Reviews for Because I Love You
Das gut chapter 5 . 6/19/2019
Pretty good
Female Trouble chapter 1 . 7/28/2016
Thanks for your kindness,I've completed a Japanese translation of 'Because I Love You'.
I gave it the Japanese title 'だって貴女が好きだから Datte Anata-ga Suki-dakara', and uploaded to 'pixiv'.

. ?id7056420

I appreciate your nice work!
Guest chapter 5 . 2/21/2016
Whoa, Jerry Maguire allusion in the final scene! Seriously, imnsho this is the definitive Reisen fic on this site. Excellent job.
Bildo Daggins chapter 5 . 12/23/2015
The story was good. I liked it a lot. You write very well. Thank you for writing this.
BiscuitChan chapter 4 . 1/27/2015
A few months ago I played a few of the Touhou games, and finally feel a teensy-bit more qualified to review this after a recent full read-through.

I think last time I mentioned how I felt your character voices were similar to eachother in older stories (sorry about that review again, it was a silly thing.) Reading this, the characters are a lot more distinct. Tewi stands out, but everyone seems to have their own obvious personality.

As always your writing style is fantastic and really enjoyable. I normally skip erotic scenes because most of them end up like uninformed wish-fulfillment, but yours are interesting and not clumsy.

"Blue ovaries" had me laughing for a while. So wrong, but so right.

Overall plot is a bit over-the-top especially with the fighting, but the setting is just as wacky, so that's fine. Awesome work.
Orotigen chapter 5 . 9/3/2014
Cute story awesomely written, about a pairing that needs more love. Nice work.
Blade 13 chapter 5 . 8/13/2014
Cute, fluffy, sexy. Tewi is hilarious.
It's So Crisp chapter 5 . 8/13/2014
I wanted to make a quick hit and run to let you know that despite the late review, I did indeed follow this, and I loved it.

As usual, the final chapter's love scene was a thing of beauty. So nice to read a lesbian love scene written by an actual lesbian - it flows so well, and the passion jumps off the screen.

While I found both Reisen and Youmu likable, my favorite character wound up being Tewi. She's such a smart-ass, and it's hysterical.

Looking forward to your next posting - crossing my fingers that it's the sixth chapter of Tokyo Intermezzo. :DDD

Musician74 chapter 5 . 7/29/2014

I've been wondering all evening how to start off this review without sounding like an idiot, but it was harder than I thought (so I opted for this instead? Yeah, great choice, yo. Ahem.)

First of all, as I'd expect from any written piece from you, this is was nothing short of amazing. I enjoyed every bit of it. I've felt every emotion you've tried to provoke- anger, sadness, happiness, and many more- as you have always been able to.
Perhaps I never said it enough, perhaps I said it too much, but I've always had fun and love reading your stuff, but knowing this was dedicated to me, gives it that extra special feeling.

It took me a while to read this, mainly because of recent my struggles, but also because I was sort of scared. On one hand if I read it, it would be over and that thought alone is scary. On the other I could finally read and finish it and know how you came to a resolve.
I finally just gave up being selfish and started reading it this afternoon, followed by quite a lengthy thought process on what to write you to show my gratitude.

You know, weeks ago I had this thought of writing a really long review displaying my thoughts on certain parts and the like, but my words are falling short, and I feel like it would just cheapen what you've given me, anyway.
So instead of doing all of that, I want to say thank you so much. For everything.
I'm sorry I can no longer assist you on your writing journey, but I will say you've chosen no one better to replace me. Good job to you, Grey Voice.

Keep doing what you're doing, because I think you're more than capable.

Forever your fan,

Giratina Zero chapter 5 . 7/25/2014
Not bad. I pray you continue since this is my fav Touhou pairing
Krazyfanfiction1 chapter 5 . 7/18/2014
amazing chapter as always. ever going to write that thing about Cirno and the others?

keep up the good work as alwasy
Anonymous Gun Nut chapter 4 . 6/20/2014
Try not to cry - read new chapter - cry a lot.

That bit with the ribbon is just too sweet, but I don't think I'll be ready for Chapter 5.

It's a bit jarring seeing a couple "almost seventy" and "eighty-one," respectively, in the midst of their first love blooming. I guess that's young in Gensokyo years.
Tau Warlord chapter 4 . 6/20/2014

Love conquers all, especially in Touhou!
Krazyfanfiction1 chapter 4 . 6/19/2014
awwww the made up.
amazing chapter as always, well worth the wait

keep up the good work as always
It's So Crisp chapter 3 . 6/8/2014
Sorry for the delayed review - the end of the semester was crazy.

More good stuff in this chapter. I had a feelingTewi was going to play tricks, but wow. Talk about causing mayhem. As one reviewer mentioned, it hurt to see Youmu reject Reisen like that. And of course, you left us with another cliffhanger. Thanks a lot. :D

Don't worry about the purists. Sure, they may find reason to pick apart your understanding of canon, but that doesn't affect the fact that the writing in this piece is stellar.

Next chapter is the final one, yes? Looking forward to it!

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