Reviews for What to expect when you weren't expecting
godess bubbles chapter 7 . 1/4
aww I'm dying for cuteness overload. I swear they belong together.
selenia7 chapter 1 . 12/18/2018
So sweet and so tender, I gonna cry :')
Orionne hale potter stilinski chapter 7 . 11/22/2018
Neko-fire demon tempest chapter 7 . 11/9/2016
Really loved this but I really want to know who made her.
Sketchy-d00d chapter 7 . 9/30/2015
That last line though XD -Cat.
Sketchy-d00d chapter 5 . 9/30/2015
*starts singing* oh ho ho, it's magic, you know, never believe it's not so! -Cat.
Sketchy-d00d chapter 4 . 9/30/2015
Sketchy-d00d chapter 3 . 9/30/2015
The easiest way I'm coming up with finding the actual parents is a DNA test. But then half of me is wanting baby Laura to be Derek and Stiles' baby... -Cat.
Sketchy-d00d chapter 2 . 9/30/2015
The Fae have the power to give magical gifts like her. Or witches. And not all Fae would leave a changeling. That's only if the Fae child is ill and they want a healthy baby. Or if the want to cause mischief. But again, Stiles didn't have a baby to begin with so a changeling is far from an answer.

Deaton, are you able to do a blood test to see if it's somehow related to them? My mind keeps going back to a Fae taking blood from both Stiles and Derek and forging a child with their DNA sequences, mixed together like that of any other child of mother and father. Stiles being the mother of course.

Maybe get Mama McCall to run a blood test? She knows about the supernatural, she wouldn't be exactly comfortable if the tests came back positive for the kid to have both their DNAs but still.

It's sad that I had to look up Sugar Daddy even though this is only the hundredth time Stiles has said it to Derek or Peter in a fic :\ so yeah... I'm lame -Cat.
Sketchy-d00d chapter 1 . 9/30/2015
I got like halfway through the chapter and a thought starte running through my head: What bird lays it's eggs in other nests? Google tells me it's a cuckoo, maybe what they're dealing with is a cuckoo type creature? Which, in hindsight, really doesn't make much sense because Stiles doesn't have his own child and has no clue how to deal with one. Which would ultimately put the cuckoo's efforts at a loss...

Allison's not dead!? *cries* so happy! I hated her death scene. I hate reading stories where she's dead. I think I have one draft where she is dead... I could be wrong though. But most of my drafts she's not.

Lies, Stiles. You know you're staring at his arse. I know I would be. I accidentally paused an episode and Derek's arse was the focus of the screen. I have a screen shot XD (Supernatural fans: Yeah right, accidents for happen accidentally.)

Malia's gone!? I probably shouldn't be as happy as I am x3

Cute baby Laura! -Cat.
zayabeldraga chapter 7 . 7/24/2015
too cute 3
AliceCullenBis chapter 7 . 3/11/2015
Oh my god I read that and I love it so much ! This story is adorable, funny and cute. And I really love it.
Really good job, girl !
Thanks for that beautiful fiction :)
Maykits chapter 7 . 1/21/2015
Very cute!
Kunohichi8 chapter 7 . 11/26/2014
So sweet!
C van Zyl chapter 7 . 11/13/2014
I had to restrain myself from laughing aloud in public while I was reading this on my phone. This story is so adorable and funny!
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