Reviews for I Want A Girl
sonic chapter 10 . 5/15/2019
I liked the chapter!
Xanto chapter 10 . 10/14/2018
I still feel sick just by imagining the events that went on in Outlast.

TBH I was hoping that the Alternate ending would also include them receiving a notification or breaking news on television about the leaked horrendous video that Waylon leaked.

Either way, it was a still great read.
Guest chapter 10 . 8/28/2018
the alternate ending is better.
Erza Inu Hyuga chapter 10 . 12/27/2017
.. Is she pregnant? I kinda want to read something in which Eddie gets fixed and finally gets the normal, proper family he wants and honestly deserves. He's been through so much shit
delrey2001 chapter 10 . 6/1/2017
She wasn't very good at keeping her calm by the end of it though but I suppose that is to be expected.
MangoSunbeams chapter 10 . 5/8/2017
Wow this was great! I loved your OC to death! She's so clever and merciless and funny. I enjoyed her perspective a lot. I also like that you had her as a therapist and used the notes; it makes sense, and gave more depth to the story. I also really enjoyed that you focused on Eddie's past, because it's horrible. I'm kind of sad that there wasn't a happy ending, but it would have taken a lot longer before he could be close to fixed. Some day I want to see you try your hand at writing them having a longer therapy session together, maybe she has to sneak around to find him on her own (before or after the breakout) and have sessions with him. I know it's just wishful thinking, but I really loved this story, how you portrayed the characters, and your OC. Both endings were amazing, and I'm equally inclined to each, though the second is pretty fun because her sisters seem to be amazing. All and all, I had a really fun time! Read it for a few hours straight. Thanks so much for taking the time and energy to write this; it's no small feat, and I really appreciate it
MangoSunbeams chapter 9 . 5/8/2017
Well Daaamn! That is an ending indeed!
Zipporah.Michel chapter 10 . 5/28/2016
I am going to say right of the bat that this was most realistic event of Eddie "falling in love" with someone because other fanfictions sometimes make him out to be this devilish sex symbol or look past his abuse. I can actually imagine Eddie having to be convinced to keep the OC alive or consummating the marriage to be a difficult task. The quotes that he would always say does resemble that of a sexual abuser (that was a nice touch) and the almost-sex-scene wasn't just the characters getting together, but Eddie getting over a barrier that he's struggled with for a long time since abuse is all that he knows.
And the OC questioning her casual behavior and reactions to the onslaught of violence in the facility is most noted. I'm not gonna lie, they were either super terrifying that your heart falls outta your butt or it was full-on funny that I almost broke a rib laughing because your OC is entertaining and real AF. In Kasha's case, though, I get it: you don't plan on having any relationship with a serial killer who mutilates his victims (notably women)-but his past is SO deeply rooted and dark that it's incredibly difficult to overlook. I had hoped in some strange way that Eddie would try to break out of his fantasy, but it's just as the OC said about the M.E. experiments: it sent him further into madness, so there was NO way of fixing him.
I was having a grand old time until the endings, however. I mean, in real time for both characters, they would actually end up trying to kill each other rather than resolving Eddie's mental instability, so these endings ARE legit. I think it's just the personal preference of having both characters live or have some kind of closure, like a "true ending" option or something. Although, it didn't stop me from loving this entire adventure you wrote out.
Awesome story! Best EddiexOC story I've read so far! 3
Human chapter 10 . 5/26/2016
I liked the first ending better. Yes, he was free, but it just seemed so...I don't know. I've only learned of Eddies existence (outlast existence in general) a month ago, but it's just a pity. His story is one of the saddest ones in video game history. However, I think both ending match what would really happen. Logically a psychopath would be as described depending on what they've gone through. And I believe you've hit Eddie spot on...but I can't help but feel sorry for him. At lest he was released from misery in your second ending. I didn't mean to ramble, truly. This stories ending could go in so many different ways that it's almost...mind numbing.(lack for better term) Anyway, I love this story and I love your word. Have a lovely day- :3
Jamie Lee chapter 10 . 5/5/2016
This sounds better to me than the other ending. Great job you did! :)
Electricgirl101 chapter 10 . 7/8/2015
This was such a great story! I loved both the endings, but I think if I had to choose, I'd say I prefer the first one. I would really like it if you wrote another ending where they both live, either because she decided that he needed real help, or because he decided he needs her alive to have his children. It'd make be so happy! Great job! :)
Guest chapter 10 . 6/22/2015
Oh, wow... This has probably been on of the best fanfictions I've read. I love the depth of the characters. You described everything so well, and I was on edge the entire time. Every little detail gave me goosebumps, and very rarely will you find a story like that! As for the endings, the first one was my favorite. I still remember gasping out a "No!" when the final blow was dealt! It was more fitting, in my opinion. All of her hard work and struggles to survive were for nothing, all hope taken away by the single edge of a blade. It was very well written. I, of course, loved the alternate ending too. I wanted her to live, and you gave me both of the endings that I wanted! I just wanted to say thank you for keeping me on edge and highly entertained for the last few hours. Please, write more! I love your work!
Thank you... Darling ;)
Syntrace chapter 10 . 4/6/2015
Hey there,
I just tumbled over your story here and was speechless.
You described the atmosphere exceptionally well and build up an interesting protagonist.
I just loved Kasha and how she dealt with the horrors of the asylum, and that she chose to kill instead of running away. The way you pictured her mental change was just amazing!
I can't find anything that I want to critizise, honestly.
You are an amazing writer.

And for the end: I like the first ending better than the alternate ending because it felt better.
The whole story, Kashas change and Eddies influence kind of led to that ending.
I know that I whished for her to survive but I feel like her death was necessary to have a fitting ending.
(But please don't think that the other ending wasn't good! It was as interesting and well-written as the whole story! I just prefere the other ending for said reasons.)

In the end I just wanted to tell you that I throughout enjoyed reading this story of yours.
The characters had depth and the outlast-characters never fell out of role (at least in my opinion).
It was really thrilling to read this.
Thank you very much for writing this!
And keep on writing.
someone who really enjoyed reading your story
Guest chapter 10 . 1/29/2015
This story was amazing. It's almost everything I didn't expect which is a good thing. This is one of the best fanfics I've read.
Firerosemon chapter 10 . 11/22/2014
I loved this fic! I had been hoping that she'd bump into Waylon but oh well.
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