Reviews for You'd go out with Remus Lupin, right?
Koushani chapter 37 . 9/22
You can't do this. You can't keep this amazing, brilliant story hanging like that. I was relating to it soooo much. Please continue for god's sake. I don't think I'll be able to breath until Kate confesses her love to Remus. Don't do this to me please.
SavvySpirit chapter 37 . 8/31
Jibby07 chapter 37 . 8/27
can't wait for a well deserved ending
Tigerz2000 chapter 37 . 8/15
I'm so sad I've just found this, cause this is one of the most enjoyable fanfics I have ever read. I know the last update was 3 years ago, but I really do hope you manage to finish this story someday. You're a great writer, and you've created a really great story :) hope all is well
Helen chapter 37 . 7/31
Hello? Why aren't you updating? I have waited so long already! No matter how good the story is, if you don't update, I still won't it.
Guest chapter 22 . 6/3
So sad
sun1995 chapter 30 . 5/18
fancy story
Guest chapter 37 . 4/22
I can’t handle covid AND amazing stories that are unfinished
Guest chapter 37 . 1/29
can you please complete this story!
i love it
romeoromeo chapter 37 . 1/10
pLEASE write more my GOSH
Fox-and-opossum-lover chapter 37 . 12/20/2019
I love this story! Please continue it!
InAPotterWorld chapter 1 . 11/1/2019
Hi, I just wanted to say that I really love this fic . It’s honestly one of my favourites and I’ve read it over the years since it first published 3 or 4 times because I love it that much! Coming back to it and seeing it updates has made me so happy! I really hope you don’t give up writing bc you are very talented, but all the best no matter what!
Guest chapter 37 . 7/31/2019
So, I found this story the first time when you were a good chunk through it, but lost track of it because of school. I just recently found it again four years later, and I just wanted to say that I loved it the second time reading it just as much as I loved it the first time. I stayed up until 3am last night finishing it. Oh, how I long for Kate and Remus to finally be together. Your story is so beautifully written. You are truly talented. I understand better than anyone how writers block can happen and how life has an uncanny ability to always get in the way. Seeing as it’s been 2.5 years since your last update, I doubt you’ll return to finish it. But there’s always hope. I know we’ll all be here for you if and when you do decide to return. Good luck with everything and all the best.
streunekatze chapter 37 . 7/29/2019
I read this after bottle specks and I know this story is not likely to be finished. But still I wanted to say I enjoyed this a lot. I just love all the sweet moments, the drama and I always wanted for Remus to have. Nice romance . Oh well in case you still read the reviews u just wanted to say that I really like your story (well stories)
anon chapter 33 . 6/30/2019
Even though I know this story hasn’t been updated in quite some time (and I’m not here to pressure you into posting a new chapter), I still come back every once in a while to go through the little roller coaster of emotions and this time I thought I’d better let you know just how...much this story meant/means to me. (As lame as it sounds)

I’ve been following the story for years now, back when it was still in the 10 chapters zone and I’d always felt a connection to Kate. Not just because you’ve written her so endearingly, flaws and all, but because I see semblances of myself in her. Loud and noisy and confident enough to be able to joke about herself but still semi-crippled by some deep-rooted insecurity that, for Kate at least, is completely unwarranted.

And getting to join her (and you) on the journey as she matured was such a joy, really. The breakup chapter (I want to say it was chapter 21) was such a tear-jerker and so beautifully written in a way that made me think I was part of the drunken chaos and then to see her try and cope with the breakup after...the life you’ve given her is just so incredible and it’s testament, obviously, to your writing skills.

But here we are (or I am) at chapter 33 and damn. I went through a big heartbreak last year and even though I’m over it, it sometimes hurts to think about it and reading the chapter over’s so bizarre to me how I can still feel so much for Kate in the moment where she’s breaking down and letting all of it go with Mafalda holding her. After everything that she’s been through, this being the final straw that really sets her off after, it broke me a little bit too. It brought back all these memories of doubt and uncertainty in myself, that just Alden me empathise with Kate so much more and feel as if I was reading this for the first time all over again. Which is why I’m here now.

I don’t really have a point to make with this review. There’s no critique I can give (that I haven’t already in previous, logged-in reviews) but I really just wanted to say thank you so much for bringing me/us along on this little trip with Kate. I love seeing Kate mature, and it feels weirdly comforting that I can come back to this story, even if it hasn’t been updated, and check in on how she’s doing, while I continue to grow too.

(Sorry if this review was weird. Might be my time of the month)
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