Reviews for The Things She Does
Guest chapter 2 . 12/1/2015
This is disturbing
Ari chapter 2 . 5/31/2015
I really like when Molly and Sherlock have some fun with their bellies! ;)
Aros wife isabella chapter 1 . 9/30/2014
More please
Zora Arian chapter 1 . 5/30/2014
Hello! :) Umm, I would like to admit - initially I found this kink to be a weird kind of kink, but then I realised that basically all kinks are weird in its own. I read the summary for this story when you first posted it, and because it didn't appeal to me at that time, I'll have to say that I didn't read it, sorry ._. But just this morning (well, it's morning here!) I saw that you've posted another story similar to this, so I've decided to give it a try :) As I read, I was as sceptical as Molly about being fed large amounts of food for a case, but the killer did sound absolutely professional in his job as a doctor *shudders* But then I read, Sherlock is just so gentle with her, and especially that last part where they used the funnel to help them. The way he cared for her large tummy made me wish that yeah, maybe they should try for a real baby :3 So anyway, this was a new experience for me to read, and I'm interested in reading your other Sherlolly story (sorry, umm, if you don't know, I'm a Sherlollian and I, umm, tend to only read Sherlock and Molly fics, sorry) :DDD