Reviews for The Day After The Day Of The Larry's
Guest chapter 1 . 9/17/2016
thank u for this bro
Jackie-SugarSkull chapter 1 . 5/4/2015
Oh, thank you for doing this!

The ending of that particular episode always bugged me too! This makes me feel a whole lot better!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/24/2015
That's just a awesome story :) It could have happened definitely. I always wondered if the Larry at the ending was the true Larry or just an imposter. Apparently, as the following episodes showed a state back to the normal, it meant that the true Larry came back sorta. We would never know unfortunately. but good thing
frumouttamimind chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
Amusing, despite the fact I've never heard of or seen the show when it was on (a case of here it is, there it goes I guess. So many toons to choose from, so many missed). From an internet check, it appears I missed a goodie if you read viewer opinions. Critical opinions vary but who listens to critics (except Ebert/Siskel *both dead* and other snobs #who oughta be dead#) *and especially, who listens to fanfic reader critics? In fact, what other ff reader reads other ff readers opinions except their own? I do! So there! NYAH!* (BTW: This doesn't count the ff writer of the story who reads ALL the reviews of their story-Gotcha BS! Now you've nothing to reply to my comments because I replied to all of them before you could! NYAH NYAH AGAIN! XP )