Reviews for Sodales
Smithrooks chapter 19 . 6/23
Rest in peace, Varsha Banerjee. May the Goddess guide your soul to eternity and save you from despair.
Smithrooks chapter 18 . 6/23
Ah, of course Emma's still dealing with everything. A lot has happened. I'm going to miss Vira and Motya, but at least they can rebuild and continue helping their home. Emily is great as always, and she really cares but just doesn't show it directly.
Smithrooks chapter 17 . 6/23
Dang, and we're off to the races! After they get back to Earth, at least. They're handling it pretty maturely. Emma's already mentoring a younger girl, despite not having much experience herself. Then again, this first deployment has given her plenty of growth already.
Smithrooks chapter 16 . 6/23
Oh dear, it's finally happened. That refers to both Mikoto's contract and Varsha's passing. A nuke though - I thought anti-nuclear devices were ubiquitious in this war. Then again, they always have their faults and weaknesses. That sucks. A very well-written chapter though, it displays Emma's character very accurately.
Smithrooks chapter 15 . 6/23
Godoka can see the fourth wall! A hero indeed, Emma is one resilient MG. Hopefully everyone else makes it out okay, we'll have to wait and see. And back into the fray we go.
Smithrooks chapter 14 . 6/23
The teddy bear finds its home! Good speech Emma, now Mikoto will have more idea of what she's getting into. Vira is a such a brat, I love it. Understandable given her age and background.
Smithrooks chapter 13 . 6/23
Welp, that happened! Good old love triangles, in true TTS fashion. Alanis is much more intimidating now, it suits her in a way. We'll have to see where this goes, and hope it doesn't create more drama. By now I'm pretty sure Emma's not just straight...
Smithrooks chapter 12 . 6/22
Quite a bit of action in this chapter, as well as an appearance by the famous MagOps Team 19! I wonder what H.E.E stands for. Also some nice PR opportunities with the rescued people.
Smithrooks chapter 11 . 6/22
Mmm, Emma's powerset will always have her as the bait or opening distraction haha. I love the concept of distilled armor plating, wonder if drinks like this can be mass-produced and distributed...
Smithrooks chapter 10 . 6/22
Ooh, Vira and Motya have got some fire to them! The princess and the pauper indeed. But in circumstances like these, you really can't choose who you stick with. Ryouta will provide another layer of perspective I think, since no civilians have been seen in these situations in TTS before.
Smithrooks chapter 9 . 6/22
Ouch, Hinata's son? That's a hard situation. Vira and Motya are precious and should be protected. Emma's apprehension and fear is super understandable, she hadn't even finished training herself and she's commanding others. She feels very underprepared, but I guess as Hinata mentioned having a background in team leadership does help significantly.
Smithrooks chapter 8 . 6/22
Some frustration but ultimately a happy ending for the chapter. I hope Tracy understands what Emma had to do if she finds out. I'm also scared for Rebecca...
Smithrooks chapter 7 . 6/22
What a ceremony. A lot of good introspection and discussion that preceded the decision as well, really made the moment have more gravity and impact.
Smithrooks chapter 6 . 6/22
Mmm interesting, good to see views on the Cult of Hope from a more grounded standpoint. The description of the library was also quite mesmerising!
Smithrooks chapter 5 . 6/22
Shipping galore! Emma's right about the risks though. Also, that movie at the beginning reminded me of another certain Shizuki-Kuroi partnership that was disapproved of... and then followed by some insight into restaurants and ramen. Nice.
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