Reviews for A Flash of Silver Lightning
notvisiulebliss chapter 33 . 3/27
Copy and Paste that's all your story is at this point... Everyone is just weak so akatsuki and orochimaru could look stronger than they really are
notvisiulebliss chapter 32 . 3/27
At first I thought it was a spelling error... Lose and Loose do not mean the same thing
notvisiulebliss chapter 28 . 3/26
Seems like kasumi was made weak out of conveniences sake I mean this i story and yet now it just feels like I'm watching the anime but with kasumi as the lead ...I'll be honest I got my hopes up too high when I first started reading this annnnnd now I feel disappointed in this story... so much potential for an actual fanfic story wasted... She could have stayed out of konoha to sharpen her skills and yeah itachi and tobi would have killed the uchiha and danzo would have stolen shisui's sharingan but still...(Why is everyone blaming themselves fo that happens around them I mean I get it but at this point the kasumi right now at this moment would feel it's her fault sasuke leaves even though it isnt.. Let's be honest with ourselves sasuke is going to orochimaru the only reason he did in Canon was for revenge but not this time and considering how this story is a Copy and Paste at this point I'll just stop reading it was good when it was an actua c)
notvisiulebliss chapter 6 . 3/26
If I wanted to see the same events I would just watch narufo Canon please don't do this again you actually have a very good concept for this story I mean it isn't too cliche like most other fanfics...
Waking-The-Dead chapter 62 . 1/11
omg I figured the last chapter was the end of the story. I am so glad I reread this. it was absolutely beautiful!
Nellyqt chapter 62 . 12/9/2019
Beautiful. Im just sorry you didn't focus on Kakashi nearly as much as Kasumi. The last sentence says the Hatake siblings are the best shinobi the world's ever seen, yet throughout the story you made Kakashi look almost incompetent, unable to decide by himself And overaly relaying on Kasumi. And Kasumi was on the other hand rediculously overpowered And godlike. there was no balance. She would do some unimaginable feat not even the legends could begin to understand, sacrifacing herself in the procesy, hurt herself badly and then miraculously heal with no repercussions just to save the day again. it was all very predictable after the first two times. otherwise you had very beautiful heartbreaking moments and the angst was really seeping through soud words. beautiful story. We need more stories focused on the Hatake! Thank you for your hard work.
Greetings from the Czech republic
cathyscloud9 chapter 62 . 11/27/2019
Loved your story! Thank you for writing it
WolfenVaHeron chapter 12 . 11/17/2019
And if this follows close enough to canon, we all know Obito is still alive cuz Madara
DetectiveBiggs98 chapter 62 . 11/16/2019
️️️️ loved it!
Mariusz1988 chapter 62 . 11/15/2019
It's awesome that you've returned. Is the story finished?
Mariusz1988 chapter 61 . 7/30/2019
Awesome work. There were times I cryed and there were times I laughed, but it ends now. It was a good read.
Guest chapter 61 . 5/18/2018
This is my favourite fanfic I have ever read. Thank you for bringing this story into this world.
GreenTeaAndPocky chapter 48 . 1/4/2018
Also, just realized I’ve been translating her name as Mizu (water) this entire time but it’s actually spelt with an s. Sorry
GreenTeaAndPocky chapter 47 . 1/4/2018
Normally I keep reviews till the end but I couldn’t keep quiet anymore. WHY DID YOU SET UP SO MUCH HEARTBREAK FOR MEEEEEEE like honestly all this shit with mizu could have been avoided if Shisui and Kasumi has just gotten together from the beginning. You could’ve even worked in some cute fluff where Shisui is chasing after Kasumi and gosh I just want to punch a wall and cry.

Now that I’ve calmed down some, I can kind of see why you would put in Mizu, because Kasumi wasn’t really in a good mindset/ wasn’t ready for a relationship, but I think Shisui could have helped fix that. This whole relationship feels like an afterthought to me now, just unnecessary drama for them.

Also, the earlier chapters have wonky timelines. Maybe it all actually works out, but I feel like if Kasumi really IS that important to everyone, they would have noticed her absence sooner (ex. During the war). I get that everyone is heckin busy because it’s not JUST her that’s fighting this war, but if they all have breaks there should be a moment where someone, probably Minato, just asks, hey where’s Kasumi? I understand that maybe they just assumed that she had a different schedule but still.. it’s just a little bit unbelievable to me and kind of made me stop for a bit when I was reading it.

Also in your earlier chapters Kasumi called herself imouto, referring to the fact that she’s his older sister, but imouto actually means younger sister. Aneki is the word you’re looking for.

Otherwise, I’ve been enjoying everything (tho tbh I really just crave Kasumi and Shisui fluff even though I know it’s not realistic). Sorry if I sound like I’m flaming (I might be a little bit and not even know it), just my honest thoughts and criticism. Looking forwards to finishing this!
Guest chapter 61 . 9/12/2017
Beautiful ending. It really fit with the story. Cant wait for the next story Whatever it may be.
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