Reviews for Prisoner of love
Erik's Rose chapter 31 . 1/30/2019
Got your wires cross there! Meg marrying Raoul makes Yvonne her niece
Kindest Regards
Child of Dreams chapter 34 . 3/11/2016
(raises eyebrow)
What happened to Bartlett?
Child of Dreams chapter 24 . 3/11/2016
Aminta, not Amanita.
Vardie chapter 39 . 11/8/2015
I've read the whole story in one day and my thoughts are as follows: I liked the story in general, it had a nice beginning. The misunderstood and outcast Erik, the daring and caring Christine, it was totally fun to read up to about the point of their marriage. Afterwards, it kinda got a little too bit... it resembled too much some harlequin/soap opera (I almost expected Meg's identity as a long lost daughter to X to be revealed by some dying grandmother on her deathbed ;) ). The final chapters with all those kids were just not matching the whole concept. And Meg's rape: her fast forgiveness and Raouls change of mind (and heart, from being Christine's fiance to head over heels in love with Meg) unbelievable, unrealistic, too fast.
I do appreciate your effort, though. The story is long and you finished it. And as I've said, i totally liked the first part of the story!
I see you wrote several more stories so I'll probably stick around :) Good luck for the future with your writing!
Pinkybird09 chapter 39 . 8/6/2015
I really love this story! It's certainly one of the best I've read so far!
CharlieBoneFan chapter 39 . 8/2/2015
Nice story.
chaitea.walnuts chapter 5 . 7/19/2015
I'm part way through your story, and i just wanted to say that so far i am thoroughly enjoying it. I usually don't care for Christine, but i am in love with this story, it's going on my favourites list.
afaiths21 chapter 39 . 3/11/2015
This story is wonderful! I love all of it!
Wynni chapter 39 . 11/13/2014
I like this story, barring meg's rape. I just don't see Raoul no matter how drunk capable of that. Unless Bartlett put something in his wine?
darkraistlyn chapter 39 . 10/13/2014
I actually quite enjoyed the AU of this. The two being brothers was a nice switch. I loved that POTO was the play they did. And I loved the fact he switched papers so he would own her for life. He would, too. Excellent.
Steph chapter 39 . 9/14/2014
This is probably one of the best fanfictions I've there were times when some words were worded weirdly and I was confused but overall a great loved the ending and you deserve way more up the great work.
Steph chapter 39 . 9/14/2014
This story is so good, I am completely satisfied with the deserve much more reviews. chapter 39 . 8/12/2014
I absolutely love this story, a lot of the story's writen for phantom of the operah are a rewrite of the ending or a sex scene mostly, so I am glad to find a great story that doesn't follow fully follow the same guidelines as phantom of the operah. Love how this is written and also incorporating the songs and plays into it also. X huge thumbs up :D x
Melstrife chapter 39 . 5/12/2014
You became my new favorite author when you posted all these chapters within a few days! This was an awesome story and I loved every moment! You are a good writer!
Guest chapter 39 . 5/11/2014
I loved it!
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