Reviews for Sixty Seconds
Guest chapter 11 . 5/19/2017
this may be kinda late but this story made me feel like riding a rollercoaster ride of emotions: from heart clenching, stopping, warming and etc hahah hoping Eyouhan could help me with that hahahahaha
Guest chapter 11 . 7/17/2016
Heheh I knew there was a chapter left at ch 10 cause I've seen Leap Year before! I really enjoyed how you used that plot but still maintained the original characters from Gakuen Alice (personality and everything). Excellent job!
CuteTangerine24 chapter 11 . 12/30/2014
Aww, but I guess the ending is good enough though:) thank you for responding my review yho! I'm surprised there's my name in the last author's note! Wahahahaha:3 thank you for your hard work? It is such a perfect story! I love it!;)
Crazyindira chapter 11 . 12/19/2014
So I just finished reading this and its 5.34 and the most perfect birthday gift I ever got. I wish I'd have noticed you updated few days ago but nevermind. It's perfect.
BrimstoneButterfly chapter 11 . 12/16/2014
Hahah I'm feeling quite flattered now! Thank you for your comment on my review it too made me "SMILE LIKE AN IDIOT (BUT NOT INSIDE A COMPUTER SHOP)"! Hahah I'm sorry but this expression is just so funny I like it :)
It's sort of sad, I discovered "Sixty Seconds" just a few days or so ago and now it's finished... I regret missing the whole development BUT this doesn't mean I regret reading it! Quite the contrary: It's sad it's over now and I've disovered it just now. (oh god...the section of my brain responsible for English is not really active now...I'm sorry).
So I just had the chance to review last time and now till everything is over.
I would not disagree with a sequel indeed :)
Last but not least I would like to thank you very very much for such a heart-warming story! The scene in Natsume's restaurant was nearly heartbreaking I was suffering for Mikan... Rejection is always the worst even when you think you are prepared (because your heart is absolutely NOT). So the happy ending was like a incredible miracle to Mikan and it was extremly moving to read. Haha yes I'm getting quite sentimental but it's actually true!
Well I should come to an end now it's pretty long, this review. Anyway, thank you so much and I hope to read of you soon. If you didn't mind answering to my review I would consider myself happy :) (hope this conditional is used correctly I always forget how to use these forms...) Never mind my stupid and futile statements and my rather limited language skills! Maybe this will you make too smiling like an idiot because it's so ridiculous hehe...
K-the-Queen-of-Typos chapter 11 . 12/15/2014
Well that escalated quickly. I enjoyed the ride, though, and I'm kinda sad that it's over. I knew it had to come to an end at some point but I never really thought about when. Thanks for writing this!
CrimsonPrincess14 chapter 11 . 12/15/2014
Aww...that's the end? Pls make a sequel!
AnimeMango chapter 11 . 12/15/2014
Omg I was so close to tears when Natsume walked away from her. I was screaming in my head! Then I started laughing when they got together. Ooooh natsume. ... what do you want as payment hmmmmmmm...*raised eyebrows* great job on this fanfic. It's been one my favorites!
Guest chapter 11 . 12/15/2014
Im gonna miss this.. You almost left us hanging there! It is sweet of natsume and bold of mikan.. Really different story and a great way to end.. :)
StarElsie chapter 11 . 12/14/2014
Great ending!
CuteTangerine24 chapter 10 . 12/14/2014
There's still epilogue right!? Omg! What a material man eyouhan is!:( ewww
BrimstoneButterfly chapter 10 . 12/14/2014
I've decided today to start reading this FF. And I must say it's absolutely amazing! I really like how you write! I couldn't get off my phone till I reached the end. I love how you make the characters feel how they behave and the whole atmosphere (I like Ireland very much).
So now I'm looking forward to the next chapter. I don't get how you make it but your story catches me... The feeling is overwhelming, I don't know how to describe... I'm really touched by the ending, too. It almost made me cry because it's so beautiful!

I'm so glad I discovered this story and I thank you for sharing such wonderful words with the world! Though my English could be better I hope you get the message :) Thank you for "Sixty Seconds"!
mp08 chapter 10 . 12/13/2014
this story is so amazing! pls. update more chapters.
YellowOrangeRed chapter 10 . 12/13/2014
Go to natsume! GO TO NATSUMMEEEEEEEEEEE ! hahhaahaha i love it 3 see you next time :)
K-the-Queen-of-Typos chapter 10 . 12/11/2014
Omg I'm so glad you updated. I freaking love this fanfic!
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