Reviews for Sweet Dreams
britishcutie83 chapter 1 . 1/17/2016
fucking hell that was hot. SECOND ROUND SECOND ROUND!
Storm of Syren chapter 1 . 11/10/2015
This fic was really good... But just one thing... I don't like Jean calling Eren "brat". That's Levi's thing. Plus it doesn't make much sense since Jean and Eren are around the same age.

Also I liked the line "Jaegar sounded so much like Corporal Levi, it was freaky" I thought it was a nice touch. xD
kermymilk chapter 1 . 6/5/2015
Damn that was hot as fuck! Too bad it was a one shot, I would love to see a second round.
Wild Rhov chapter 1 . 12/16/2014
Sweet indeed! _
It's a real twist I think. I always picture Eren as the masochist. I love twists in pairings. XD

If I had to give any technical advice, it's to watch out for lie/lay issues. You "lay" down an object, but people "lie" down.
To someone: lie, lay, lain
To an object: lay, laid, laid

Don't worry, I get this screwed up ALL THE FRIGGING TIME!
quickanddirtytips education/grammar/lay-versus-lie
Guest chapter 1 . 8/2/2014
Oh I just loved it! I'm more of an Ereri shipper, but this was excellent. I love it when a writer gives a bit of a story first instead of just rushing straight to the good part. I love the suspense. And I was just wondering if you could do me a favor. Is there any chance you could right a sequel to this one? But perhaps, Levi finds them, and punishes them for being so filthy. Or I like the idea of Levi being a total cockslut and a masochist like Jean. That way Eren can get "revenge" on two of the people that act superior to him. Well, hope you do. Thanks for the story!
HPeppers chapter 1 . 7/15/2014
I think I'm going to need new ovaries.
Hannaadi88 chapter 1 . 6/9/2014
Well, I've got to say that I enjoyed this :) You're right, there isn't enough Jearen out there, and definitely not enough to be picky about who tops (not that I mind- they both have it in them, heh).

I think I checked out your Burning fanfic on AO3, perhaps? I seem to recall reading the first chapter and to be honest, it wasn't really my kind of thing (doesn't mean that it wasn't good. 100 followers speak for themselves), but I really liked this. There were a few points where it was a tad cliche, but I loved the masochist/sadist twist.

All in all, good job! Methinks that you improve with every piece you dish out, so I'll be keeping an eye out for any future Jearen, Riren and Snarry you may happen to post ;)
ammatilechristian chapter 1 . 5/31/2014
well shit, this is awesome. and you are now one of my favorite authors,and now because of you I feel like fucking a cactus. ouch.