Reviews for Tsune ni ite, kyuu ni awasu
ShiaWarner chapter 28 . 9/18/2019
You can't do this to me! I am at work I can't make a sound!
Don't ask why I am reading a fanfiction at work.
prn chapter 28 . 7/26/2018
Unfortunately all good things must come to an end so it's only proper that at this juncture I express my gratitude for composing this exceptionally well crafted piece of creative writing! The premise on which you brought the two protagonists together is flawless and the way in their relationship develops including the emotional and interpersonal conflicts that occur along the way all feel totally organic and correspond with their respective backgrounds/prior history. However where this work truly excels is in its characterisation and dialogue, Simon: witty, intelligent, proud, intimidating with archaic and verbose modes of speech Athena: charismatic, exuberant, energetic, impulsive but more restrained.
OnYourRight chapter 11 . 2/27/2018
Your mother and I did, on occasion, indulge in... recklessness and used real blades without protective gear."

My head is BELOW the fucking gutter! I need some help.
Guest chapter 28 . 8/7/2017
oh my goodness, the amount of times during this story i actually laughed out loud from your dialogue! this was soooo good, and fun to read. thank you so much for putting in all the hard work to write this.
Schneeengel chapter 28 . 3/16/2016
Da ich auf deinem Profil gelesen habe, dass deine Muttersprache Deutsch ist, denke ich, ich kann auch in dieser mein Feedback abgeben. Ist so einfacher für mich, als meine Gedanken auf Englisch zu formulieren. ;)
[Ich hoffe, du hast die Sprache da drüben nicht verlernt! :D]

Das ist zugegeben die erste Geschichte, die ich bei dir gelesen habe und ich muss sagen, mir gefällt dein Schreibstil wirklich sehr!
Auch wenn ich manche Szenen etwas langatmig fand, z.B. sehr lange Schwertübungen, da ich mich in diesem Bereich überhaupt nicht auskenne und auch mit dem Glossar, den du an einem Kapitelende gepostet hast, trotzdem immer nur die Hälfte verstanden habe. Aber da ich von vornerein wusste, dass mich so etwas erwartet, trifft dich da keine Schuld.
Ich hätte mir allerdings gewünscht, dass Widget häufiger zum Einsatz gekommen wäre. Ich find ihn einfach zu lustig und fand seine Einlagen, die du zu Anfang geschrieben hast, sehr passend und unterhaltsam. Dafür war ich sehr begeistert darüber, wie du die verschiedenen Fähigkeiten von z.B. Athena und Apollo mit eingebunden hast.
Was mir auch gefallen hat, war, dass du bestimmte Szenen aus verschiedenen Sichten geschrieben hast, damit man quasi in die Köpfe der Personen in diesem Moment reinschauen kann und dass du versucht hast, die Charaktere so wiederzugeben wie sie wirklich sind, also nicht OoC.

Die Story war im Ganzen sehr süß und auch das "Zusatzkapitel" sehr zufriedenstellend. :P
Ich denke, ich werde mir auch einige deiner anderen Stories durchlesen!

Ps. Solltest du irgendwann die Idee haben, mal eine Story auf Deutsch zu schreiben, einen Leser hättest du schon mal! :)
monoprotic chapter 28 . 11/26/2015
I love everything about this fanfic and it's probably my favorite of all so far!
A Non-Moose chapter 28 . 9/13/2015
I didn't even realize I was unto Cykesquill until I read this. Fantastic job. You have a great way with words and if you're ever interested in writing works professionally, I would say go for it!
Ivaleen chapter 28 . 7/27/2015
You are amazing.
Your story is amazing.
Everything is amazing.
Cutiecat chapter 28 . 10/17/2014
I loved this story! Ah! It was so cute yet sexy, and all around amazing! I found myself blushing more than a couple of times from the first two qualities. I think i'll have to look into your stories on the other website, too :) I really should have reviewed every chapter, but I don't know if I would've left anything worth putting. I read this story late into last night after starting at the beginning in the afternoon, and put off this chapter till today. So, my ability to concentrate on writing a review, especially as it got later into the night and I got tired, was very lacking.

Haha, I almost wish that I didn't have plans to hang out with a friend tomorrow so I could read more fanfics, but I know I'm running out of cykesquill ones to read. How depressing! There should exist far more cykesquill stories than there are. I should try writing one if I can work up the courage to... And if I get an idea... Sorry, I'm just talking to myself, now. Back to your story, I adored it and look forward to reading more of your works.
Lita Snow chapter 28 . 9/12/2014
Ahhh I absolutely adored this! It's super cute at the end, and I loved the overarching kenjutsu plot.
Kat chapter 28 . 9/2/2014
This was awesome! You didn't seem to change the characters form who they were originally you just expounded on them. There was JUST the right amount of "mature" content that I didn't feel inundated but I was still pleasantly surprised.
A really great piece of work! I will be checking out your other stories!
angrypixels chapter 28 . 8/21/2014
Hahahah you got me squealing like a fangirl while reading this
Sylla chapter 28 . 8/21/2014
This. This right here. This is, hands down, my favourite Cykesquill story on this site. Comedy, drama, heartwarming moments, unbelievably well-written smut... it has it all! (The extra chapter in the AO3 version, my goodness.) That in addition to some high-quality prose and a firm grasp of characterisation.

I'm definitely adding this to my favourites both here and on AO3. Fantastic.
TinyTurian chapter 4 . 7/10/2014
Damn, I'm only three chapters in and this is already the best AA fic I've read since The Rest of the Pieces. Seriously, this is the cykesquill story I've wanted to read (and tried and failed to write) ever since I played Dual Destinies, and you've just nailed It. Amazing job.
Ai Star chapter 28 . 6/16/2014
LOL! I can't stop laughing! XD
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