Reviews for Heritage for the Future
jenifer7angle chapter 6 . 3/18/2017
where the next chapter tgought?
jenifer7angle chapter 6 . 3/18/2017
where the next chapter tgought?
jenifer7angle chapter 1 . 3/17/2017
where the next chapter tgought?
Guest chapter 6 . 3/9/2015
good story... now im just askin... is the fluff train going to steam into town when this story is over? (pleeeease) :) ok. you have a good plot but the tension is almost too much. another request is that you please dont dillydally about with the eventual realization that F is fox and 'her' is krystal and there is a massive web connecting all the characters other than that good story!
FoxFloss chapter 6 . 11/22/2014
This story is truly amazing, I can't wait for the next installment! This story stood out to me in so many ways. First of all, I strangely adored the hidden relationship between Marcus and the mysterious, "Master F." It was no suprise that It struck an emotional chord within me when Master F tragically informed Marcus of the disease that was slowly killing him. This just goes to show how truly talented you are in terms of writing. Furthermore, I sense a hint of irony within the story, irony in that Marcus never truly knew his father. However, my suspicions are fueled by my constant belief that the mysterious, "Master F." Is actually Marcus' father. However, this is just a hunch and I have no factual evidence of yet that can prove my theory is correct, that is totally up to you to decide how that pans out. Secondly, I'd like to applaud you for the astounding plot. Usually, I get compelled to read similar stories and to not venture out into unknown genres such as this one. In other words, the plot, in it's entirety, is original and refreshing! Third, I loved the "dialogue" in the sense that every character had their own personality. Every character had their own motives and thoughts. To conclude, (because I know this was dastardly long) the story in its entirety rocked! I'd like nothing more from you then to continue this. (at your own pace of course, no rush.)
Thank you, Exengo for another amazing read!
bryan mccloud chapter 6 . 10/9/2014
you know what, bill, falco, katt and most likely peppy knows that marcus is using fox's mother

i can tell fox dye his fur so that it is even harder to look for him.

if marcus got a picture of F and somehow he shows it to...i wonder what will happen.

also if krystal were to read marcus mind, i think she will help marcus get the herb.
Xenobladez chapter 5 . 9/2/2014
OMG! I'm so glad that you're back! Now that Marcus added Falco and Katt to his voyage, I wonder what other info they'll reveal to each other. And that 'her' mentioned in passing from Falco? Can it be a certain female whose relevance to the story will eventually be revealed? Woot, can't wait to see what else you'll have planned. Please keep updating!
Troy Groomes chapter 5 . 9/3/2014
what would be a real tear jerker if Krystal & Marcus went to Mr. F's place and talkd things out
Foxxychan chapter 3 . 5/19/2014
Is Fox gonna die of cancer or some terminal illness!? Well i cant wait for the next updates, this is a dark yet interesting story, i'd like to know more about what happened to Star Fox and so, gonna keep reading!
bryan mccloud chapter 2 . 5/7/2014
well, someone already guesses what i wanted to say but i really agree with him that krystal is maybe dead and along with fox's unborn son.

the problem is that you only gives us the month and the day of the month but not the year.

so for all i know, krystal may still be alive but kick fox out of his life
Troy Groomes chapter 2 . 5/6/2014
F being Fox & that blue Vixen is Krystal right [ & let me guess march 23rd she either passed away or was killed ?
bryan mccloud chapter 1 . 5/5/2014
how come marcus no family? is he lying?
Troy Groomes chapter 1 . 5/4/2014
Fox's son?

real sweet intro