Reviews for Routine
Nightosphere Princess chapter 1 . 7/24/2014
I really enjoyed this fic. It perfectly captures the inside of Princess Bubblegum's mind and her train of thought. When you have a show that lasts six seasons (The fifth being the equivalent of two in this case), the characters tend to mature as people in their little world and develope as fictional characters, or they go the complete opposite direction, but not really in this case. I really enjoy what the writers and time have done with these characters, especially in the case of Princess Bubblegum. I think this fanfic really shows what Princess Bubblegum has developed into since the first few months of production. Overall good job!
Faineza chapter 1 . 5/23/2014
Summer at home is painfully boring, and I sympathize and pity the candy princess who has to endure ten times worse for her entire one thousand year lifespan.
PB drinks? Well, seeing her character development from cute and good princess to a ruler of statistics with gray-scale morals making shocking decisions for the greater good, I can definitely see poor Peebles the way you showed us. Princess Bubblegum has been one of my favorites in Ooo even from the beginning, and though I hate to see her turning almost cruel and calculated despite for the greater good, and I still think she cared for Lemongrab and Lemonhope, I think your Bubblegum is accurate because you can be your worst when drunk. Oh, is that superhero she's babbling about Batman?
I think your summary needs some work. I was expecting amateur work with that one-liner that gives nothing for potential readers to be excited about, even if it is clean, simple and professional. From a few clues from the show ("I love Jake!" in Too Old) I always thought Jake might be seen even more of a hang-out friend to PB than Finn, who Bubblegum regards as a friend, hero and an almost extinct species. Just my opinions. Nice work!
KMT4ever chapter 1 . 5/23/2014
Damn... An intense read, delving deep into Bubblegum's psyche. This comprehensively covers why I like PB so much, a good person forced to do bad things for the ever elusive "greater good". She tries to justify her actions, probably more for her own peace of mind than anything else, and always holds up an image of peace and kindness that obscures her harsh reality. She's done terrible things and knows it. The fact that some of those things are questionable even in regard to the "greater good" just makes her an even more complex and interesting character, a strong-willed ruler cracking under the strain.

I did a lousy job of expressing my thoughts, but all in all, fantastic work!