Reviews for Golden Gods
Guest chapter 103 . 8/21
Are you still writing this story? I'd love to know what happens next!
freefall-gypsy chapter 1 . 1/2
I'm sorry this isn't a review for this story I only clicked in to ask Why didn't you put OC as one of your Character filters, I put in exclude OC characters in filters yet from you and so far 16 others on the first page alone have according to you summaries have OC centric stories that you haven't Put OC as a Character for, sorry about this I am just annoyed that I have to wade through OC stories to find a story That I want to read.
Sunstreaker's Girl chapter 103 . 12/31/2019
Another great chapter... I can't wait to read the next one.
I'm glad Goldstreak is so comfortable with Sunny now. I was getting worried that she would never get back with him.
SarahBloomSakura chapter 103 . 12/28/2019
AWWWWW MAN! dude I’m so pumped that you updated holy crap. This chapter was amazing! Can I just say that Sunstreaker is so hot when he is possessive. Like god damn. Anyways, is it just me but the mark on Sunnys arm. Is that actually real. Like I feel really dumb I don’t remember anything like that. Please don’t be offended, my memory is just complete shit! I love the chapter and I can’t wait for more! Happy belated Christmas and I hope you have a really amazing New Year! 3
Akgheera chapter 103 . 12/27/2019
Absolutely wonderful read as always! Thank you for the holiday gift of an update! I was driving with my friend when I saw the update and I actually screamed when I got the notification haha.

I love the mystery of Silvershot's return and I cannot wait to see what happens! I personally loved his character and miss him dearly, so to have him back, even in memory, is well used and well received. The romance in this chapter was much needed after so much angst; both characters needed a break. I love Gold and Sunny together. I like the take on rekindling their relationship, and how so much is remembered even though Gold can't actually place it. Reading the characters falling in love with each other all over again is touching and well executed. I cannot wait for the next installment and see where the journey takes us next time!

Bit of a sporadic review, but it is a busy time of the year! I hope you had a lovely holiday season and a fabulous end of the year! Wishing all the best for you and hope to hear from you soon! Feel free to reach out if you ever need a friendly voice :D

Till next time,
M3gan15xo chapter 102 . 12/17/2019
My goodness, this fic is so damn good! I full on devoured it in a few days, and like, now I don’t know what to do with myself ;) What a journey! I love how you write everyone, especially Sunny and Gold, and how engaging and enveloping your writing style is I haven’t been so captivated over a book like this in a good long while, and it was such an intense read! Absolutely brilliant! I’m so thankful you plan to continue updating this story, and I very much look forward to your next chapter! So until then, thank you again, happy holidays, and all the best! Xoxo
Sunstreaker's Girl chapter 102 . 10/20/2019
Good chapter. I especially liked how Gold fought/trained with Sunny. I'm getting frustrated with her selective amnesia though. Either she has all her memories or none at all. How can she remember the first portion of her life and not the last?
SarahBloomSakura chapter 102 . 10/10/2019
Holy. Crap. This chapter was amazing! Welcome back author-Chan! I hope you are well! I really love the way Sunstreaker is with Goldstreak! I really find endearing that he won’t give up on her during her weakest moment. Not only that but the level of protectiveness gets shows in this chapter warms my heart. I really can’t wait for the next chapter, and don’t worry no rush! I’ll be here waiting for whatever amount of time you take a break! Sometimes authors need to take a break and are back to get a bit of fresh air. But until then author-chan~
Akgheera chapter 102 . 10/9/2019
It's a crazy thought that this story has been around for five years. Reading through it the countless times I have, you can tell how the story has matured in writing and concept. I applaud you for not giving up and pushing through. It means a lot to your readers and fans.

As for this chapter...holy moly the shift in everyone is so interesting! The ruse that Gold is still Gold is an interesting approach and I'm looking forward to seeing how it will pan out! Sunstreaker's shift in character says a lot and I appreciate the development you've given his character over time. Having him not be egotistical and vain in a situation regarding his appearance was shocking yet heartwarming. I hope for his sake (as well as mine) Gold remembers everything soon, or at least they work things out and have their happiness back. Great chapter and I can't wait for the next one!

You never seize to amaze and I still get that giddy feeling Everytime I see this fic be updated. Thank you for updating! I hope things are calming down a little bit and you're finding more time for yourself. I wish you the best of luck on life's endeavors and look forward to another chapter soon!

All the best,

charles2tu chapter 101 . 5/18/2019
Pls update soon
Sunstreaker's Girl chapter 101 . 5/13/2019
This was a sweet chapter. I'm glad Sunny and Goldstreak were getting along. I'm also glad their bond is repaired. That will make Sunstreaker calmer and happier. Great chapter!
Carly1580 chapter 101 . 5/12/2019
This chapter was so cute! I loved how Sunstreaker still loves Goldstreak after all of this chaos. Continue with the good work!
SarahBloomSakura chapter 101 . 5/12/2019
OMG, AHHH SUNNY'S POV! I loved it so much! This chapter was so heartwarming (at least to me it was). I love the way Sunny thinks and I just love to hear how much Gold means to Sunny :) I really loved the chapter, thank the gods Gold is feeling something about her spark. I thought for sure the bone itself was broken. I can't wait for the next chapter! Until then author-chan~
Zeta-Asteri chapter 98 . 4/27/2019
Ahhh Goldstreak is back OwO I'm so happy but Sunny is being a pessimist about it! ;;w;;

Also my username used to be Lunabee23 (Just wanted to let you know :D)
ZoraShah chapter 100 . 3/25/2019
Guess who binge read this entire fic? This girl, and this is honestly one of my favourite fanfictions of all time - THANK YOU THANK YOU for continuing to update this wonderful story

The amnesia arc (?) is a super interesting turn, and I can’t wait to read more !
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