Reviews for Resurgence
Dj Bobo chapter 40 . 5/29
so, I didn't expect everyone to up an die like that, but God damnit is it not still a ducking fantastic story
Guest chapter 72 . 5/22/2019
Ya know, truth be told, I just loved this. Nothing else to say, thanks for posting this.
Mitsuki Shigamatsu chapter 56 . 8/21/2018
Keep fighting Kayleer!
Mitsuki Shigamatsu chapter 21 . 8/21/2018
Don't worry about Kayleer, Samus, he's very different from the Space Pirates you're familiar with.
Dr. Anonymous1 chapter 1 . 5/22/2018
I don't exaggerate when I say this is probably the best Metroid fanfiction I've ever read, and I strongly recommend it to anyone who's a fan of the series: In addition to being a fantastic story, the way it seamlessly weaves itself into canonical events shows incredible attention to detail in the lore, and does a lot to flesh out the universe established by the games. Furthermore, Cryophase does a stellar job of writing all of the characters (canon or otherwise), giving them understandable motives and flaws that make them feel like real people - even if a character is wholly unsympathetic, you can still see where they're coming from. The main character in particular is a joy to read about and his struggles throughout the narrative make him both endearing and relatable. The dialogue feels natural, the pacing is excellent, and in my opinion this is the perfect way to write a Metroid fanfiction without making the main protagonist Samus or even a human. It's a long read, but more than worth it!
Dr. Anonymous1 chapter 33 . 5/22/2018
I love the way you handled Gandrayda's reveal in this: It was paced really well, with a nice, slow buildup that left me wondering what was going on until everything clicked. Another excellent chapter in an already brilliant fanfiction!
ArtistSans chapter 72 . 3/2/2017
I loved this story. I was sad though by the deaths you kept adding to it and the chaos, but at least it ended with a good story. Thank you for making a great story, and please, just for a request, can you please make another story with the characters? I really want to understand them better. Please make something. :) :3
Titanium Lucas chapter 72 . 1/22/2017
Wow! Its a shame that it has ended. I truely wish that it would go on indefinately.

This story is one of the only stories which actually made me feel for the character/s. It is a strange experience as most of what i read doesnt do this. I feel that you have accomplished so much in this story, and i feel nothing but amazement at your achievement.

This ending was a really interesting choice. I feel the want for the story to go on past this (sequel?). I do not exactly like the sudden drop however. In the previous chapter you said that Kayleer and Tejed were fugitives and now you drop off into a scene where someone who i assume is Kayleer is returning home and continueing the story. Could this mean that you will provide a sequel someday or could it be that you want someone else to pick it up from you? There are too many questions left unanswered that i really hope for a sequel or some other form of media to answer these questions.

Speaking of media, the hyperlinks to your DeviantArt from your profile do not work, at least not from my tablet which directs me back to your profile page.

To conclude, i thank you for this incredible reading experience and i hope that you will be able to continue on this work and turn it into something even more beautiful.
Bspirit chapter 72 . 12/30/2016
The end of a great story, i've been following it since last year and waited for every chapter to pop out. As you said, see you next mission !
MaridiaEQ chapter 72 . 12/23/2016
It was a great read, thanks so much for all your hard work! Endearing ending as well. :)

Have an excellent holiday!
Underscore Overture chapter 72 . 12/24/2016
Like you said, it's strange to see this end. It was strange for this incredible journey to simply stop. This was truly a wonderful story.
Grey Noise chapter 72 . 12/22/2016
Yes, there were rough patches, spots it could have been better, but in the end there is an end, and that counts for a whole lot. I look forward to where your muse takes you in future.

Thanks for writing.
Potatohed chapter 72 . 12/22/2016
Congrats on finishing!
As a fellow author with similarly long unfinished pieces, it's always sort of a mixed celebration to finish something like this. I thought you did well and I look forward to seeing more from you in the future.
Best of Luck,
Count Lazuli chapter 72 . 12/21/2016
Cryophase, it has been an honor reading your tale of a Pirated Soul. But one more thing. I visited your devianart a while back and found artwork of Kaleer caressing a juvenile Luminoth in his hands. Was this a foreshadow to the closing curtains?
The Blue Tigrex chapter 72 . 12/21/2016
Wait...This story is over? I feel stunned...Shocked even...This story has been my bread and butter for some time now, and the fact it's over.
I feel a few tears coming down my eyes.
I think this story is already in my favorites as well...
Man this story...
I don't even know where to begin, but to think its been that long...
Did I even review once before this?
Did I even really show my support?
Just know, I'll try to follow any other stories you make if their as good as this one was.
See you next mission.
And I suppose I should stamp this...

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