Reviews for Oh the Places You'll Run
DiamondAndPearlStories chapter 18 . 2/16/2019
I didn't realize it had been so long since you last updated! Will you be continuing with this?
ApplesEvilPie chapter 18 . 4/17/2018
Super excited to read some more! I hope there are plenty of updates to follow but if not this was one of my favorite Chekhov-centered fics. :)
Carrot52 chapter 13 . 12/28/2017
This chapter was awesome! A bit intense, but also good, although, whatever happened to his PADD?
Cats and violin chapter 18 . 11/13/2017
This so cool we are finally getting to the movies Chekov is always a win
Sonar chapter 18 . 11/10/2017
Of course everyone knows Sulu will end up on the bridge. Will be amusing when Kirk uses him to make announcements to the bridge crew.
NaginiFay chapter 18 . 11/10/2017
I can't wait to see how embarrassed Sulu is!
somethrandom chapter 17 . 11/4/2017
Happy you updated ! School is a real time cruncher, though. Excited for the next chapter
DiamondAndPearlStories chapter 17 . 11/4/2017
We're coming towards the movies! Just out of curiosity, will you be doing all three? I would love to see their points of views in this story as the movies go on, especially Chekov in both Into Darkness and Beyond.
Cats and violin chapter 16 . 10/3/2017
I'm really enjoying this story
ApplesEvilPie chapter 16 . 10/4/2017
Brotherly love. I love it. Poor Pavel. I really need to fix my relationship with my father, and this makes me realize that. He's just so bull headed and...rude? I don't know. Enough personal stuff. I'm super excited to see what happens next! I hope Mama Chekhov makes it to his graduation.
Maudlin Mush chapter 16 . 10/4/2017
Doctorates are definitely black holes pulling in all available time and then some! But at the end we will all call you 'Doctor Lavender'! Thank you for the update. Debating ethics brought back sooo many memories of my classes - yuck! I also like how Sulu and Chekov have come to being family. Great writing!
Sonar chapter 16 . 10/3/2017
Nicely done.
DiamondAndPearlStories chapter 16 . 10/3/2017
Now I really want to hug Pavel, move over Sulu! That being said, I agree and disagree with negotiations, I think if you are cunning enough, you can settle terms with a terrorist to save lives, but with a bit of genious, you can end up catching the guy too, without him knowing it.
I can not wait for the Sulu warp incident, and Chekov's "I can do zat!" scene!
DiamondAndPearlStories chapter 15 . 9/4/2017
It makes this chapter even funnier to keep in mind that Sulu failed to warp at first in the first movie and Spock had to correct him, although maybe that delay actually saved their lives... nice work, Sulu and Chekov!
Blackthorn Ashe chapter 14 . 8/26/2017
Yayyyy! Pavel!
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