Reviews for Pistols
Sweetdeath04 chapter 18 . 12/7/2019
I just started re-reading this again today! Oh my word I forgot how much I love them all! Catalina and Hawkeye are the best! And Grumman! That old codger is hilarious! Absolutely brilliant!

I'm going to end up spending the rest of the weekend re-reading all your fics now! They're just as good as I remember!

Tropicallight chapter 18 . 7/17/2019
Oh whoa! It took me long enough to read. That was brilliant. I wish we would have seen more of Riza/Rebecca friendship
promucha chapter 18 . 4/29/2019
One more time - you've done excelent job!

I'm looking forward to read one more chapter on this. I've always thought, that there is too few stories about Rebbeca and Riza. Yours give me answers about their history, what I'm really greatful for.

Are you still going to write FMA fanfics, or are you 'ending' this part of your life? I'm curios - I know that with every year, there are more responsibilities in real life. However, reading your stories... well, I'm feeling like a child once more. Maybe it's because I've reread FMA once more and find, that it played much more role in my life I could ever imagine...

Still, hope you are doing well these days. Congrats of creating awesome backstories!
IarIz chapter 5 . 4/19/2019
LMAO xD i love this girls. or young woman xD
and Riza make perfect wife xD
R.M chapter 18 . 11/14/2018
Oh my god. I was cleaning my bookmarks and then I found that you updated this fic! Aaah! I'm so happy! This chapter is BEAUTIFUL. Straight up, perfect. I love Grumman. I KNEW HE KNEW BECCA WAS LISTENING! He's such a fun character, so quirky but also really, honestly, caring. It's so nice to know Riza finally knows how sincere he is. Aah, but that's not all! I giggled with Riza and Becca trying to put a little act at the beginning. Oh, oh! I also loved the mention of the stuffed bunny and the stuff Grumman hand-makes, and it's so sweet that he's going to take knitting classes from Riza, love the family bonding moments! This is such a good chapter, thanks for writing it! Keep up the lovely job!
WargishBoromirFan chapter 18 . 11/14/2018
So I saw your alphabet series, thought it looked like a cute idea, and then found I'd binged everything else you've published on FFn. I mean, with references from everything from Firefly to Coppelia to Castle in the Air to Harry Potter to Victor Hugo to Miss Congeniality, it's hard not to squee like a hopeless fangirl, and you add in some top-notch friendship moments and great characterization, and I have too much glee to leave this little verse without offering my thanks. (And hopes to see what you post next.)
un4getabl3mem0ries chapter 18 . 8/26/2018
Haha I always like reading about Grumman and his conspiring ways to push Riza & Roy together. This chapter made me think about the military ball chapter in the Alphabet series - always loved how your stories connect :)
Ba-sing-saying chapter 17 . 8/1/2018
I really enjoyed this chapter. I loved how you described the weird change in Roy and Riza’s relationship— professional and distant until for a moment they’re the same two teenagers they once were, and then a wall between them when they realize what’s happening. So good. Also, did you freaking reference Fuery’s chapter in Allegiance by bookwrm389?
long live marshmallows chapter 18 . 7/30/2018
WOHOOOO NEW UPDATE! I actually re-read the whole ff from chapter one and enjoyed doing it xD
LOL I'm loving the Rebecca and Grumman relationship here. Looking forward to more!
Annihilatus chapter 18 . 7/26/2018
Nariko Cooper chapter 18 . 7/23/2018
I found this a very fun chapter. Grumman and Rebecca are just two peas in a pod.
I thought Captain Rogers was familiar; glad I wasn't imagining things :)
Thank you for the chapter!

Guest chapter 18 . 7/17/2018
Omg. I Just love everything in this chapter! You are truly gifted. Cant wait to see when Mustang will discover that Riza is Elizabeth. Xx
lucerokingstone chapter 18 . 7/16/2018
I love how well connected your fics are. I had to go back and read the one about the ball again 3 how do you manage to keep track of all the events?! anyway thanks for yet another fantastic chapter!
ssadropout chapter 18 . 7/16/2018
Poor Rebecca is really caught in the middle. I'm sure that her first loyalty is to Riza, but she will have to be more forthcoming with Grumman. Riza and Rebecca will have to work that out.

I would really like to know when Roy learned that Riza is Grumman's granddaughter! I wish there were canon about this, but it's so much fun to speculate. Yay fan fiction.

It's always such a pleasure to see something from you. You never disappoint.
Guest chapter 18 . 7/16/2018
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