Reviews for An Aptitude for Infatuation
Perilbutterfly chapter 1 . 8/11/2017
I LOVE this Akashi too. Oh my! He's so endearing and my god Furihata is just as cute. I find it disappointing though. I want to see quite a few talent show scene too. Oh well
mypastnobodybussiness chapter 1 . 5/2/2014
simply funny and well deserved for Furithata
that boy been growing up and not everyone notice it, too much focusing on the "Miracles" XD
anyway if there's a sequel to this one, would definately waiting for it :)
love your story
thnx for your hard work
bOok-intruder14 chapter 1 . 5/2/2014
Great ! This make me actually smile while reading. Nice plot and hey now i want to read the “everybody else is plotting revenge” thing. Ever think of that?
subterfuges chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
Guess who-! :)

Hi, boo! I know I said this via text, but ah! Sui, I wish I was able to express how much I love this! I read it again and it kept me smiling the whole time! Your humor is so great and I'm jealous, eeee! And did I already tell you how much I love your writing-your humor, your romance, your angst, too? Because I really do and I wish I had your skills, hun! :')

(I need to write more like you! I've been wanting to write because of you ahh ; u; -!)

You're such a wonderful authoress and a lovely lady! Thank you for the laugh and the fic, and fantastic work! I love you so much!
Rin chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
Thanks for another Furihata fanfic :D i really love it ;)
Guest chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
I really really love this.. I swear! XD Thank you for writing this! this is a blessing. a FURI HAREM is 3
thecoldforest chapter 1 . 4/29/2014
Ah, this is great! Thank you for this!