Reviews for The Dixon's
Aristanae1864 chapter 13 . 5/22
Merle is completely right. All Maggie thought about was Glenn, since she figured her useless stupid sister(if she even remembered she had a sister)...No signs with Beth's name.. And...once again if they'd bothered to teach Beth survival, things may hve been very different. To me, Maggie didn't have a right to grieve when Beth died since she'd already left on the bus to D.C. without a thought. She didn't have much problem abandoning Beth in that car, Daryl was the one that chased that car, fought and grieved for Beth.
Aristanae1864 chapter 12 . 5/22
I wish someone would have taught Beth some self-defense, hunting, tracking, survival training, endurance, walker & human killing, etc. And going on runs when she's ready. Along with teaching her weapons skills and let her carry her own little arsenal with the ones she's skilled and hidden ones on her person(sew in some secret pockets). Plus have hidden ones in the cabins and around camp.
I've always been so angry that they all treated Beth like a glorified babysitter from the start...then gave her NO skills to protect herself let alone Judith. Letting Carl do what he wanted! Herschel was great after he realized things,...but he made me so angry sometimes with Beth and Maggie. He let Maggie out in the world and learn even before, then be in an unmarried relationship with nothing said, then forbid Beth like she's Judith. He let Maggie make HER OWN CHOICES(granted I never liked the selfish, nosey, slut to start with) Beth was never asked if she wanted to be responsible as a teen to a baby that wasn't hers!
*sorry for rant*
cemmia chapter 20 . 9/8/2014
Really great bond between the people, liked papa Merle..

Wonderful story! Loved it!
safeandsoundunderthestars chapter 20 . 8/8/2014
I absolutely love the story, you did great with the POV's and it was well written!
Vixxie13 chapter 20 . 7/13/2014
I love the story! And if you ever got the idea for a sequel, I'd love for you do it, but follow Judith as she grows and has to deal with life in general, boys, family, everything. Be funny if she took after Beth and ended up with an older man.
Belladcmum chapter 20 . 7/13/2014
I loved it! I still wish it had ended in Methyl but, hey, a girl can't have everything.
Tania Ibarbia chapter 20 . 7/12/2014
Hola Jazzns! LLego a su fin, fue una historia muy tierna y dulce, como ser feliz y ser una familia en medio de un apocalipsis. Me gustó la pareja ( aunque mi preferida es Daryl Beth y Merle amándola como hermana ) las relaciones del grupo y este último capitulo contado desde el POV Maggie estuvo muy bien para cerrar la historia. Gracias por compartir tu talento con nosotros y te sigo en las otras y nuevos proyectos! Besotes!
kevkye chapter 20 . 7/12/2014
What a wonderful way to end this story! I enjoyed reading from Maggie's point of view. Beth has made the whole group stronger and closer. She has so much to be proud of and what she has accomplished especially with Merle!
Thank you for writing this story and all stories you write! I thoroughly each and every single one of them. I will always stick with you and your stories. You are a real gem!
LeighAnnardo Da Vinci chapter 20 . 7/12/2014
Great GREAT job! I loved it :)
texasbelle91 chapter 20 . 7/12/2014
Omg! I loved the ending but I'm sad that its the end. I wanted to see Merle and Beth have babies.

I really, really love this entire Story. :D
vifly chapter 20 . 7/12/2014
Beautiful beautiful story! I'm sad to see it go, I cried a little! So beautiful! Damn it here I go again! thank you
kevkye chapter 19 . 7/12/2014
This is an absolutely fantastic chapter! It is great to see everyone so happy and carefree. I love how all the guys are protective of Judith. I can just picture Rick, Merle, Daryl and Carl standing guard at the door and not letting any guys near Judy! Just like a barricade! LOL! I can't wait to read your final chapter! It is going to be amazing but I'm sad it is ending. Love your stories! :)
texasbelle91 chapter 19 . 7/12/2014
I love this chapter. It was so full of cuteness! :)
Tania Ibarbia chapter 19 . 7/12/2014
Hola Jazzns! Como has estado? Esta historia es una dulzura total, salvo que quieran matar a todos los muchachos! Papas y tios celosos y primitivos! Bromas aparte, se nota el inmenso amor que hay entre ellos. Beth sin duda es un generador de amor que contagia. Nena me encantan tus historias, tienen muchos sentimientos, y tus personajes son muy genuinos. Has leido alguna historia Daryl y Carol buena? Yo alguna que lei no valian la pena. Has leido algun spoiler de la quinta temporada? Corazón gracias por tus historias y por tus comentarios! Un fuerte abrazo!
vifly chapter 19 . 7/12/2014
Awww I'll be sad to see the story go :(
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