's desire for freedom so perfectly! I really hope to see more soon!