Reviews for Bar
Morris Kenyon chapter 10 . 6/25/2014
Good ending. What a stubborn pair they were, but they would never have worked as a team. Sword and Sorcery is no longer my genre now but I really enjoyed this story and thought it was well written and exciting.
Morris Kenyon chapter 9 . 6/25/2014
Bar is a right charmer isn't he? A real babe-magnet. Not. Again, tense and exciting and you ramp up expectations and I like the phrase 'insolent slowness'.
Morris Kenyon chapter 8 . 6/25/2014
Great fight scene - I could imagine every blow and parry, and you got across their exhaustion and also their indomitable characters. Very well written and exciting.
Morris Kenyon chapter 5 . 6/25/2014
Not the most subtle proposal of marriage of all time. Wine? Romantic Music? Dinner? Chocolates? Flowers? (Not even from the local BP filling station)

Nah - just come out with it.

Seriously, your use of dialogue is excellent, especially bringing out Sonja's past.
Morris Kenyon chapter 4 . 6/23/2014
I've read the first few chapters and will carry on with this exciting and well written story. It reminds me of the days I spent reading Conan etc under the desk at school. There is plenty of action, excitement and good use of dialogue. It doesn't drag or get boring. There's nothing to improve - this is an excellent example of the 'Sword & Sandals' genre. Keep up your writing.
Ajax chapter 10 . 5/10/2014
Fantastic read. That was a very superb rendition of a credible foe for Sonja, and the back and forth between their psychologies was very well counterpointed with the action. The ending was poignant for Sonja's feelings here. Well done.