Reviews for Redefined Boundaries
Guest chapter 2 . 8/11/2016
Neeeeeeeeed mooooooorrreeeee
Famelia Ly chapter 2 . 7/13/2016
God, I can't stop myself from tearing up every time I re-read this TT-TT
I SO hope you'll be able to update soon!
Guest chapter 2 . 1/20/2016
BlackCatRunning chapter 2 . 7/28/2015
I am so impressed with everything here. This is like the story I have been waiting for my entire life, so I really hope you continue it. It's so beautifully written, and seriously in character. I can believe all of this. Ugh, my heart goes out to Izaya, and when he clung to Shizuo, my own chest was like clenching from the feels. I seriously teared up during the first chapter, and when Izaya was in Shizuo's apartment. This is such a powerful story. Please, please, please continue it!
Sasuki- yuu chapter 2 . 4/14/2015
Realmente me gustó mucho este fic,estaré esperando muy demasiado ansiosa el capitulo 3.
funga-fu-fu chapter 2 . 4/3/2015
I just love your writing. I love the way you describe things and the way you make comparisons and the way even though everything is so emotional you barely name any emotions. You inspire me to write again. Thank you for writing this and posting it.
heitan chapter 2 . 2/8/2015
No, i definitely am the worse at replying here, KowaiNoOuji-san! My work recently was crazy as hell But I'm getting used to it soon
No matter what, I have to read this fic of yours first! It's amazing! I don't know what happened to Shizuo, but I'm damn sure you have a proper explanation for that, and this's a really interesting plot! I really like the way you write, easy to get (English is not my mother tongue, you see), but not shallow or too simple at all! I followed it already (hope that would pushes you to give an update soon)
I just watched Drrr ep 5, and finally this arc had come Shizuo will have so much screen time there And he's so so cool (but they cut the part when Tom asks if Shizuo is gay...Such a pity...And I seriously do like the old art better!)
P/S: ha, so you're still in school? Guess it makes me older, huh? And Japanese is not easy to learn, have to say. But if you want to be able to grasp some resources from Japanese fandom (and I tell you, it's huge, Fanfics and djs and information and stuff), totally should consider learning it! Very convenient
wewe chapter 2 . 2/3/2015
uwaaaaah this is a real amazing piece of fic xD
I love how you describe Izaya's sadness. The scene where Izaya was in Shizuo's apartment is so heartbreaking T-T
Update please *wipe tears*
Random Reviewer chapter 2 . 2/2/2015
I cried during both chapters but at the end of this chapter my waterworks stopped because the end of this chapter was very...abrupt. I know Izaya is Izaya but if Shizuo's death had really affected him as much as it had affected Celty wouldn't he be more, I guess, like kind of in this coming to terms thing with Shizuo being alive after 3 years. I'm just saying that if you had just met someone you thought was dead after 3 years, even seeing him/or being buried, you'd be very much in a state of denial. Just my opinion on that. Otherwise, interesting start.
Shirohimesstories chapter 2 . 2/3/2015
Oh my GOD this is sooo awesome! AAAHHHH! I LOVE this! I love this soo damn much! *-* *0*
Woooaaahhhhh! I was soooo happy to see there was a second chaper xD I thought this might just be another story not getting finished, but NOW ! yay! BANZAAIII! x3
Awww shit I LOVE you for writing this!
PLEASE dontstop! I wanna know so BAD how this is going to continue! I love this!
InSaNiTy chapter 2 . 1/28/2015
Yes! Do update my darling! I don't think I'll survive much longer without another chapter!
LovelyDomination chapter 2 . 1/26/2015
I can't even...

That is amazing.

I loved the first chapter. I love this one just as much. Your style of writing is very cool. :)) Thanks for sharing this.
mika.siam.71192 chapter 2 . 1/27/2015
To tell the truth I cried,I cried a lot, with both chapters. They are really well-written and the story so far is very interesting, so keep up with your great job! Im cheering for you!
OtomePrincess chapter 2 . 1/27/2015
Ahh... It was... This is... There are really no words that I can use right now to describe how beautiful this was... I was on tears there for a moment! How I loved Izaya's reactions! Is there going to be more? I cannot fathom it, but I'm not against it either!
anaidreh chapter 2 . 1/27/2015
oh my god! i almost cry when Izaya go to Shizuo's apartment, it was so very heartbreaking TT
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