Reviews for Metropolis: City of Mutants
Phantom chapter 3 . 8/6/2016
This is a good story you made I just found this today and I'm already liking it. I hope you'll make more chapters for this story.
Christian Wolf27 chapter 3 . 5/29/2015
Totally great chapter.
D.X.Kingz chapter 1 . 8/4/2014
Alright, a very exemplary first chapter. I find the overall introductions of the characters quite well done and simple. Being "simple and clean" is always a favorite of mine in this aspect. In way of their overall chemistry, it seems much like that of a shounen manga. Being calm and rather easy to follow, which is best when starting a new endeavor, or rebooting an older one. As it helps the audience relax and get accustomed to how the tone of the story works. I vastly approve I must say.

By all accounts in score I give it an "A rank." (lol) Yes, I had to do it. It's a Sonic story at heart after all. Also on a personnel note, I find the mechas idea a rather interesting add in. One that should prove to increase the versatility of the story all together. I look forward to more and will read the next chapter as well.

Thank you again.
PurrfectChaosInfinity chapter 1 . 8/2/2014
And now for a follow up review.
Spelling still seems fine. One or two mistakes I missed. Mostly homophones, stuff that spell-check goes over. A few instances that you confuse 'you're' and 'your'. However, in the Platinum flashback, is says "doge" instead of "dodge" Unless he didn't meme.
And THAT makes no sense.
Grammatically, I noticed that you don't add periods or commas to the end of a ton of dialouge.
Sample: "Nice to meet you" He greeted.
So, for this sentence, you would add a comma. It signifies the end of a character's sentence(s). You would say, "But hey! The quotation marks signify that!"
Alas, I can put quotation marks over things that aren't dialouge.
Sample: This so-called "fun time" I had was actually a bore.
So really the sentence should go a bit like this:
"Nice to meet you," He greeted.
But what about periods, you ask?
Aha. Here's another sentence from your story.
"Commander Pendragon is one of the ten Sephirots in the city" Finished Kotto.
This time, a period. End of sentence.
"Commander Pendragon is one of the ten Sephirots in the city." Finished Kotto.
Simple enough. It's just good grammar.
That's really it.
Verdict? If you don't have a beta reader, then I advise you should find someone willing to. There are a ton of people who would.
Heck, as soon as I become eligible, I would.
PurrfectChaosInfinity chapter 2 . 7/31/2014
I found the sub-header interesting, and I decided to take a peek and review.
I didn't expect to follow as well.
What a story. Let's run down the basics, and I'll see what I can help you with through a review.
Your spelling is amazing. Keep using spell check, or typing like a boss. Whichever works for you.
Grammar looks fine. There are a few instances of wrong tense in chapter one. 'Is' instead of 'Was'. Easy simple mistakes like that, but it was kinda glaring.
Especially with such long chapters! Holy flying Pope on a pogo stick, I wish I could write long chapters like this. So much reading material!
One thing that threw me off was the flashbacks. They really weren't needed, they could be easily remedied by dialouge. It really cut into the flow of the story. Heck, all you really had to say was,
"Do you remember when we got Amy?"
"Yeah! I do! She was so tiny, and cute, and all we had to do was ask Commander Pendragon if we could adopt her."
Excluding the two 'Yeah's I added, that was all that was needed.
Short and concise.
I really liked the pieces of added information you put in at the end. It's like "Kagehime-sama53's Guide to Mech Warriors In My Story" Infinitely helpful.
Lastly, I enjoyed the characters. Sonic and gang still have all their traits. hey have their powers, and their personality that fans have grown to love. The OC's you added have depth, and actually seem like people, not a work of fiction, something I'm very happy to see.
And the powers! If I could come up with the ones in the story, writing would be easier. So creative and original.
I'm happy to have stumbled along a story like this one. If you keep up the work, I'm sure this will be a shining, polished gem to be proud of.
As for now, I'll keep watching.
Mysterious Mr M chapter 2 . 7/31/2014
werewolf99 chapter 2 . 7/30/2014
I really can't wait for more of the characters to show up.
Mysterious Mr M chapter 1 . 6/8/2014
Excellent, can't wait.
GingeOnDaFringe chapter 1 . 6/2/2014
this story is great so far! so great, in fact, that i feel ok in saying that it would be a good idea for you to read over what you've typed, that way you can check for redundancy and tense changes and whatnot, so the story's writing can be as good as its contents!
SnowyDawn17 chapter 1 . 6/2/2014
:D It's BlazBladers, new and improved! Well, I guess it's 'City of Mutants' now, but still.

Oh wow, new characters! this is looking to be even better than the original; I like everything you've added. Looking forward to seeing everything else - revisions and more! :D
Christian Ape99 chapter 1 . 6/2/2014
I want you to know you have my full permission to use Spencer Daniel Ricardo my gorilla character & Noah Raymond Thompson my panda bear character however & whatever you want them to be just as long as they stay males, neutral characters, & no jeans. BTW Spencer Daniel Ricardo lives in Golden Moon Village & Noah Raymond Thompson lives in Grand Canyon Thunder Mountain Village.
Kamen Rider Yokai chapter 1 . 6/2/2014
Dang this is interesting. Hey you can use two of my oc's for this story. Here are their bios.

Name tamashii souto

Age 19

Description - dark blue hair with amber eyes dressed in a black trench coat over a blue shirt and black jeans.

Powers - control over shadows and can see ghosts.

Other - is a fan of kamen rider and designed a new type nepgear to make a pseudo rider system taking on the name genex.

Region of origin - Japan

History - tamashii or soul to friends believed he was normal until he acidently encountered monsters of data known as viral. Finding a damaged nepgear and using his DX sengoku driver to repair it he dedicated his life to protect others. Oddly he is the only mutant not uneasy around humans. Something about him makes xion not as angry as usual.

Name geo hikari

Age 17

Description silver red hair and emerald eyes wearing a silver vest over a long sleeve red shirt and white pants.

Powers - able to transform into a humanoid machine with a design based of metal sonic.

Other - has a mecha that is actually inspired by the gaogaigar series being used as a gen 4 mecha prototype.

Region of origin- japan

History - geo was a ordinary teen until a electrical charge from a lightning strike revealed a horrible truth to him. He was a machine android. Now afraid for his life geo took on the alias mecha light and became a mechanic eventually taken in by a scientist named ivo robotnik to act as a engineer. But the doctor had imputed a virus one night that enslaved geo renaming him metal sonic. With his personal mecha he was forced to help the evil scientist take over metropolis but a electric charge from light had freed him. He now helps tails and xion in the r&d decision and is best friends with soul.